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如何写好英语段落如何写好英语段落1.1. 明确中心明确中心一篇文章必须具有明确的主题(topic),而作为文章的一个段落,则必须是该主题的某个要点或侧面,即有明确的段落中心。为帮助同学们学习和使用这一方法,使段落主题明确,中心突出,下面分别举例介绍主题句、发展句和结论句。A.A. 主题句主题句主题句(topic sentence)是将主题作概括性的陈述,而不提供具体的细节。主题句一般位于句首,开门见山提出主题,随后辅以细节或举例加以说明或论证。请看一个段落:Smoking is harmful to your health. Experiments show that smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious disease cancer, smoking can also cause other health problems. For example, it gives one a “smokers cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or the terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it? 该段落很有特色,从 Smoking is harmful to your health,可看出全段所表达的中心吸烟有害健康,这就是主题句。然后通过几个句子发展句,来说明吸烟的危害,倒数第二句话又说smoking is harmful.这就使得前后连贯、照应。最后用非常有力的 Is it worth it? 结尾,更是发人深思。主题句在句首是常见的,但有时也可出现在段中或出现在段落的末尾。请看下面这个段落:People in the western world do not eat such healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and dont take enough exercise. Because of this, they put on weight very easily. Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate. They eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. The result is that many of them become fat. And some have bad teeth. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left! 该段落的主题句出现在段中。其中的第一、二句话不是主题句,而是展示两个原因(过渡),第三句 Because of this, they put on weight very easily 提出主题。最后,用几个句子(扩展句)说明所摄取的糖、脂肪的来源及其后果。值得一提的是,并非所有的段落都有主题句。有的段落就没有主题句,不过其所有的句子都有一个共同的指向,都是围绕一个中心来写,也就说所有的句子都为一个中心服务。 B.B. 扩展句扩展句扩展句指围绕主题句进行论证、说明、解释的句子,是支撑主题的细节,又叫支撑句或支持句。请看下面这个片段:Most students of our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical works near our school. We think it will do us great harm than good. The drinking water will be polluted. 这个段落展开不够。该段落谈论的是“反对在学校附近建造化工厂”的问题,但是后面的说明太单薄,不够具体全面,特别是根据“在学校附近修建化工厂” ,理应简单谈谈修建化工厂对学校的影响。请看下文:Most students of our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical works near our school. Although the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it will do us great harm than good. The drinking water will be polluted, and this will do great harm to the people and animals around it. Also it will make a lot of noise, which will disturb the atmosphere of the study. We need quiet places to study. Last, the air over the city will be polluted too. We will never be able to breathe fresh air. How can we live here any longer? 这样发展句分三个层次来谈论“反对在学校附近修建化工厂”的原因:先点明“弊大于利” ,然后从其所带来的水污染、噪音污染和空气污染三个方面进行说明,最后以一个强有力的问句结尾,发人深思。因此,这个片段就更充实、具体,说理更透彻。(from www.nmet168.com)说明主题的方式有很多,但不论是哪一种方式扩展细节,都必须为主题服务,能够突出主题。不相关的扩展句则会影响段落的统一性,给读者理解造成障碍。如:We like our English teacher. He is 36 years old. He is strict with us in everything and he is strict with himself, too. He has a good way of making his classes lively and interesting and his lessons are not easily forgotten. Sometimes he is angry with us, and we are afraid of him. He always leaves us a lot of homework to do. If we havent finished it, he will tell us to stand face to face at the back of the classroom.扩展句应该围绕主题组织材料,上面这个段落可说是一个失败的段落。该段落使用了主题句:We like our English teacher. 按理来说下面的扩展句应该围绕这个主题来组织材料,但后面几个句子:Sometimes he is angry with us and we are afraid of him. He always leaves us a lot of homework直到最后都与主题无关,应该删掉。或另起一段,写这个老师的另一方面。 C.C. 结论句结论句结论句又叫总结句,它标志着一个段落的结束,自然应位于一个段落的结尾。结论句可用来重述主题,提供问题的解决方式,对未来进行预测,提出问题让读者去思考,或对全段内容加以概括。结论句之前常常会出现 in short, in a word, briefly speaking, to sum up, therefore 等词语。请看下面一个段落:Last Friday, I booked a table near the window for dinner in your hotel, as I was going to treat my two American friends to a typical Chinese meal. But Im quite disappointed with your service. We went there at the time as arranged, but the waiter told us there were no seats available. After about one and a half hours, we were asked to share a table with an old couple. The food was not delicious and some dishes were too salty. Ill appreciate it if you can look into the case.该段落是先叙述一件事,然后以 Ill appreciate it if you can look into the case. 结尾,即“通过提出自己的想法”作为结论句,本段的写作目的跃然纸上。但并非所有的段落都有结论句,有的也可采用自然结束的方式。如:Roads were washed away in the peak area. Tons of mud and rocks crashed down on the houses below. 64 people died in the flood and more than 2,500 lost their homes. For some time after the flood, helicopters flew to help the people there. Tractors and trucks worked hard to clear away the big rocks and earth. Many people sent money and necessities of life to the people attacked by the flood and helped them rebuild their hometown.该段就是以自然的方式结束的。该段落先写这一地区遭受的自然灾害,然后用 3 句话写抗灾情况。该段落没有主题句,也没有结论句。2.2. 合理的组织合理的组织合理的组织指段落中句子的安排要符合逻辑顺序,做到句与句衔接,意思前后连贯,以利于中心思想的明确表达。A.A. 按时间或年代顺序来写按时间或年代顺序来写对讲故事或写个人的简历等的段落,可按时间顺序写。例如:My name is Li Hua. I was born in Shandong in April, 1965. I started school in 1972 when I was seven years old. I studied in Yucai Primary from 1972 to 1977. After that, I went to No. 7 Middle School of Pingyi and graduated there. After that, I passed the college entrance examination in 1983 and
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