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Unit2,Whats the event?,How much do you know about the Olympic Games?,What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?,They stand for the friendship of the 5 continents.,Asia,Europe,Africa,America,Oceania,Swifter,Higher,Stronger,Olympic motto(格言, 口号),Swifter Higher Stronger,The Olympic Motto,Every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw further. They do their best to win medals.,Olympic torch 火炬,Olympic flame奥运圣火,The fire represents life and enthusiasm. 圣火象征着发源于古希腊的文明之光, 它照耀着人类前进的道路, 激励着人类追求光明、追求理想,朝着崇高的目标不断进取。,The 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta .USA,We call these Olympics Games Olympic Games.,modern,ancient,_,(现代的),(古代的), Do you know some ancient Olympic Games?,summer,winter,Opening Ceremony,The opening ceremony is often held in,_,stadium,gymnasium,special hall for physical exercise,(健身馆,体育馆),(露天体育场),sports halls,Q2:What kind of event did they take part in?,Q1:Who is the competitor,Someone who compete in sports event,(竞争者, 运动员) ?,110m hurdle race,basketball,Football soccer,table tennis,Liu xiang,Yao Ming,Liu guoliang,Maraduna,What kind of event did they take part in?,running,swimming,wrestling,judo,horse riding,weightlifting,gymnastics,high jump,Ice skating,Competition,When did the ancient Olympic Games start? A. 776AD B. 776 BC,Competition,2. When did the ancient Olympic Games stop?A. 393 BC B. 393AD,A. Athens, Greece B. Olympia, Greece,3. Where did the ancient Olympic Games hold?,Olympia, in Greece,4. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?,One (Greece),How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?,Only one, Greece,5. What events were there in the ancient Olympic Games?A. Running, jumping, shooting, throwing, wrestling B. Table tennis, jumping, volleyball, swimming,摔 跤,6. What was rewarded to the winners in ancient Olympic Games?Olive wreath,a symbol of peace.,橄榄枝花冠,7. Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?,slaves and women,8. When and where was the first Olympic Games held in modern times?,1986 in Sydney B. 1896 in Athens C. 1698 in Olympia,9. When did China first take part in the Olympic Games?A. In 1940 B. In 1932,10. Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?,A. Zeng Guoqiang; weighting B. Xu Haifeng; shooting C. Xu Haifeng; weighting,A,11. What do the winners of the modern Olympics get?,olive wreath,medal,B,Olympic,medals,medals decorated with jade,gold,silver,bronze,medal,silver medal,bronze medal,gold medal (champion),12. How many kinds of Olympic Games are there in the world? What are they?,Two kinds, the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games.,13. How many gold medals did China get in the 2004 Athens Olympics? A. 28 B. 32 C. 28,14. Whats the motto of the Athens Olympics? Welcome home.,15. How many gold medals did China get in the 29th Olympic Games?A. 50 B. 51 C. 41 D. 40,16. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?,The next Olympic games will be held in London in 2012.,Beijing welcomes you !,17.What is the Olympic mascot of 2008?,18.What is the slogan of Beijing Olympic Games,One world, one dream.,19.Beijing promises to host,a “Green Olympics” a “Peoples Olympics”a “Hi-tech Olympics”,Ice ball,skiing,skating,figure skating 花样滑冰,What events are there for the Winter Olympics?,Brief History of the Olympics,776 BC, Olympia in Greece,393AD,1896, Athens in Greece,Ancient Olympics,Modern Olympics,The old Olympics,776BC393AD: in Greece,The 1st Modern Olympics,In 1896; Athens, Greece;,280 competitors from 13 countries,The 29th Olympics,in 2008; Beijing; 10, 651 athletes from 205 countries; 302 different events.,1. 比赛compete 2. 奥林匹克运动会the Olympic Games 3. 运动员athlete,4. 运动场stadium 5. 赛事event 6. 主办方host,奥运词汇,1. 奥运圣火Olympic flame 2. 奥运火炬Olympic torch 3. 奥运会旗Olympic flag,4. 奥运格言Olympic motto 5.吉祥物mascot 6.奖牌medal,奥运词汇,ancient / Greece / take part in,古代奥运会始于希腊。那时只有男人才被允许参加奥运会。,_Olympic Games started in _. Atthat time, only men _the Olympics.,Ancient,Greece,could take part in,在第2届现代奥运会上,女运动员开始参加比赛并从此在 奥运会上起着重要作用。,women athletes / competition / play an important role,_ _ began to take part in the _in the 2nd modern Olympics. From then on women started to _in Olympic Games.,Women athletes,competition,play an important role,He is the first Chinese male _(compete,competition, competitor) who won a gold medal in the running of the Olympic Games.,competitor,2004 Athens,In 2006,Liu Xiang set a new world record 12.88.,2006 Lausance,“ To be an athlete, one should be a _citizen (公民)first. I think its every competitors _ to compete for the honor of ones homeland.” (A. responsibility B. responsible),responsibility,responsible,adj. 有责任感的,He had to quit the competition because his foot had been _injured. (physical, physically),
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