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,Unit 10 My Favorite Gift (我最喜欢的礼物),写作话题:Feelings (情感),二、Learning objectives(学习目标) 1. 掌握以人物思想、情绪和行为为线索的记叙文写作方法。 2. 学习读写结合型作文的写作策略。 3. 把握赠送礼物的尺度,感恩生活所有的赠予。,三、Writing guidelines(写作方法指导) 1. 记叙文的写作线索 一般叙述的线索可分为以下几种: (1) 以时间为线索,按时间的顺序来展开。 (2) 以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序来展开。 (3) 以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开。 (4) 以事物的象征意义为线索来展开。 (5) 以人物的思想行为及认知的过程为线索来展开。,以写人物的思想行为为主的记叙文,侧重描写人的心理变化、内心感受、行为表现和情感升华等。 2.读写结合型的写作 读写相结合类型的写作,阅读部分是为写作任务服务的,阅读的篇章与写作的任务通常有许多的相关性。因此,要学会从以下的途径分: (1) 首先要分析阅读的主题。 (2) 分析文章的篇章结构,包括整篇文章的中心句/段、支撑句/段,总结句/段,同时明晰作者使用的写作方法。,(3) 分析文本的语言特征,思考有哪些语言可以灵活迁移至自己的写作中,包括适切的词块、漂亮的句式等。,Quiz: Read aloud the chunks above and try to match the meaning by numbering. 名词词块:幸福的童年甜美的回忆人口旅游景点动词词块:使某人高兴勾起 感到无聊,使某人记起, 着迷爱上形容词词块:友善礼貌美味 拥挤,介词词块:在他们当中一段时间后多亏,(2)Patterns(句型),1.My favorite thing(from childhood)is. 2.Ive had for/since. 3.I like.so much because. 4.Its special to me because. 5has given me many memories,2. Extensive languages(拓展性语言),(1) A small gift may be a token of profound friendship.礼轻情意重。 (2)Gifts express warmest and best mind between people.礼物表达了人与人之间最温馨最美好的心意。,While writing,五、写作任务 (一)阅读 Guided reading: People often recieve gifts on the special days. What do you like best of all the gifts? What is the story about the gift? My Favorite Gift I began to receive my first gift at the age of four and I have had all kinds of gifts so far. Of all the gifts that I have had, I like the piano that was given to me by my grandmother best. I became interested in playing the piano at the age of five and began to take piano lessons at six years old.,At that time we didnt have a piano at home and my mother had to take me to the piano lessons every day, practicing playing the piano. Then my grandmother who was retired spent much of her saving buying the most expensive piano for me. My mother complained that I was too young to have such an expensive piano and always told me to cherish (珍惜) the piano. Thanks to my grandmothers gift, I didnt need to go to practice playing the piano in the piano house every day anymore. From then on, I could enjoy playing the piano at home.,the main idea of each paragraph,Paragraph 1:Of all the gifts that I have had, I like the piano that was given to me by my grandmother best.,Paragraph2: Its about the story of the piano.,Paragraph3: The piano reminds me of my grandmothers love.,Task 2: Fill in the information.,Task 2: Fill in the information.,Step1 Think and Fill(想一想,填一填),审题 体裁:_ 人称:_ 时态:_,第一人称,一般现在时态、现在完成时 、过去时,记叙文,Writing Time,Step3 Write(写一写),用词方面:,代词主格,宾格; 名词单复数; 动词搭配;副词位置,句子方面:,篇章方面:,细节方面:,句子完整;主谓一致;动词时态; 连词使用,内容完整;要点齐全;布局合理,单词拼写;标点符号;大小写,Step 4-Check(查一查),Appreciating & Evaluating 欣赏与评价,After writing:,请交换习作互相欣赏,用红笔划出对方的亮点,并对 不足的地方进行适当修改。你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作更好呢?根据worksheet上的评分标准,给同伴的习作打分。,请和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列评价表,相互欣赏与修改习作,然后给对方的习作打分。,Step5 同伴互赏我欣赏,我快乐!,修改习作时可使用这些符号:优美句子; 漏词; 错处:; 删除; 语法错误 G ; 人称错误 P; 时态错误 T; 拼写错误Sp,评分表,乐在交流,乐 在分享,Show Time,We can receive gifts on special days.I felt happy because my father bought me a beautiful MP5 on my birthday.I like it best of my gifts.The MP5 is white and black. I like its color. Its round like a soccer. When I feel unhappy, I use it to listen to music.I can also watch movies on it to relax myself. In my free time,I often read books with my MP5. Besides,it can download my games, such as Angry Bird. And I can also use it to take photos.Its my favorite gift because it has brought me so much happiness in my life.,本文条理清晰,立意新颖,整篇文章层次分明,语句表达顺畅,短语句型活用使用恰当如:on special days, in my free time, I like it best of my gifts, it has brought me so much happiness in my life. 是一篇优秀的学生习作。,I have received many gifts and all the gifts make me feel happy. Among them, I like the book from my father best. I have had it for one year.Last summer holiday, I was free almost every day. My father bought a book for me. My father said to me,“A good book can change your feelings and make you happy at home.”I thought my father was right. I began to read the book. After a short time, I was interested in the book.Thanks to my fathers book, I didnt feel bored any longer. Now, I am fond of reading. I think a good book is a friend.,本习作结构清晰,句式使用熟练而准确,表达流畅,行文连贯。文中运用了丰富的短语和句型,如:make sb. feel happy, among them, I have had it for, be fond of, thanks to.使文章避免累赘重复。,Rewrite your article.,Homework,
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