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艺术艺术 Art in itself is a language, a tool which embodies its creators inner passion and ideology. Its meaning lies not in humoring the public taste and predilection but in the exploration of the richness of the spirit within self. (评论家之于艺术)1) An unrecognized jade is no different from a petty stone. Art is not a very accessible subject for everyone. As a direct product of the artists passion and a manifestation of the artists creative impulse, its abstruse nature and beauty often requires interpretation. Has there not been the critic who discovers and advocates the values of great works of art, they may remain obscure and submerged by the numerous uninspired efforts. 2) The critic can provide constructive feedback and criticism for the artist and prompt better work. In both circumstances, the critic serves as the communication bridge between the artist and the general public. This “bridge“ may sometimes appear rickety, but it is indispensible. It translates the language of art, without which the value appreciation would not even be possible. 艺术家对社会的贡献,杰出个人造就历史,创新,颠覆传统 Marcel Duchamp, a French-born American artist, is a legendary figure whose works and ideas have had a profound influence on the developing path of 20th century art. His quest for irrationality and freedom is extraordinarily remarkable in the rationality-dominant Western world. In 1917, his most well-known work of art titled “Fountain“ was displayed in a gallery in New York. In fact, it was an ordinary, mass-produced urinal which Marcel purchased from a local store. While this was indeed a bold and subversive act, it vividly demonstrated Marcels maverick personality and revolutionary thought about art: to transcend the confines of old, established aesthetic principles and originality. 不被当代认可的艺术家,贫困潦倒,评论家发现艺术家价值 Jan Vermeer, a Dutch painter who masters use of light and shadow, represents the many great artists who did not receive appreciation during their own times. He has not sold one piece of his paintings in his lifetime and died young leaving his family nothing but debt. It was not until late 19th century, nearly two centuries after his death, that he was rediscovered by art critic Thore Burger who reintroduced to the public Vermeers paintings which then began to gain wide attention and admiration. Today Vermeer is regarded as one of the greatest painters of the Dutch Golden Age. 艺术反映现实,隐藏的社会理念与动力 Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, which was the best-selling novel of 19th century, provides a perfect example of literature as an agent of social change. By depicting the cruel reality of slavery, the anti-slavery novel, to some degree, helped fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s and aggravated the sectional conflict which eventually gave rise to the Civil War. Its impact on American society was all the more notable, reinforced by the anecdote of Lincoln, who once said to Stowe: “So this is the little lady who started this great war.” Often using contemporary settings and adding artist expressions, writers show in their writings the ideas and impulses underneath the society. (三个例子排比)Picassos masterpiece Guernica was created at the news of the bombing of the small town during Spanish Civil War and the painting conveyed a sentiment of strong grief and indignation. Beethovens Symphony No. 5 communicated a resistant spirit to the plight pitted against by the manipulation of fate. Cervantes Don Quixote insinuated the arbitrary powers of the church and satirized the knight novels prevalent in Spanish society at the time. 艺术家对社会贡献,政府应适度支持艺术,个人经历坎坷的艺术家 Samuel Johnson, 18th century highly-acclaimed British writer and critic, is a man knowing the pains of poverty. Johnson started a degree in Oxford but was forced to drop out due to his fathers deteriorating financial conditions and left for London where he led a difficult life as a hack, and also where he completed what came to be the most authoritative English dictionary for 150 years, “A Dictionary of the English Language”. The publication of the dictionary established his reputation. What people did not know was that throughout the eight years of compiling his dictionary, Johnson received no patronage and relied solely on himself in this gigantic work in spite of his earnest request for help from the authority. Yet he was treated with total indifference and even contempt especially by Lord Chesterfield. Had there been support of one patron, his work would have been finished within a far shorter time period. 政治 反面例子,领导者贪污腐败 About two years ago, Shanghais Party Secretary Chen Liangyu was arrested for bribery and abuse of power. During his tenure, Chen unlawfully transferred the ownership of a major highway project of Shanghai to a businessman who offered him considerable personal benefits, and clandestinely granted loans of more than $10,000,000 from the citys social security fund. When the illegal trade was finally uncovered, a loss on the country of approximately $46,000,000 had already occurr
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