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Unit 4 Inventions,Module 2 Science and technology,一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1. 广告 (n.) _ 2. 滑稽的;好笑的 (adj.) _ 3. 创造;创作 (v.) _ 4. 电话;电话机 (n.) _ 5. 使人舒服的;舒适的 ( adj.) _ 6. 世纪 (n.) _ 7. 乘客;旅客 (n.) _ 8. 发明;创造 (v.) _,advertisement,funny,create,telephone,comfortable,century,passenger,invent,9. 有用的;适用的 (adj.) _ 10. 距离;间距 (n.) _ 11. 在任何时候;随便什么时候 (adv.) _ 12. 开发;研制 (v.) _ 13. 白天;日间 (n.) _ 14. 引言 (n.) _ 15. 特殊的;特别的(adj.) _ 16. 从以后;自以来(prep.) _,practical,distance,anytime,develop,daytime,introduction,special,since,二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 与保持联系 _ 2. 在白天 _ 3. 同时 _ 4. 自那以来 _ 5. 使不接近(或远离) _ 6. 代替;作为的替代 _ 7. 搞成一团糟 _ 8. 指代 _,keep in touch with,in the daytime,at the same time,since then,keepoff,instead of,make a mess,refer to,9. 过更好的生活 _ 10. 允许某人做某事 _ 11. 许多说英语的国家_ 12. 想象做某事 _,live a better life,allow sb. to do sth.,many English-speaking countries,imagine doing sth.,三、根据汉语补全下列句子,每空一词1. 二十世纪初,汽车开始受欢迎。_ _ _ _ the 20th century, cars become popular. 2. 它们使得人们可以随时随地互相联系。 They allow people _ _ _ _ _ each other anytime, anywhere. 3. 托马斯爱迪生在1879年研制出第一个有用的灯泡。 Thomas Edison developed the first _ _ _ in 1879.,At,the,start,of,to,keep,in,touch,with,practical,light,bulb,4. 有了灯泡,人们可以像白天一样在晚上做很多事情。 With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can _ _ _ . 5. 有了这种眼镜,你可以同时看你的后面和前面。 _ _ _ _ _, you can look behind and in front of you at the same time.,in,the,daytime,With,this,pair,of,glasses,6. 自那以来,人们已经能够互相远距离谈话。Since then, people have been able to speak to each other _ _ _. 7. 谁的家离学校最远?Whose home is _ _ _ _ school? 8. 如果你喊“飞行”,这辆小汽车会在30秒后变成一架飞 机。 If you shout “fly”, the car will _ _ a plane in 30 seconds.,long,distances,the,from,farthest,away,turn,into,over,9. 墨水也不容易干,有时在纸上弄得一团糟。 The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes _ _ _ on the paper. 10. 孔明灯导致了热气球的发明。The Kongming Lantern _ _ _ _ _ the hot-air balloon.,a,mess,led,invention,to,the,of,made,【词汇精析】 【1】advertisement n. an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job 广告 Advertisement is often used to push the sale. 广告常常被用作商品促销的手段。 【同根词】 advertise v. 为做广告 The company advertised goods for sale. 这家公司为推销产品而做广告。,【辨析】advertisement与advertising (1)advertisement指广告本身,比如报纸上、电视里看到的广告实体。 (2)advertising指的是做广告这件事。 You can post the advertisement of your products in newspapers. 你们可以把产品的广告刊登在报纸上。 We should consider investing more on advertising. 我们应当考虑增加广告的投入。,【应用】 (1) _(advertise) can be made in many ways. (2) ( )How many ways of _ are mentioned in the meeting?A. advertise B. advertiser C. advertising,Advertisements,C,【2】funny adj. something is amusing and likely to make you smile or laugh 滑稽的;好笑的 funny的比较级是 funnier,其最高级是 funniest。 The little boy looks very funny when he knots his eyebrows. 那个小男孩皱着眉头的样子很有趣。 【同根词】 (1)fun n. 乐趣;玩笑;有趣的人或事 It could be fun to watch them. 看它们会是有趣的。 (2)funnily adv. 有趣地;滑稽地 He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily that even the ambassador was fain to burst out. 他狼狈而可笑地从马上滚翻下来,甚至使得大使也不由得放声大笑。,【拓展】 (1)have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得开心 Wish you have fun learning English this term. 希望这学期你们能享受到学习英语的乐趣。 (2)make fun of=play tricks on=laugh at开某人玩笑;取笑某人 Dont make fun of the disabled! 不要戏弄残疾人! 【应用】 (1)Ill tell you a _(funny) story than Lucys. (2)Making_(funny)of others is impolite.,funnier,fun,【3】create v. to cause something exist;make 创造;创作 create的过去式为created,过去分词为created,现在分词为creating。 You can create a website for your organization. 你可以为你们的组织创建一个网站。 【同根词】 (1)creation n. 创造物 The bathroom is entirely my own creation. 这个浴室完全是我个人的创作。,(2)creative adj.有创造力的 Like so many creative people, he was never satisfied. 正如许多有创造力的人一样,他永不满足。 【辨析】create, invent, make, produce与design (1)create:指有目的地把原材料制成新产品,也指创造出原来不存在的或与众不同的事物。 (2)invent:主要用于科技领域,指通过思考、研究或实验制造出新的前所未有的且极为有用的东西。,(3)make:为最普通用词,指任何东西的创作或制造。 (4)produce:指产品的生产,或作品创作的完成。 (5)design:多指艺术上的创作。 【应用】 ( )The dish was _by our chef Jean Richard. A. produced B. invented C. created,C,【4】comfortable adj. feel relaxed because of the place or position 使人舒服的;舒适的 comfortable的比较级是more comfortable,其最高级是 (the) most comfortable。 She lives a happy and comfortable life. 她过着幸福而舒适的生活。 【同根词】 (1)comfortableness n. 舒适 (2)comfortably adv. 舒服地 (3)comfort n. 舒适;安逸v. 安慰;使舒适 Thank you for your letter to comfort me. 谢谢你来信安慰我。,
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