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What is art? Can you list some forms of art?,art,painting,architecture,photography,music,opera pr歌剧,seal cutting 篆刻,dance,sculpture,literature,paper cut,Can you name some famous paintings and painters both home and abroad?,Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿,Famous painters of our country!,Qi Baishi齐白石,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻 The kiss of Judas,Lets know some famous Western painters!,The Middle Age,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),MONALISA蒙娜丽莎,The renaissance,Masaccio(1401-1427),马萨奇奥,Madonna with Child and Angels 王座上的圣母圣子和四天使,Masaccio的作品:,Crucifixion耶稣钉刑图,Mone(莫奈),The impressionism 印象派,梵高向日葵a sunflower,van gogh,毕加索,亚维农的少女,Picasso,Modern Art,A short history of western painting,1. Whats the main idea of the text?,_ has _ a lot with time going by.,2. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?,Four. They are:,Fast reading,The style of Western art,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern art,changed,5th C AD,15th,16th,19th,20th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern Art,Time line,Do you want to know more about each period? Lets have a time travel !,Para.2,5th-15thcentury,religious,religious symbols,Giotto di Bondone,Careful reading,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻,5th C AD,15th,16th,19th,20th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),Period 2 : the Renaissance,Mona Lisa,Period: Time:Artist: Feature: _ themes New technique: p_ New _ paints,Read Para 3 & 4 and find the key information.,realistic,erspective,oil,the Renaissance,15th to 16th century AD,Masaccio,5th C AD,15th,16th,19th,20th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Time:Feature:,paint outdoors, painted changes in light ; not detailed,Late 19th to early 20th century,Starry night by Van Gogh,凡高向日葵,Read Para 5 and answer the questions.,What changes led to the change in painting styles?2. Why did the painters have to paint quickly?3. Did people like this style of painting? Why?,Natural light changes so quickly.,No. They said the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous.,In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal from a mostly _ society to a mostly _ one.,agricultural,industrial,5th C AD,15th,16th,19th,20th,The Middle Ages,The Renaissance,Impressionism,Modern Art,Read the last paragraph carefully and then summarize the style of modern art.,Para 6,On the one hand-_ Concentrate on _ of the object Use color, line and _ On the other hand-_ Look like _,The Style of Modern Art,certain qualities,shape,abstract,realistic,photographs,1. Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.faith n. 信任, 信仰I kept faith with him.我信守了对他的诺言。He who loses faith, loses all.失去信心的人, 失去所有。,Language Points,faithful adj. 忠诚的, 可靠的 have faith in 相信, 信任 in good faith 老实地; 诚恳地 break ones faith with sb. 对某人不守信用 keep faith with 忠于信仰; 守信,2. As there are so many different styles of Western art that it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text,sothat如此以至于可引导结果状语从句 so+adj/adv原形+that so+adj+a(an)+c单数+that so many/few +pl +that so much/little +u+that,3. consequently,adv. 所以, 因此,It rained that day and _ the baseball game was called off. A. however B. still C. so D. consequently,D,n. consequence 后果,adj. consequent 随后的, 相应的,考例 _ that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. (07陕西) A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business,B,他睡过头了, 结果迟到了。 He overslept, _ he was late. It rained heavily that day and _ the baseball game was called off. 句型转换: As a result of her mothers illness, she left school. Her mother became ill; _ she left school.,consequently,consequently,consequently,consequent adj. 作为结果的; 随之发生的 the earthquake and the consequent confusion 地震及由此而引起的混乱 His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work. 他因病缺席很久, 耽误了很多工作。 be consequent on 因.而引起的; 随.而发生的; 是.的后果,4. During the Middle Age, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.,aim v. (常与at连用) 瞄准, 对准; 努力, 力争 He aimed to swim a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。 n. 目标,目的 (purpose) What is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么? adj. aimless 无目的, 无目标的,这些措施旨在削减政府的开支。 These measures _ reducing government expenditure. 他在生活中没有目标。 He has _ in life.,aim at,no aim,5. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature,conventional adj. 常规的, 传统的; 因循守旧的,conventional weapons 常规武器 a conventional design 传统图案 conventional opinions 旧观念,The chairman made a few conventional remarks. 主席说了几句客套话。,6. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols,typical adj. 典型的; 具有代表性的; 象征性的,a typical character 典型人物 typical example 典型事例,He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils. 他是一个有代表性的学生, 他和大多数其他学生一样。,
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