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南 京 工 程 学 院毕业设计文献资料翻译(原文及译文)原文名称: Android Architecture and Libraries Every Android Developer Should Know 课题名称: 安卓系统轻量笔记软件设计与实现 学生姓名: 周杰伦 学 号: 208100428 指导老师: 王少东 所在系部: 通信工程学院 专业名称: 通信工程 2014 年 3 月 南 京Android Architecture and Libraries Every Android Developer Should KnowThe Android Architecture encourages the concept of component reuse, allowing you to publish and share activities, services, and data with other applications with access managed by the security restrictions you put in place. That being said, today I would like to share information about the android architecture and then some libraries that are provided to you for use while building your next killer app. So are you ready for this? If you said yes, then read on!Dont be intimidated by the above image you will not have to understand all that stuff today or even tomorrow.Android architectures mechanism that enables you to produce a replacement contact manager or phone dialer can let you expose your application components to let other developers create new User Interfaces (UI) front ends and functionality extensions or otherwise build on them! How fantastic is that huh?Dissecting The Android ArchitectureIn this first list, I am going to show you the application services which are the android architectural cornerstones or as you might call it pillars of all android applications providing the framework you will be using for your own software: Activity Manager - This controls the life cycle of your activities, and that includes the management of the activities stack! Views - Views are used to construct the user interfaces for your application activities. Notification Manager - Provides a consistent and non-intrusive mechanism for signaling your users (example: when you are playing a game and someone sends you a text message, a notification does not terminate your game, instead, you might hear a sound). Content Providers - This lets your application share data between applications. Resource Manager - Supports non-code resources like strings and graphics to be externalized.Now that we have the first main part out of the way, we can now look at the Android Libraries that will make your android application development easier and fun. As you can tell, these are just short descriptions and you can read more using the link I will share!Android Libraries You Need To KnowAndroid also provides a number of APIs for developing your applications. So, in this list, I share the core APIs helping you see what is available to you as an android developer. All android devices will offer support for at least these APIs: android.util - The core utility package contains low-level classes like specialized containers, string formatters, and XML parsing utilities. android.os - The operating system package provides access to basic operating system services like message passing, interprocess communication, clock functions, and debugging. android.graphics - The graphics API provides the low-level graphics classes that support canvases, colors, and drawing primitives and lets you draw on canvases. android.text - The text processing tools for displaying and parsing texts. android.database - Supplies the low-level classes required for handling cursors when working with databases. android.content - The content API is used to manage data access and publishing by providing services for dealing with resources, content providers, and packages. android.view - Views are the core user interface class. All user interface elements are constructed using a series of views to provide the user interaction components. android.widget - Built on the View package, the widget classes are the “here is one we created earlier” user-interface element for you to use in your applications. They include lists, buttons, and layouts. com.google.android.maps - A high leel API that provides access to native map controls that you can use within your application. Includes the MapView control as well as the Overlay and MapController classes used to annotate and control your embedded maps. android.app - A high-level package that provides access to the application model. The application package includes the Activity and Service APIs that form the basis for all your Android applications. android.provider - To ease developer access to certain standard Content Providers( such as the contacts database), the Provider package offers classes to provide access to standard databases included in all Android distributions. android.telephony - The telephony APIs give you the ability to directly interact with the devices phone stack, letting you make, receive, and monitor phone calls, phone status and SMS messages. android.webkit - The webkit package features APIs for working with Web-based content, including a WebView control for embedding browsers in your activities and a cookie manager.Again, what
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