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人教课标 高一 必修 4 Unit 5,Theme parks Listening,Look at the names of the minority groups below. What do you know about their cultures? What are they famous for? Discuss the two questions with your partner.,Miao,Dai,Naxi,Bai,Uyghur,Listen to the conversation, and fill in the table.,dancing,singing,woodwork,Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.,1. Why did Ricky and Lucy come to China?2. What is the purpose of the Folk Culture Village?,Ricky and Lucy came to China as tourists.,The purpose of the Folk Culture Village is to show the homes, temples and dress of Chinas Minority groups.,3. What two things is Ricky interested in doing?4. What is Lucy most interested in doing?,Ricky is interested in eating and in seeing the homes of the Bai people.,Lucy is most interested in shopping.,5. What things does the guide think are the most important to see?,The guide thinks it is most important to see the Uygur cultural dances and the Dai singing (and possibly the different style of houses)?,Futuroscope-Excitement and learning,FUTUROSCOP“观测未来”EXCITEMENT AND LEARNING 刺激与求知 Last week I took a journey deep into space, to the end of the solar system, and was pulled into a black hole. 上周我进行了一次深入太空的旅行。我来到了太阳系的尽头,被拖进了一个黑洞里。Then I took a trip to Brazil and experienced surviving an airplane crash in the jungle. 然后我游览了巴西,感受了坠机后在丛林中求生的滋味。,After that, I joined some divers and went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that have never seen sunlight. 随后,我跟着一些潜水者潜入海底观看从未见过阳光的奇怪的失明的生物。 For a break, I took part in some car racing and then skied down some of the most difficult mountains in the world. 作为间歇,我参加了一个赛车比赛,然后来到世界上最险要的山上滑雪。,I ended my travels by meeting face to face with a dinosaur, the terrible T-Rex, and survived the experience! 最后,我面对面地遭遇了一只恐龙可怕的霸王龙,在死里逃生之后,我的旅行也结束了。,I did all this in one great day at Futuroscope. 在“观测未来”主题公园,我在一天之内就做完了所有这些事情。Opened in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world. “观测未来”于1987年开放,是世界上最大的太空时代主题公园之一。This science and technology-based theme park in France uses the most advanced technology. 这个以科技为基础的法国主题公园使用了最先进的技术。,Its 3-D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and beyond. 它的立体电影以及那巨大的电影屏幕能为人们提供在地球上以及超越地球的全新体验。Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced, going to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system. 参观者可以接触到他们从来没有经历过的世界的角落,比如潜入海底,飞跃丛林,或者参观太阳系的边缘地带。,The amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world come to life in a completely new way for visitors. 这些让人惊讶的最新的信息加上大量动手实践学习的机会,让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。 Learning centres throughout the park let visitors try their own scientific experiments, as well as learn more about space travel, the undersea world and much more. 遍布公园的学习中心可以让参观者尝试做他们自己的科学实验,与此同时可以学到更多关于太空旅行、海底世界等的知识。,I bought tickets for myself and my friends at the parks entrance, but tickets are also available online. 我在公园的入口处给自己和朋友买的票,但是也可以在网上购票。Futuroscope is not only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. “观测未来”主题公园不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习的完美结合。,Classes or other large groups that let Futuroscope know their plans in advance can get the group admission rate. 班级或者大的团体如果提前让“观测未来”知道他们的计划,还可以拿到团体入场价格。 For anyone coming from out of town, Futuroscope has many excellent hotels nearby, most of which provide a shuttle service to the park. “观测未来”附近为那些从城外来的游客准备了很多很好的旅馆,而且大多数旅馆都提供往返公园的车辆服务。 If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.,如果开车(也很方便),“观测未来”就在高速公路附近。 Plan your trip well before starting, since Futuroscope has so many shows, activities and great souvenir shops that it is difficult to see them all. 在出发之前好好计划一下你的旅行,因为“观测未来”里面的表演、活动和好的纪念品商店太多了,所有要全部游览完是很难的。 Come ready to walk a lot - be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers or other walking shoes!来这里要准备走许多的路一定要穿上舒适的运动鞋或者其他走路穿的鞋,Task 1: What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?,Past,Present,Future,Time,Place,Earth,Under sea,Space,Skimming,Para 1. What I did at Futuroscope.Para 2. A general description of the park.Para 3. General information about how to visit the park.,Task 2: Main topic of each paragraph.,( ) A. taking a journey deep into space, to the end of the solar system, and be pulled into a Black Hole. ( ) B. taking a trip to Brazil to experience surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.,Tick the experiences at Futuroscope (Para1),Scanning,( ) C. going with divers to the bottom of the ocean and seeing mysterious, blind creatures that have never seen the sunlight. ( ) D. car racing or skiing on some of the most difficult mountains in the world. ( ) E. meeting face to face with a dinosaur. ( ) F. living on the other planets.,a theme park in America. a theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth and the present time. a science and technology-based theme park that provides people with extraordinary experience without leaving the earth and the present time. a theme park that provides only fun and excitement.,
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