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Section A,Have you ever been to an a museum?,Unit 9,Brain storm: Which place are they?,estaurant,useum,oo,ibrary,p_,m_,l_,s_,a_,place,quarium,z_,r_,m_,chool,ark,all,Disneyland,space museum,amusement park,aquarium,zoo,water park,Who has the best memory?,Did you go to _? When did you go there?,Disneyland,space museum,amusement park,aquarium,zoo,water park,A: Have you ever been to an aquarium? B: No, I havent. How about you? A: ,1c. Pairwork,Do you know the characters in Disneyland?,1955, the 1st one, Los Angeles,1971, the 2nd one, Florida,1982, 3rd one, Tokyo,1992, the 4th one, Paris,2004, the latest one, Hong Kong,Search the words in 3a,Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 Mickey Mouse 米老鼠 Donald Duck 唐老鸭 Character 人物、角色 Seen see的过去分词 Theme 主题 Attraction 有吸引力的事物或人 Roller coaster 过山车 Cruise 巡游;巡航 Board 甲板 On board 在船上 Route 路线 End up 以结束 Island 岛;岛屿 Especially 特别;尤其,现在完成时由主语have/has过去分词构成。 其主要用法如下: 1. 在未指明具体时间的情况下, 现在完成时动词 通常可以表示在说话之前已经完成, 而后果或 影响至今仍存在的动作。 The concert has started. 音乐会已经开始。 I have had breakfast. 我已吃过早饭。,Grammar Focus,注意: have gone to 和 have been to 区别。 He has gone to Hong Kong. 他到香港去了。(他已前往香港, 或在途中, 或已到达。说话人暗示他现在不在现场) He has been to Hong Kong. 他曾到过香港。 (说话人认为他过去到过香港, 现在已不在该地。 言外之意他对香港有所了解),2. 现在完成时动词可以表示开始于过去持续到现在(也许还会继续进行下去)的动作或状态。 1) I have studied English since last year. 我从去年开始学习英语。 2) She has lived in Beijing for five years. 她住在北京已经五年了。 注意: come, go , leave, arrive, buy, lose, receive, join, die, bury 和marry 等动词所表示的动作是 一时的, 不能延续的, 故不能与for , since 等开头的表示一段时间的状语连用。不过, 这些 词用于否定句则可以与表示持续的时间状语连用, 即动作的不发生是可以持续的。,不能说: *He has come to Beijing for two years. *He has bought that book for three weeks. *He has joined the Army for one and a half years. *His grandma has died for nine months. * I have received his letter for a month. 可以说: He has been in Beijing for two years. He has had that book for three weeks. He has been in the army for one and a half years. His grandma has been dead for nine months. I havent received his letter for almost a month.,或者说: It is two years since he came to Beijing. It is three weeks since he bought that book. It is one and a half years since he joined the Army. It is nine months since his grandma died.,3. 现在完成时把过去的动作和现在的结果联系起来,一般过去时只限于表示过去的动作本身, 与现在的结果无关。现在完成时与一般过去时在意义上的区别举例如下:I have cleaned my room. (My room is clean now.) 我已经打扫过我的房间了。I cleaned my room last week. (I did it in the past.) 我上周打扫了我的房间。Father has gone to Amoy. (He went to Amoy and he is not here now.) 爸爸已经去厦门了。They have bought a dictionary. (They bought a dictionary and they have it now.) 他们买了一本字典。,注意: 现在完成时不能和明确指出时间的状语 (如: yesterday, last, year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when she came in 等)连用, 但可以和不明确指出时间的状语(如: already, yet, ever, never, sometimes, always, often, before, once, twice, recently, lately等)连用; 也可以和表示包括现在在内的时间状语(如: today, this morning, this week, this year等)连用。,She has already finished her work. 她已经把工作做完了。 I havent read the story yet. 我还没读过这个故事。 Have you met him before? 你从前曾见过他吗? Lily has always been a good student. Lily一直是个好学生。 比较: I have seen him this morning . 我上午看见他了。(说话时在上午) I saw him this morning. 今天上午我遇见了他。(说话时可能是下午或者晚上) It has been cold this winter. 今天冬天一直很冷。(说话时仍是冬天),4. 现在完成进行时和现在完成时都可以表示 “从过去开始一直持续到现在”这一概念, 有时 两者可以互相代用, 但前者多用于口语。 在含义上如着重表示动作的结果时, 多用现在 完成时; 如着重表示动作一直在进行, 即动作 的延续性时, 则多用现在完成进行时。 一般不能用于进行时的动词也不能用于 现在完成时行时。,I have waited for him for many times. 我等他等了好几次了。 I have been waiting for him for an hour. 我等他等了一小时。 He has drunk six cups of coffee.他喝了六杯咖啡。 He has been drinking coffee. 他一直在喝咖啡。,1. already “已经” ; yet “仍然, 还”这两个副词常常用于完成时态, 其中already常用于肯定句, yet常用于否定句和疑问句中。 如: Jim has already finished his work. Jim已经把他的工作做完了。 Mother hasnt come home yet. 妈妈还没回来。 Havent you read The Call of the Wild yet? 你还没读过野性的呼唤吗?,Language Points,2. neither 表示“两者都不, 两者中没有一个”,是both的完全否定形式。either 表示“两者之一,两者中任一个”, 还可以用于否定句中表示“也”,这种用法与肯定句中的too相对应。如: Neither of the twins likes swimming. 那对双胞胎都不喜欢游泳。Neither my sister or I am have ever been abroad. 我和我姐姐都没出过国。My sister has never been abroad. I havent, either. 我姐姐没出过国, 我也没有。,neither还可以用于完全倒装句中, 表示“也没 有”。这种用法和so在完全倒装句中 表示“也”的用法相对应。如: My sister has never been abroad. Neither have I. 我姐姐没出过国, 我也没有。 Lily likes playing the piano. So has her brother. Lily喜欢弹钢琴, 她弟弟也喜欢。 I am not new here. Neither is Tom. 我不是新来的, Tom也不是。,3. 注意区别so在完全倒装句和不完全倒装句中的用法。 so助动词主语 完全倒装, 表示“也” so主语助动词 不完全倒装, 表示“确实如此” 如: Mary has gone to Singapore. So has Emily. Mary去新加坡了, Emily也去了。- Dracula likes spicy food.- So he does.- Dracula喜欢吃辣的。- 是的, 确实如此。,1. Have you seen Mrs. Tang these days? (yes)_ 2. Have you played kites this spring? (no)_ 3. Have they watched the movie The Titanic? (yes)_ 4. Has your mother ever been to Tibet? (never.)_,
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