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,First impressions,Reading,view of future,optimistic,pessimistic,?,can move swiftly,disorganised; diffi-cult to find way,save living space,short of space,busy; look like markets,easy to get lost,own family oxygen supply,poor quality in public places,Li Qiang is optimistic/pessimistic about our life.,Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!,Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home,Language points,1 First impressions,第一印象,impressions: n. C 印象;感想 我对他的印象很好.,I had a very good impression of him.,make an impression on sb.,给某人留下印象这演说给我们留下了深刻的印象.,The speech made a strong impression on us.,The teacher impressed us withhis sense of humour.,impress sb. with sth.,When does the new manager take up his job? Sorry , I have taken up your too much time.He decided to take up photography as his career. Do you intend to take up his offer of a job?,开始某项工作,占用(时间或空间),从事,接受,2. I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.,3. I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008. 我得不断提醒自己, 我真的到了公元3008年。,remind sb. of/about sth. 使某人想起某事the photos reminded her of college days. 照片使她回想起了大学里的日子 remind sb. to do sth 提醒某人做某事 你必须让他记着打电话 you must remind him to call,The computer _ _.,reminds you that you cant type,something nasty,By the year 3000, your computer will punish you if you type something nasty.,The problem reminds the researchers that they should develop the technology.,remind sb. that,constantly adv. 经常地,反复地 constant adj.经常的,不变的,忠贞的,The old mans hands shook constantly.,He is Jays constant fan and supporter.,老人的手不停的颤抖.,traffic jam,单词提示:press constantly,The drivers _the horn _.,press,constantly,horn,4 Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. 过去分词作原因状语= Because I was worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.Moved by his story, I couldnt help crying.Surpried at the news, I cant say anything for a long timeTired, I went to sleep.,5. As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. 结果我得了时间滞后症。(1) as a result 因此,结果 +句子as a result of =because of It snowed, as a result, she was late.,result from 起因于 result in 导致某事,造成某事(=lead to),(2)suffer from 患(病)因.受困扰,The doctor suffers from headache.,They suffer from poverty.,7. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.,surroundings专指自然环境(客观),用复数.environment可指自然环境,也可指精神环境(主观),用单数.,e.g.: The boy grew up in beautiful _but not in a happy home _.,surroundings,environment,We simply cannot tolerate cheating in exams. 我们就是不能容许考试作弊行为。 I cannot tolerate her rudeness. 我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。 tolerance n 宽容, 忍耐力, 容忍,2)tolerate 容忍;忍受,8. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。 过去分词hit在句中作状语 hit: to have a bad effect on 对有不良的影响 How will the new law hit the unemployed? 新颁布的法令将使失业者遭受什么样的打击?,lack n. 缺乏,不足,没有 (a) lack of,v.缺乏,不足,没有,He lacks courage. = He is lacking in courage.,I havent finished the painting for _ of time.A. lack B. short C. need D. want,A,have no lack of 不缺乏,9. I felt better in no time.,in no time at no time,他们马上就回来.,They will be back in no time.,立即,马上决不,all the time at all times at times take ones time from time to time at a time at one time,一直 随时,永远 有时 不要急,慢慢来 时不时地 依次,逐一,每次 从前,10. These hovering carriages by bending and pressing down on the . can move swiftly.,by doing 常表方式,方法或手段. 三毛靠卖报纸谋生.,San Mao made a living by selling newspapers.,bend-bent -bent 使弯曲,屈身,她弯下腰捡起垃圾。,She bent down and picked up rubbish.,Touch your toes without bending your knees.,bend ones mind to 专心致志于,She bent her mind to the job.,11 I lost sight of Wang Ping.,catch sight of out of sight in sight at the sight of,看见 看不到,在视野外 看的见,在视野内 一看见,I _her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.,我从书店出来时看见她上了公共汽车.,caught sight of,Keep them in your mind,take up remind as a result suffer from,5. in no time 6. lose sight of 7.Lack 8 tolerate,1. This kind of plant will die in continuously rainy _.A. condition B. surrounding C. environments D. surroundings 2. I saw people coming _ all directions to attend the Kite Flying Festival.A. to B. of C. in D. out 3. The secretary reminded me _ there was a meeting that afternoon.A. of B. about C. that D. on,D,C,C,Choose the best answer,4. Farmers can increase their corn crops three times simply _ watering their fields.A. through B. with C. by D. in 5.There must be no life on the Mars for _ ofair there. lack B. lacking C. short D. empty 6.As there are cars and buses passing by, I couldnt _ my mind to my study.A. bend B. put C. fix D. concentrate 7. Catching _ sight of their headteacher coming,the students fell silence in _ flash.A. the; the B. /; a C. the; / D. /; /,C,A,A,B,I : I think it would be great to drive a skycar to work because it moves _ and can save a lot of time. T: I dont agree. I think it might be dangerous because its hard for me to _ the skills to drive the car. I: But once you _ the skills, it would solve the_ problems that we _ met. T: As far as I know, the engineers havent made the rules to police the airway because the _ of technology. I: I believe the rules will be made soon. And everyone will be _ of the rules and they cant be _ for anyone. T: It sounds right. But have you ever thought that the space to park it. It may _ too much place. I: Dont worry. It will be made much smaller than a car. Designed carefully by the experts, the new skycar will be perfect.,
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