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广州释康医疗科技有限公司 Guangzhou Healthgiving Med Corp,释康 致力于新型体外反搏装置的研发和生产的专业公司,Healthgiving Medical Corp. specially devoting to the developing and manufacturing of the new-modal external counterpulsation (ECP) devicebe the best provider of the device and the treatment solution.,Dr.Zhou(M.D &Ph.D),释康技术带头人周少春博士,在对新型体外反搏装置的基础研究、临床应用和研发等方面做了大量工作。Dr.Zhou(M.D &Ph.D) is acting as the leader in devoting his mind at ECP basic researching ,clinical application and R&D of the ECP device.,新型体外反搏装置的现状 The current situation of EECP,美国: 多中心研究结果证实其治疗安全、有效 FDA认可其治疗 美国老年保险(MEDCARE)认同其治疗的费用支出 哈佛、耶鲁等著名大学的医学院等专业机构每年有几十篇文章在国际著名杂志发表,全美目前有1000多个治疗中心,America: Must-Study: approved FDA: approved Medcare(old peoples insurance): YES Harvard & Yule university have the department of ECP treatment, a lot of researching papers in the circulation in America. Now therere over one thousand treatment center in the USA.,欧洲Europe,欧洲:德国、法国、意大利、英国等均有治疗中心。,Europe: Germany、France、Italy、Great Britain etc. have treating centers.,亚洲Asia,亚洲:日本、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、伊朗、黎巴嫩等国家均有治疗中心。,Asia: Japan、Singapore、Malaysia 、Korea、 Iran、 Lebanon etc.also have treating centers.,中国China,中国:体外反搏是由中国发扬光大的摇篮,在经过了数10年的体外反搏装置发展低谷后,国家现已确立了体外反搏的九五和十五攻关课题的研究和发展计划。,China: ECP was firstly promoted in China. After fifteen years of ECPs low valley development, the New ECP let us rethink its key role in the clinical treatment. Now it has become the key research subjects in national plan in the year of 1995-2000 & 2000-2005.,体外反博走向世界,ECP all over the world,新型体外反搏装置( 氧饱和度监测式体外反搏装置HG-3 PLUS) The Characteristics of the EECP-HG3 PLUS,特点: 治疗更安全、有效,设计更合理。 治疗更为舒适,治疗变为享受。 设计更为轻巧,治疗中噪音明显降低。 智能程序高,操作控制简便。 运行稳定,使用寿命长。,Advantages: More effective and Safer. Treatment is more comfortable, and enjoy the treatment. The designing is more reasonable,simple & much less noise. Highly intelligent ,and people-friendly. More stable and longer life.,医生体会Physician thinking,秦教授,心内科主任,博士生导师,对于冠心病患者有多支血管病变药物治疗后,或是冠心病患者介入治疗后有多个支架治疗后仍有绞痛,经体外反搏治疗后仍能明显改善其症状。 Prof.Qin (cardiologist, tutor of M.D):ECP can also reduce the patients angina pectoris in CAD with multi-vessel disease or patients with multi-stend.,病人的感受patients feeling,病人:王新祥,男、71岁,冠心病及糖尿病患者 20多年前我开始进行体外反搏治疗,目前病情控制很好,服药明显减少,我每年接受两个疗程的体外反搏治疗。20年间我只有一次入院治疗,我经历过早期体外反搏装置治疗,体会到现在新型体外反搏治疗更为舒适、未感明显挤压疼痛。 Patient: Wangxin xiang,male,71 years old, patient withf coronary heart disease & diabetes.“I am taking the ECP treatment twenty years ago, now my condition is very good. The medicine has reduced a lot, I took two course of treatment each year, and only one time for me to go to the hospital during these twenty years.Comparing the treatment which I took before, I deeply feel that the new modal of ECP device is more effective and comfortable and less painfull ”,新型体外反搏操作,Operating Guide of EECP-HG3 Plus,设备组成parts of EECP,设备分为三个部份:治疗床、控制台及空压机 The EECP-HG3 Plus contains three parts: Treatment bed , Console, Air Compressor Unit,适应症: 冠心病治疗 稳定性心绞痛,不稳定性心绞痛,急性冠脉综合症,急性心肌梗塞,再狭窄的干预。 糖尿病的治疗 脑缺血的治疗 其它病历报告和报道的作用:(1)改善肝脏微循环障碍所致的肝功能障碍。(2)改善血管性肾功能障碍。(3)对骨质疏松有辅助治疗作用。(4)促进糖脂质代谢降低血脂减少体重。(5)对男性性功能障碍有确切疗效。(6)对亚健康状态,如办公室综合症,电脑、电视综合症,以及长期缺少运动等有保健康复作用。,Indications: Angina and congestive heart failure. Coronary heart disease,angina pectoris,myocardial infarction. Cerebral arteriosclerosis,cerebral thrombosis,cerebral arteries embolism,parkinsoism,cerebral ischemic,cerbrovascular accident sequelae. Hypertension for renal ischemia,oliguresis adnuremina. Eyeground arteries embolism,centricity serosity retina choroid pathologic change optic atrophy. Sudden deafness. Cerebral paralysis for children. Diabetes for arteriosclerosis. Extremities arteriosclerosis ischemic of pancreatica. Other ischemic pathologic change and sequelae due to arteriosclerosis and disturbance of blood circulation. Hepatitis. Sports fatigue. Use for sub_health care and testoration.,禁忌症: 严重的主动脉瓣关闭不全,主动脉瘤及夹层动脉瘤。 出血性疾病,未控制的高血压。 各种心瓣膜病。 肢体有血栓性静脉炎或感染病灶。,Contraindications: Cardiac catheterization within one to two weeks to minimize the likelihood of bleeding at the femoral puncture site. Arrhythmia that might interfere with the triggering of the treatment system such as atrial fibrillation,atrial flutter,ventricular tachycardia. Uncontrolled congestive heart failure.In some patients,left ventricular unloading may be insufficient to compensate for increased venous return during the treatment. Aortic insufficiency where regurgitation would prevent diastolic augmentation. Limiting peripheral vascular disease(PVD) and/or phlebitis because of increased risk of the lower extremities can compromise effective counterpulsation. Severe hypertension (160/100mmHg).Underthese circumstances,the treatment could produce diastolic blood pressure levels surpassing acceptable limits. Bleeding diathesis because the pressure of cuff inflations might cause bleeding in leg muscles. Pregnant women and women of childbearing potential who do not employ a reliable contraceptive method to avoid possible danger to fetus.,治疗前1 Pre-Treatment 1,医生在治疗前确定其适应症,排除其禁忌症。The physician should firstly make sure that the patient is suitable for the treatment(indications yes, contradictions no.),
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