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1句子成分练习题句子成分练习题( 一一 ) (一). 指出下列句中主语的中心词 The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. There is an old man coming here. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. To do todays homework without the teachers help is very difficult.(二) 选出句中谓语的中心词 I dont like the picture on the wall.A. dont B. like C. picture D. wall The days get longer and longer when summer comes.A. get B. longer C. days D. summer Do you usually go to school by bus?A. Do B. usually C.go D. bus There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon.A. will be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?A.Did B. twins C. have D. breakfast Tom didnt do his homework yesterday.A. Tom B. didnt C. do D. his homework What I want to tell you is this.A. want B. to tell C. you D. is We had better send for a doctor.A. We B. had C. send D. doctor He is interested in music.A. is B. interested C. in D. music Whom did you give my book to?A. give B.did C. whom D. book(三) 挑出下列句中的宾语 My brother hasnt done his homework. People all over the world speak English. You must pay good attention to your pronunciation. How many new words did you learn last class? Some of the students in the school want to go swimming, how about you? The old man sitting at the gate said he was ill. They made him monitor of the class. Go across the bridge and you will find the museum on the left. You will find it useful after you leave school. They didnt know who “Father Christmas“ really is.(四) 挑出下列句中的表语(5 分, 5 分钟) The old man was feeling very tired. Why is he worried about Jim?2 The leaves have turned yellow. Soon They all became interested in the subject. She was the first to learn about it.(五) 挑出下列句中的定语 They use Mr, Mrs with the family name. What is your given name? On the third lap are Class 1 and Class 3. I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor. The man downstairs was trying to sleep. I am waiting for the sound of the other shoe!(六) 挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room. He asked her to take the boy out of school. She found it difficult to do the work. They call me Lily sometimes. I saw Mr Wang get on the bus. Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground just now?(七) 挑出下列句中的状语 There was a big smile on her face. Every night he heard the noise upstairs. He began to learn English when he was eleven. The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off. She loves the library because she loves books. I am afraid that if youve lost it, you must pay for it. The students followed Uncle Wang to see the other machine.(八) 划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语 Please tell us a story. My father bought a new bike for me last week. Mr Li is going to teach us history next term. Here is a pen.Give it to Tom. Did he leave any message for me?答案 (一) teacher man dictionary To do(二) B A C A C C D C A A (三)homework. English. attention words to go swimming he was ill. him monitor bridge museum it school. who“Father Christmas“really is.(四)tired. worried yellow. interested the first(五) family giventhird some downstairs of the other shoe!3(六)to read newspapers and books to take the boy difficult Lily get on the bus playing football (七) on her face. Every night when he was eleven. too fast. With the medicine box under her arm because she loves books. if youve lost it to see the other machine.(八) us, 间接宾语 a story, 直接宾语 me, 间接宾语 a new bike, 直接宾语 us, 间接宾语 history, 直接宾语 Tom, 间接宾语 it, 直接宾语 me, 间接宾语 message, 直接宾语句子成分练习题句子成分练习题( 二二 ) 指出下列句子中划线部分的句子成分:1.Whether well go depend on the weather .2. Peoples standards of living are going up steadily .3. That was how they were defeated.4.The nursery takes good care of our children .5.Ill return the book to you tomorrow .6.We are sure that we shall succeed .7.The woman with a baby in her arms is his other .8.There are many film that Id like to see.9.Have you met the person about whom he was speaking ?10.I have a lot of work to do .11. Anyway I wont stop you from doing it .12. I said it in fun .13. We can send a car over to fetch you .14. She had to work standing up .15. Seeing this ,some comrades became very worried .16. Much interested , he agreed to give it a try .17. The bus arrived ten minutes late .18. We should serve the people heart and soul.19. Spring coming on , the tree turned green .20. Some farmers saw something strange in the sky .21. We think it necessary that everyone should attend the meeting .22. Its strange that she doesnt come today .23. It was in t
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