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How to write English Composition?,Step1:Basic Sentence Patterns:就是 “主语 + 不同的谓语结构” 千变万化的英文句子都是由它们演变而成的。英文的基本句型有五种,它们是: 主语-系动词-表语 (SVC) 主语-动词 (SV) 主语-动词-宾语 (SVO) 主语-动词-宾语-宾语 (SVOO) 主语-动词-宾语-宾语补足语 (SVOC),一、主语-系动词-表语 (SVC) 英文的谓语动词分两大类:一类是系动词;另一类是实义动词。 系动词后接的部分可称为表语;也可称为(主语)补足语,因为这一部分的主要功能是对主语进行说明、补充。例如: This machine is in good condition . 这台机器的情况良好。 The garden smells pleasant . 这座花园香气怡人。 Silk feels soft and smooth . 丝绸摸起来又软又滑。,英文中的系动词主要是指Be动词的各种变化形式,也包括那些有时起系动词作用的实义动词。,这类动词常见的有:,become(变成) look(看上去) seem(看起来)get(变得) feel(摸起来) grow(变得) turn(变成) remain(仍然是) come(变得) fall(变得) hold(保持) keep(保持) stand(保持) stay(保持) smell(闻起来) sound(听起来) taste(尝起来)等,二、主语-动词 (SV)这种句型中的谓语动词是不及物动词,没有直接宾语;但常带有状语。例如:The water is boiling .They have been waiting there for hours. The train will leave soon. The flags are waving in the wind.,三、主语-动词-宾语 (SVO)这一句型中的谓语动词是及物动词,那么它必须带有自己的宾语。在英文中,当一个动词(包括单个动词和动词短语)作及物动词用时,它必须要有自己的宾语(除非是宾语在上下文里很明确地提到过,为避免不必要的重复,才会省去。),否则会视为“句子不完整”。 He has a sister . They wanted to have a rest. 。 She successfully carried out her plan .,四、主语-动词-宾语-宾语 (SVOO)此句型中的谓语动词后接两个宾语,常见的这类谓语动词有: give bring tell send leave pass read write take show teach get award lend rent buy pay hand recommend 等。,例如: She brought me a shirt .她给我带来一件衬衣。 Pass him the dictionary, please.请将词典递给他。 I lend him my bicycle.我把自行车借给他了。,五、主语-动词-宾语-宾语补足语 (SVOC)此句型概括了这样一种情况:有些及物动词的后面有时常带复合宾语结构(即:宾语 + 宾语补足语)。在这一结构中,宾语补足语是对宾语“做什么“、“怎么样“等方面进行补充说明,从意义和结构上来说是必不可少。,President appointed John manager of Marketing .The news made me happy . He heard somebody opening the door .,2. 句子的结构分类 如果按照句子的结构分类,英文句子可分为三个类别:简单句(Simple Sentence),并列句(Compound Sentence)复合句(Complex Sentence)。 这里所说的结构,主要是指句子中主语和谓语之间所构成的关系。,1)简单句(Simple Sentence) 简单句只有一个主谓关系。句子可能有两个或更多并列的主语,也可能有两个或更多并列的谓语,但是句子中的主谓关系只有一个。例如:China and Chinese people are incredibly progressing in many aspects . (两个主语,一个谓语)中国和中国人民在以非常的速度日益进步。,2) 并列句(Compound Sentence) 并列句有两个或两个以上的主谓结构。,表示转折意思 : but , yet , however , nevertheless 例: Everything in the world is outside you but health belongs to yourself . 一切都是身外之物,只用健康属于自己。,B.表示并列关系 and , or , eitheror , neither / nor , not onlybut (also), bothand , as well as 例:She came to my house yesterday evening, and Iwent to hers . 昨晚她来我家了,我却去她家了。,3) 复合句(Complex Sentence) 复合句明显地不同于简单句,因为它有两个或两个以上的主谓结构。,而复合句中的主谓结构之间的关系不是并列的、对等的,其中只有一个主谓结构是主要的,其他的主谓结构都从属于那个主要的主谓结构。那个主要的主谓结构称作句子的主句(Main Clause);其他的主谓结构称作句子的从句或子句(Subordinate Clause)。,请看下列句子:,1.Because they talk at home while the television is on , many people think they can talk at movies(影院) as well . 2.There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how money is measured. 3.Taxes consist of money that people pay to support their government . 如果将上面所有的从句都独立出来,那将是这样的: Because they talk at home while the television is on what money is and how money is measured that people pay to support their government 由于上面这些句子既不是陈述句,也不是疑问句,所以它们无法独立地表达意思。这种情况就是与并列句的区别所在,Type1: Health,1.How to keep healthy 2.Protect Your Eyesight 3.The Eating Patterns 4.My Lifestyle 5.The importance of sports,例文1: 健康状况最近的调查表明,在过去的3年中我校学生的健康状况越来越糟, 患近视的学生已从2002年的782增长到今年的925,而超重的学生已从36增长到524。由于过多的家庭作业,有将近10的学生缺乏睡眠;此外,超过15的学生精神不健康。 为提高学生的健康状况,我们需要减少家庭作业。惟如此,学生才能得到足够的睡眠,降低近视率。为保持体形,合理的饮食和锻炼也应当引起重视。没有了繁重的负担,学生也会有良好的精神状态。,Health A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. The number of short-sighted students has increased from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% this year, while that of overweight students from 36% to 52.4%. Nearly 10% more students dont have enough sleep because of more homework. Besides, over 15% more students become mentally unhealthy.,To improve students health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and be more healthy. Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they wont easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed, students can then keep in normal mental health.,Some more example sentences:,1. By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. 2. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. 3. All in all , sports is a wonderful section of our lives. 4. Sports can make our health, someone said ,health is the first wealth. Everyone has a good health body that is necessary. So sports play a important role of our lives.5. If you obey the rules above, I think, you may prevent your eyesight from becoming short-sighted.,例文2: Smoking and HealthWe meet smokers everywhere. There are 6.5 billion people in the world, and about 1.2 billion of them are smokers, which make up to 20 percent of the worlds total population. Smoking is very harmful. First, smoking costs a great deal of money. It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. Second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them. About 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year.,
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