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, IT,Too many trees have been 5全许多树已被砍倒。2. It has Ce birds and animals to lose their natural habitats. 3- Rubbish and Yaste water are being poured into the river.大量的垃圾和废水正涌入河流。4. VE late二水资源已被严重污染S,We musttake action to protect the earth now.TO6. We have nowhere to live in the future.将来我们会无处生存。 和 变长条 汪 作有珊|工连接1、2句,使其成为含whicl引全的非限制性定语从名的复合名ws TI 个birds and animals to lose their natural habitats. 2. 用介 3 接3、Rubbish and waste waterare Deing poured into the Fiver; 3 3 conseduence, Water sources have become badly polluted.0 TomutoucornWe have nowhere to live in the future unless we take action to protect the earth now-选用ES 二和词句衔接成文。 oa Our environment is getting Worse and Worse. 0 We havebeen cutting dowmn too many trees,which has caused birds and animals tolose 了sir natural habitats, _Meanwhie ,rubbish and waste water are beingpoured into the cas become badly1 的polluted. water SoUrces have become so badly polluted that someof the water is unfit to drink or to useAsrar as工mconcerned it s high time that we paid much attention to protecting our environmentWe 1 haveDowhere tolivein thefuture unless we take action to protect the earth now. (1 )单词所豆1,He often says that he doesm tbelieve in any _religion (宗RS 3. IE s reported that there was a serious car _crash (碰撞事故) this morning. 4- ATainilycfrieandly 本traVelers coinifortable.S- Itwasthen thatImade up my mindto leave the -capin (修尾)-6- The movie star was warmly cheered (喝彩) as he got on thestage-.1 This par Wiiee sam 下er (及alow you to havefun wherever you are.8 There were many fish .foating (漂浮) in the river because ofthe serious pollution. 人4-5Sa I could feel the my (gentle) myhair it was a warm SUmImer breeze.Not all people areaware of the Various effects of gobal (globewarming on 卫arth.Some believe in the _existence (exisb of life on Mars,whilesamaeaaom Com了veryone was abit 上 (puzzle) byher sudden departure.The bird laid (lay) its eggs in other birds”nests last year,_Unlike (like) most people in the office who come to work bycan Tusually come to work by bus. 1. The robbers hit them Yiolenty .They couldnt bear 让 anyImore so they decided to answer Violence with violence andpegan their violent ”fighthack(violeng)2.This 晤册 上人届 Daour health.You must make the object harmless before youuse 让(harmfuDharm to
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