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Unit 4 Family life,In unit 4, you learn how to ,Use let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell to talk. Use used to and would to talk about memories. Talk about family, relatives, and childhood. Give opinions with expressions like It seems like and If you ask me. Use expressions like definitely, absolutely, etc., to agree.,Childhood memories,If you ask me, ,Family memories,Contents,B,C,D,Family gripes,A,Lesson A Family gripes,Lesson A Family gripes,Small complaints like these are called gripe.,1. Getting startedA. What are their problems?B. Complete the sentences. let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, tellto C. Pair work Do you have any gripes?,Lesson A Family gripes,2. Grammar,Lesson A Family gripes,+ to,Lesson A Family gripes,Note: help me carry the box help me to carry the box,Lesson A Family gripes,much less common,You _ someone do something.You _ someone to do something.B. Pair work When I was a kid, my parents never let me eat junk food.When I was a kid, .,Lesson A Family gripes,3. Listening and speaking Reasonable demands?Parents demands1. Emma a. get married and start a family 2. Robert b. move to their neighborhood3. Julia c. work in the family business4. Justin d. call them every weekD. Group work What about your parents? What demands do they make?,Lesson A Family gripes,1. Building vocabulary and grammar Can you think of any family memories?I remember when I was young, we used to play in the bomb shelter.Pair work: Tell a partner about your family according to the chart on page 36.,Lesson B Family memories,one brother-in-lawone passer-by“可数名词+介词(短语)”构成的复合名词变复数时, 把前面名词变复数,two brothers-in-law,two passers-by,Lesson B Family memories,2. Grammar used to and wouldused to: for regular activities or situations in the past that dont happen now or are no longer true.would: for regular activities in the past.,Lesson B Family memories,3. Speaking naturally used to We used to visit my great-grandmother.B. Listen and repeat the sentences,Lesson B Family memories,/yuwst/,1. Conversation strategy Giving opinionsA. What does Paula say about her family life?Sentence patterns for giving opinions:I think It seems like If you ask me, I dont think It seems to me that ,Lesson C If you ask me, ,Do you agree?Theres a lot of pressure on kids these days. Families dont spend enough time together. Some kids get in trouble because their family doesnt spend enough time together.Whats your opinion?,Lesson C If you ask me, ,2. Strategy plus AgreeingExpressions for agreement:Absolutely. Youre right. I agree (with you.)Definitely. Thats true. (Oh,) yeah.Exactly. Thats for sure. (Oh,) I know.More expressions:I couldnt agree more. You can say that again!I second you.,Lesson C If you ask me, ,1. Reading How are childrens lives today different from when you were growing up?,Lesson D Childhood memories,Lesson D Childhood memories,Lesson D Childhood memories,2. Listening and writing Family activities What did your family usually do together?Do you still do it nowadays? If no, why?,Lesson D Childhood memories,
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