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Period 3 learning about language,派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词。 名词派生词 Balanceimbalance;pleasuredispleasure;management mismanagement;efficiencyinefficiency;concernunconcern ;literacyilliteracy;resolutionirresolution; interferencenoninterference;nutritionmalnutrition.,派生词,形容词派生词 Accurateinaccurate;patientimpatient. regular irregular;legalillegal;nativenon-native;orderly disorderly;commonuncommon. 动词派生词 Agreedisagree;judgemisjudge;treatmaltreat; activateinactivate;useill-use;mobilizeimmobilize; managemismanage;quoteunquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-, auto-, bi-, co-, counter-, de-, ex-, inter-, mono-, post, pre-, pro-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, tri-, ultra-等。,名词或动词加上适当的后缀,便可以得到形容词派生词, 如: commercecommercial;dependdependent. 名词或形容词加上动词性的后缀,可以得到动词派生词,加上副词性后缀(仅限 -ly),则得到副词派生词, 如: fright(名词)frighten(动词); modern(形容词) modernize(动词); beauty(名词)beautify(动词); year(名词)yearly(副词); quick(形容词)quickly(副词)。,1.Use the correct prefix or suffix for each word.,present Violent Confident Different Patient,Certain Fair Paid Like Kind,Culture Globe Universe Agriculture mathematics,Art Physics Chemistry Biology Science,2.Choose the correct word to fill in each of these blanks.,1.At the beginning, the earth had no_. Dust B. atoms C.water D. matter 2.The development of a planet generally depends on _ combining together. A.Atoms B.rocks C.gases D.water 3.The _ of mammals happened after the disappearance of the dinosaurs. A.Harmful B.system C.spread D.method 4.Mammals _ when the animals that were harmful to them disappeared. A.Prevented B.multiplied C.depended D.existed,3.Complete the following passage with the words and phrases below in the correct form.,Answer key for Ex 3.,Fundamental, astronomy, gave birth to, existed, As a result, atoms, preventsfrom, puzzle,4.In pairs divide these adjectives into two groups: emotional words and calm words.,Violent angry rude Shocked excited crazy,Patient gentle relaxing Kind easy-going calm,Grammar,主语从句,主语从句: 做主语用的名词性从句,因其在复合句中做主语,又称主语从句,引导主语从句的有连词that ,whether, 连接代词who ,what ,which, 连接副词when,where, how, why等。,1.连接词:,1)从属连词:that, whether等. that 引导主语从句只起引导作用,本身无实际意义,在主语从句中不充当任何成分,但不能省略。,That she left him cut him to the heart.,2)连接代词who ,what ,which, whatever, whichever, whoever,What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.,由whether及其他连词引导的主语从句放在句首,句后都可。,Whether it will please them is not easy to say.,3)连接副词when,where, how, why等。,Why he did it remains a mystery.,2.位置: 主语从句可以前置,也可以后置。用it做形式主语,而把主语从句,在句末,常用下面几种句型。,1)It + be + 表语 +主语从句 表语:(名词, 形容词,过去分词),2)It+不及物动词+主语从句 It seemed (happened, doesnt matter, has turned out) that,It is still uncertain whether he is coming or not.,It happens that they were absent.,It is a fact (a shame, a pity, good news) that,3) It +及物动词(被动语态)+主语从句,It has been decided that the exhibition will not open on Sundays.,注意:,1)主语从句在句首时,必须由连接词引导,不能省略这些连接词;但是如果用it做形式主语,而把主语从句放在句末时,从属连词that可以省略。,误:They should like each other is natural. 正:That they should like each other is natural. 正:It is natural that they should like each other.,2)如果主语从句放在句首,不能用if引导,但是如果用it 做形式主语,而把主语从句放在句末时,也可以用if引导.,误:If Mary really heard him is really doubtful. 正:It was doubtful if Mary really heard him.,1.I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesnt matter _that Im talking to. (2004年广东省卷 ) A. who is it B. who it is C. it is who D. it is whom,高考链接,【试析】这个句子是一个由and连接的并列句。And后是一个含有主语从句的结构,其主句部分是it doesnt matter, 主语从句则是who it is that Im talking to.而在主语从句中,又有一个定语从句,修饰who. Who既是一个引导词,也在it is中作表语.如果再细一点,说who是 (talking) to的介词宾语也可以。,2. It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today. (2003上海) A. that B. when C. what D. how,【试析】主语从句中缺少做主语的成分,故选C.,3. _ made the school proud was_ more than 90 of the students had been admitted to key universities. (2003上海春季) A. What; because B. What ; that C. That ; what D. That ; because,【试析】what 在此作连接代词,引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。that引导主语从句时,只起引导作用,不作任何成分.,2.Rewrite the following sentences with noun clauses as the subject.,His discovery has not yet been proved. Do the other astronomers accept his ideas? It remains a question. The first appearance of life on earth is still a mystery to scientist.,What has not yet been proved is his discovery.,Whether other astronomers accepts his ideas remains a question.,How life first appeared on earth is still a mystery to scientists.,Why is the earth becoming warmer? It is an important topic for research. Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight. It amazed everybody. Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system. What a surprise!,Why the earth is becoming warmer is an important topic for research.,It amazed everybody that Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight.,It is a surprise that Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system.,
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