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1UnitUnit 1 1 OlympicOlympic HistoryHistory readingreadingBook 5 Unit 1 课时:1 课时 课题名称Unit 5 Reading三维目标To summarise the main idea and retell the passageTo learn some words and expressions about the Olympic GamesTo know more differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games重点目标难点目标导入示标Lead in1. Greeting as usaul2What do you know about Olympic History?学做思一:学做思一:SkimmingSkimming forfor generalgeneral informationinformationAsk Ss to read the passage and then complete the table with the information from the text at P3学做思二:学做思二:ScanningScanning forfor specialspecial informatioinformation nAsk ss to read the passage carefully and then.1. Choose the correct answer.(1)What did the ancient Greeks value? A. Freedom. B. Money. C. Peace. D. Competition. (2)When were women allowed to take part in the modern Olympic Games? A. In 1896. B. In 1900. C. In 1908. D. In 1924. (3)Why did the ancient Greeks hold the Olympic Games? A. To become stronger. B. To fight with their enemies.C. To respect the soldiers. D. To worship the gods and heroes.(4)Where were the first Summer Youth Olympics held? A. In Rome. B. In Singapore. C. In Toronto. D. In England(5)What happened in 1976? A. The winter sports were added to the Olympic Games held in Rome. 3B. The first Paralympic summer games were held in Rome.C. The first Paralympic Winter Games were held in Sweden. D. The disabled soldiers in England competed in the Winter Olympic Games2Decide the following statements are true (t) of flase(F)(1)The ancient Greeks believed in the concept of competition; the athletes competed for honour and for material goods as well.(2)Some of the rules and playing conditions in the ancient Olympics have been passed down and can be found in the modern Olympics.(3) The ancient Olympic Games stopped immediately when Greece came under the rule of the Romans.(4) Womens sports developed greatly at the very beginning of the modern Olympics.(5)In 1976 the first Paralympic Summer Games took place in Sweden.(6)Only athletes between the ages of 16 and 18 can take part in the Youth Olympic Games.学做思三:学做思三:CarefulCareful readingreading1 分析下一句: (1)An olive wreath as the only prize given at Olympia suggested that the athletes competed for honour, not for material goods. 翻译下列句子(1)他说的话表明他是个骗子。 What he said suggested that he was a cheat. (2)乌云暗示着要下雨。 The dark clouds suggest that its going to rain.(3)被我儿子打破的玻璃已经扫走了The glass broken by my son has been swept away.(2)Many of those games are the ancestors of our modern Olympic Games and had rules and playing conditions modern athletes would not be unfamiliar with.(3)Begining in 1994, it was decided that the Winter Olympic Games 2would be in different years from the Summer Games, so now there are the Olympic Games every two years, alternating winter and summer.达标检测I. complete the passage with the words that can help you retell the textThe first recorded ancient Olympic Games were held in 776 BC in ancient Greece and _ closely _ _ the worship of the gods and heroes. The ancient Greeks were highly competitive and believed strongly in the _ _ competition. All aspects of life, especially athletices, _ _ _ this concept. An olive wreath as the only prize given at Olympia suggested that the athletes _ _ honour.In 393 AD, a Roman emperor stopped the Games. But the symbolic power of the Games lived on and _ _ _ again in modern times.Winter sports were _ _ the Olympic Games in 1908. In 1976, the first Paralympic Winter Games _ _ in Sweden.反思总结1.知识建构2.能力提高3.课堂体验课后练习
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