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工程造价毕业设计说明工程造价毕业设计说明篇一:工程造价毕业设计总说明设计总说明本设计为华通产业园 1 号楼的施工策划。投标文件的编制,贯彻执行了国家及地方有关工程建设的政策和法规,符合国家现行的建筑工程建设标准、设计规范和制图标准以及确定投资的有关指标、清单计价办法和费用标准的规定。华通产业园 1 号公寓楼共一个单元,全部为地上层,主体为六层,另在六层上有两间水房间。建筑高度 29.8 米,住宅层高 3.2 米。耐火材料为一级,设计等级为二级,六度抗震设防,设计使用年限 50 年。工程结构形式为框架结构,基础采用独立基础和条形基础。建筑施工图和结构施工图齐全。本设计包括两大部分,一部分是计算部分,其中包括工程量计算书、综合单价分析表、工程量清单计价文件、工程进度计算书、施工进度计划表和施工平面布置图;另一部分是文字说明部分,即设计说明书,主要包括投标报价、施工组织设计和成本控制的研究。计算部分的主要内容是对建筑工程、装饰装修工程费用的计算。工程费用由分部分项工程费、措施项目费、其他项目费、规费和税金组成,并且以计算出来的价格作为确定工程各阶段成本控制的依据。编制完成的施工图预算文件将作为工程进度计算书编制的重要依据。对工程各阶段的费用支出进行系统的掌握,对人材机消耗量进行综合分析,以便在施工阶段进行更加合理的成本控制。文字说明部分主要是设计说明书的撰写,设计说明书的内容主要包括商务标(投标报价)设计,技术标(施工组织设计)设计,及施工策划的研究。(1)投标报价结合华通产业园 1 号楼的设计方案,主要介绍了本工程投标报价的编制依据、投标报价的编制方法和投标报价的确定。(2)施工组织设计I首先介绍了本工程的工程概况,通过对工程概况的研究,做出工程施工方案、主体工程和装饰装修工程施工方法,以及施工进度、质量和安全控制等各项措施。(3)施工阶段的成本控制先分析我国现行阶段在施工阶段成本控制过程中存在的问题,然后根据这些问题提出一些解决办法,为施工企业做到效益最大化。关键词:投标报价,施工组织设计,成本控制IIGeneral Instruction of DesignGeneral Instruction of DesignThe design of Station Street West District7 building project cost control in construction stage. Bid document preparation, implementation of the national and local projects related policies and regulations, consistent with current national building engineering construction standard, design specification and drawing standards and determine the investment related index, method of detailed list valuation and cost standards.Museum Station Street West Area Project No. 7 is a unit, on a total of16 layers, wherein the ground a two layer for commercial service outlets, three to sixteen storeys for residential,2 layer underground storage rooms,2 floors below ground and garage connected, building height 48.90 meters,2.80 meters tall residential building. Refractory material for one class, design of grade two, six degree earthquake, design service life of 50 years. Engineering structure for the shear wall structure, foundation with pile foundation. Construction drawings and structural drawings complete.The design includes two parts, one part is calculated, including the engineering quantity calculation, reinforced the list of ingredients, integrated unit price analysis table, valuation of project volume detailed list file and project schedule calculations; another part is the text part, namely the design specifications, including bidding, construction organization design and cost control research.Calculation of components of the main contents of construction engineering, decoration engineering cost calculation, cost of project by project fee, measures the project cost, project cost, fees and taxes of other components, and the calculated price as determined in all stages of project cost control based on.Completed the construction drawing budget document will serve as the progress of the project statement compiling important basis, on all stages of project cost system control in construction stage, so that more reasonable cost control.IIIGeneral Instruction of DesignText part is mainly the design specification writing, design content mainly includes the business standard (bid) design, technical standard (construction organization design) design, and cost control research.(1) biddingPavilion Station Street Building 7West area project design, mainly introduced the engineering bid quotation compilation basis, compilation of bidding quotation method and determination of quoted price for bidding.(2) the construction organization designFirst introduced the project profiles, based on the engineering research, make the construction scheme, main works and decoration works construction methods, as well as the construction progress, quality and safety control measures.(3) the cost control of the construction phaseThe first analysis of Chinas current stage in the construction stage of cost control problems that exist in the process, and then according to these issues and propose some solutions. Good for construction enterprises to maximize the benefits. Key words : bidding, construction organization design, cost controlIV 目录目录设计总说明 . I General Instruction of Design . III第一章 引言 .- 2 -1.1 设计课题的提出 .错误!未定义书签。1.2 国内外研究现状 .- 3 -1.2.1 国内现状 . - 3 -1.2.2 国外现状 . - 3 -1.3 研究思路和方法 .- 4 -第二章 华通产业园 1 号楼投标报价的编制 . - 5 -2.1 华通产业园 1 号楼投标报价的编制依据 - 5 -2.2 华通产业园 1 号楼清单投标报价编制方法和程序 . 52.2.1 投标报价编制方法 .52.2.2 投标报价编制程序 . 52.3 华通产业园 1 号楼清单投标报价的编制内容 . - 6 -2.3.1 工程量计算书编制 . - 6 -2.3.2 投标报价的确定 . 82.3.3 投标报价编制过程中遇到的问题及解决办法 8第三章 华通产业园 1 号楼施工组织方案设计 .93.1 工程概况 . 93.1.1 工程特点 .93.1.2 场地的工程地质条件 . - 10 -3.1.3 场地的水文地质条件 .- 11 -3.1.4 施工环境与现场条件 . - 11 -3.1.5 总体施工方案 . - 11 -3.2 基础工程 .- 12 -3.2.1 土方工程(采用机械开挖,人工配合) - 12 -3.2.2 地基基础 . - 12 -3.2.3 回填工程 . - 12 -3.3 主体结构施工 .- 12 -3.3.1 混凝土工程 .- 12 -3.3.2 钢筋工程 . - 14 - 1 -篇二:工程造价-毕业设计说明毕业设计说明书题 目:某写字楼 1 号楼工程工程量清单及招标控制价的编制学院(直属系) :年级、 专业: XX 级工程造价(双) 姓 名: 学 号:指 导 教 师:完 成 时 间:年目 录 摘 要? ?21. 前 言?42. 工程量清单的编制?52.1 建筑工程工程量清单内容和编制特点?52.2 装饰装修工程工程量清单内容和编制特点?62.3 电气工程工程量清单内容和编制特点?
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