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Unit 2 My week,第四课时 Part B Lets try Lets talk,Warm-up,What day is it today?,Its_,Tuesday,Monday mnd ,Tuesday tju:zdi,Wednesday wenzdi,Thurday :zdi,Friday frade,Saturday【stdi】,Sunday 【sndi】,SaturdaySunday,weekend 周末,What do you do on Saturdays? 做什么,do homework 做家庭作业,watch TV 看电视,read books 读书,Play 踢,玩,参加(体育活动),Play football 踢足球,Sport 体育运动,Cooking 烹饪 烹调,Schedule 日程表,Lets practise!,do homework watch TV read books play computer games play ping-pong do housework,You can choose,Mondays Tuesdays Wednesday Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays,What do you do on_ ?,I often _,Do you often _in the evening/on the weekend?,Yes, I do. /No, I dont.,play ping-pong play football listen to music ,Pair work,Park 公园,Zhang Peng: Hi, Sarah. Whats that? Sarah: Its a story book. Zhang Peng: Do you often read books in this park? Sarah: No, I dont. Do you often play football here? Zhang Peng: Yes, I do. I like this park very much. Sarah: Me too.,Do you often read books in this park ? 你经常在这个公园读书吗?,Yes . I do No , I dont.,Do you often do ? 你经常做.? Yes ,I do . 是的,我经常 No, I dont.不,我不经常,What day is it today?,Its _,What do you do on_ ?,I often _,
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