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必修二必修二 Unit 2: The Olympic Games 基础基础 知能知能 回扣回扣Day 25核心词汇核心词汇 一一 1重点单词: 1古代的.古老的 adj. 24责任职责 n. 2比赛竞争 vi. 25花圈、花冠 n. 3竞争者 n. 26取代替换代替 vt. 4参加;参与 27座右铭;格言;警句 n. 5奖章;勋章;n. 28快的迅速的 adj. 6代表:象征,表示 29相像性:相似点 n. 7希腊 n. 30收费控诉主管 vt/vi. 8希腊人的; adj. 31主管 看管 9 魔力的 adj. 32物理的身体的 adj. 10.义务的 n.adj.vt. 33罚款 vt. 11祖国;本国 n. 34海报,招贴 n. 12定期的常规 adj. 35做广告登广告 vt. 13基础,根据 n. 36光荣荣誉 n. 14运动员;n. 37 讨价还价便宜货 vi/n 15容许接纳 vt./vi. 38王子 n. 16奴隶 n. 39绝望的 adj. 17现今.现在 adv. 40愚蠢的,傻的 adj. 18体操;n. 41女神 n. 19 体育运动竞技 n. 42 疼痛.痛苦 n. 20体育场 n. 43陆续地.一个接一个地 21体育馆、健身房 n. 44应受.值得 vi/vt. 22也;又还 45(足球的)前锋 n. 23做东;主办; n/vt. 2词形变化:词形变化:1.compete v. n.(竞争) adj. n.竞争者 adj.(有能力的,胜任的)2. admit v. n. adj. (可容许的,可接纳的)adj. 被承认的,被确认无疑的 n.(入场权, 准入)3. volunteer v. n. adj. (自动的,自愿的)4.responsibility n. adj. v. n.(回应)5.advertise.v. n.(广告) adj.6.regular adj. v. (使有规律) n (规律性, 规则性)adv. n.(规章,规则) 7. value n. _adj.(贵重的,很有价值的) _adj.(无价值的;没有用处的)8.survive v. _ n. (存活;幸存) _n.(幸存者)9.decorate v.装饰 _n.装饰;装潢 _adj.(装饰 的)二二. 高频短语高频短语. 1.参加 2.查明,找出 3.每四年,每隔三年 4. 允许某人做某 5.允许干某事 6.和结婚 7.一套,一组 8.在某方面竞争 9.为而竞争 10.与竞争 11. 获准做某事 12.作为被接受 13.达到水平、标准 14.在方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用) 15.和一样 16.有(没)做的机会 17.伴随,与搭配 18.把与关联起来 19.和有关 20.和赛跑 21. 听说 22.确定 23.轮流 24.一个接一个 三三. 重点句式重点句式.1. _ athletes from all over the world _competitors. 每四年,来自全世界的运动员都可以参赛。 2. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to _ the games. 所有国家都能参赛,只要它们的运动员达到了参赛的标准。 3. Mary _her husband is going to have a job interview tomorrow. 玛丽和她的丈夫明天要参加求职面试。 4. Tom, who married a pretty musician,_ for ten years. 汤姆和一个美丽的音乐家结婚已经十年了。 5. All the players_ honour as well as gold medals. 运动员们为金牌而战也为荣誉而战。 6. These words_each other in meaning. 这些单词在意义上相互联系。 7. The 2008 Olympics _ in Beijing, _is a great honour to us. 2008 年的奥运会将在北京举行,这是我们极大的荣誉。 8. I have never been dishonest, nor do I _ being so now. 我从来没有不诚实过,现在我也不打算变得不诚实。 9. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。 10. Getting rid of a bad habit is _ forming a good one. 摆脱坏习惯就像养成好习惯一样需要努力。 11. He often works deep into the night every day. _ he always gets first in the exams. 他经常每天学习到深夜,难怪他每次考试都得第一名。 12. He had _ but he forgot. 他答应我们要带礼物来,但他忘记了。 13. I am asked to design a poster to advertise the sporting events that in the stadium. (将来进行时的被动语态. )我被要求设计一张海报,用来广告即将在体育场进行的比赛。 Day 26四四. 课文完形课文完形: 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:This passage is 1 (concern) with the modern and ancient Olympic Games. The ancient Olympic Games were held 2 four years in 3 (希腊). There are certain 4 (相同点) between the ancient and modern Olympic Games. For example, they both encourage 5 (friend) and cooperation. 6 there are also many significant differences between them. For example, nowadays, women can 7 in the games and there are more 8 in the modern Olympic. 9 these differences, it is important to remember the 10 (change) swifter, higher and stronger. 五五. 单词拼写单词拼写:1. The work cost us nothing; its all done by v_ from a university.2. Michael Phelps won eight gold m_ in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.3. London is the h_ city for the next Olympic Games.4. The football game will be played at the capital s_.5. Stress has an effect on both your p_ and mental health.6. When we say one keeps r_ hours, that means he or she gets up and goes to bed at the same time each day.7. P_ Anne is the prettiest one of all the daughters of the king.8. Toms f_ behaviour made me think he was out of his senses.9. The m_ of the Olympics is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”10. The s_ between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.11. We were impressed by the ruins of an a_ building in Rome.12. C_ among youths to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).13. The fairys m_ changed the two brothers into ducks.14. An a_ is a person who competes in sports such as running and jumping.15. That second-hand table was a real b_ at on
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