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1UnitUnit 3 3 PowerfulPowerful MusicPeriodMusicPeriod 2 2 ReadingReading章节: Book 2 Unit 3 课时:1 课时 课题名称Unit 3 Period 2 Reading (1)三维目标1. Students get to know the main idea of the passage.2. Students learn to read passages by skimming, scanning and reading between the lines.3. Students learn to care about others, be ready to help others and be a person with love.重点目标Students read the passage by skimming and scanning.难点目标 Encourage the students to predict the main idea with the help of title and picture when they do the reading. Train the students to use some reading skills (scan, skim, etc) tosolve different kinds of questions.导入示标目标三导学做思一:Step1 Lead-in (5 mins)1) Brain-storming: List some types of music2) Listening and guessing: Listen to some excerpts from several songs and guess what kind of music they belong to.3) the right answer : classical music; country music; pop music; rap; jazz4) Discussing and speaking: W Which type of music is your partners favorite one?How can it help you in their daily life?offer the students an example as the following: eg. My favorite music is country music; I often listen to it when I go traveling by train, because it can remind me of some good memories 2about yesterday设计意图:该部分作为阅读前的热身,让学生熟悉相关词汇,为阅读做好知识方面的准备。同时,借助于多媒体,结合图片和听音乐,对学生形成刺激,目的在于激活学生已有的关于音乐方面的知识,为激发学生的阅读兴趣做好准备Step2: Predicting (group work 5 mins)1) Cast the picture of Page 33 on the screen and say, “Today we are going to read a new passage, its title is A Violin and the Law. Now look at the picture and guess who they are and what the passage will talk about? ”2)Let the students talk about the photo in groups. (Who? where? why? when? / what will the passage talk about?)设计意图:新课标提倡无论阅读前的预测正确与否,都离阅读的内容进了一步。同时,利于培养学生养成读前预测的好习惯。Step 2.Learn something about Mother Teresa by reading the materials at P83 Getting Ready 2学做思二:Step3: Scanning (Individual work 5 mins)1)Now let the students scan the passage to finish the multi-choice questions:Who is Cal Richards? (A)A. He is an armed and dangerous killer.B. He plays the violin best in the area.How did David feel when he crossed the room? (A)A. He felt sweat on his forehead.B. He thought he was a welcome visitor.The old man said to David, “Youre a decent guy?” (B)A. goodB. respectableWhat wo uld the old man do at last? (A)3A. He would persuade his son to give himself up.B. He would still stop David from arresting his son.Scanning: when we read to find information, we move our eyes quickly across the passage, we dont read every word or stop when we see a word we dont understand. We look for the information we want to find.2) Help the students to guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions.3) Review and learn the key words and useful expressions in the textcabin n. 小木屋 armed adj.带有武器的sign n.征兆;前兆hatred n.讨厌;憎恨forehead n.前额;脑门tune n.曲子;歌曲decent adj. 可敬的设计意图:通过该环节培养学生运用 scanning 这一阅读技巧有效检索有效信息的能力。并教学生运用构词法,在语境中猜测生单词的含义。Step4: Careful reading (Competition 15 mins)The students will be divided into 4 groups. Cooperate with their group members and answer the chosen different types of questions, and the loser will receive a “gift” (giving a performance after class).1) Questions of Group OnePlease decide whether each of the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).David was a policeman who played the violin well. (T) The old man still pointed his gun at David after hearing David play the violin. (F) The old man finally took his son to the police station. (T) 2) Questions of Group Twopoint sth. at 以某物瞄准/对着 catch sight of 看见. give way to. 为所代替 beat time 打节拍 die away 渐渐消失 give oneself up 放弃;自首4First go through Para 3, then close your books. Listen to the tape carefully and fill in the blanks The old man stood there, (attracted). The hatred in his eyes was (giving away to) a look of wonder. The gun was now pointed towards the floor. He began to (beat time), tapping one foot on the dirt floor. When the final notes of the tune (died away), the old man placed the gun in a corner.3) Questions of Group Three.Please read the 7th paragraph aloud. The louder, the better.Please choose one to say the sentence“ Ill have a talk with Cal. I think he might give himself up tomorrow. You be at the police station at noon.” in a thick voice.4) Questions of Group FourWhen David and the old man were eating the dinner, what did they talk about?Answer: They talked about violin tunes. Not a word was said about Cal Richards.Why did he change his attitude towards David?Answer: Because he liked the way David talk and the way he played the violin.设计意图:一方面进一步巩固并提高学生对文章的理解能力,领会作者的意图,另一方面,小组合作相互竞争的模式,更加有利于全体学生积极地参与到教学活动中,同时培养他们的合作意识。学做思三:Step5: Doing some exercises (5 mins )1) How do you understand “Music is power” in the text? (A B C )A. It made the old man realize the
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