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Section Grammar,一,二,三,四,一、观察下面的两个句子并填空 1.Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand. 2.Putting down his shopping bag,Will held out his hand. 剖析:句1中 put down 在句中作 成分,held out 作 成分,它们的主语为 。句2中putting down在句中作 成分,逻辑主语为 ,putting down 与逻辑主语之间为 关系,held out在句中作 成分,主语为 。 答案:谓语;谓语;Will;非谓语/状语;Will;主动;谓语;Will,一,二,三,四,二、根据第一题的剖析改写句子 1.She sat by the window and enjoyed the beautiful sight outside. She sat by the window, the beautiful sight outside. 2.When she saw nobody at home,she decided to leave a note.nobody at home,she decided to leave a note. 3.When they heard their teachers voice,the pupils stopped talking at once.their teachers voice,the pupils stopped talking at once. 4.If you think carefully,you will find the answer.carefully,you will find the answer. 5.Their car was caught in a traffic jam,thus it caused the delay. Their car was caught in a traffic jam,thus the delay. 答案:1.enjoying 2.Seeing 3.Hearing 4.Thinking 5.causing,一,二,三,四,三、把含有动词-ing形式的状语从句分类 1.Hearing the good news,we are all excited. 2.Not knowing her address,we couldnt get in touch with her. 3.The boy walked along the hill,singing softly to himself. 4.Turning to the left,you will find a path leading to the post office. 5.I turned off the lamp,seeing nothing. A.Expressing time B.Expressing result C.Expressing condition D.Expressing accompany E.Expressing cause 答案:1.A 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.B,一,二,三,四,四、翻译句子并注意黑体词部分 1.While waiting for the train,I had a long talk with Jane. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。 2.Not knowing how to work out the difficult physics problem,he asked the teacher for help. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。 3.Thinking carefully,you will find the answer. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。,一,二,三,四,4.The boy fell off his bike,breaking his right arm. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。 5.Laughing and talking,they went into the room. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。 6.Being poor,the old man was happy. 翻译: 。 此句为 状语从句。,一,二,三,四,答案:1.在等火车的时候,我与简进行了长谈;时间 2.因为不知道如何解这道物理难题,他向老师求助了;原因 3.仔细想想,你就会找到答案的;条件 4.男孩从车子上掉了下来,把右胳膊摔断了;结果 5.他们有说有笑地进了屋子;伴随 6.尽管很穷,这位老人很快乐;让步,1,2,1.Do the two parts of the sentences refer to the same person? 句子的两部分指的是同一个人吗? 考点:refer to指的是 “Hid” and “xenon” refer to the same thing. Hid与xenon指的是同一个意思。,1,2,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义 You cant refer to your book when you are in the exam. 考试时不能查阅书籍。 词性:不及物动词 含义:参考 You may refer the matter to him if necessary. 必要的话你可以把这件事委托给他。 词性:及物动词 含义:提交,委托 Keep the dictionary on your desk for your reference. 把这本字典撂在书桌上供你参考吧。 词性:名词 含义:参考,1,2,2)阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的意义 He never referred to his sisters in his letters. 他在信里从未提到过他的姊妹。 意义:谈到;提到;涉及 They referred their plan to the management. 他们将计划提交给了管理部门。 意义:提交 Mr White referred his success to his hard work. 怀特先生说他的成功归功于勤劳工作。 意义:认为与有关;归功(咎)于;归于,1,2,If you dont know the meaning of a word,you should refer to a dictionary. 如果你不知道一个单词的意思,你应当查一下词典。 意义:查阅,参考 The salesman referred me to the manager. 售货员让我去找经理。 意义:让找(处理) 3)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义 Please keep this sheet in a safe place for reference. 请把这张纸放在稳妥之处以备查阅。 词性:名词 含义:查阅,参考,1,2,2.Grammar:Adverbial clauses with-ing 考点:动词-ing形式作状语 Walking in the street,I met a friend of mine. 在街上走着的时候,我遇见了一个朋友。 考点延伸 1)动词-ing形式在句中作时间状语 When crossing the street,do be careful. 过马路时一定要小心。 Travelling in Beijing,I encountered a friend of mine. 在北京旅游时,我意外地遇见了我的一个朋友。 When comparing the differences of the two cultures,you may find that they have a lot in common. 当比较两种文化的不同时,你可能会发现两者有很多的相似之处。,1,2,1,2,2)动词-ing形式在句中作原因状语 Not knowing how to deal with the difficult situation,he turned to his parents to help. 不知道如何应对困难的形势,他向父母求助了。 Not knowing her address,I cant write to her. 由于不知道她的地址,我没法给她写信。 3)动词-ing形式在句中作条件状语。 Being more careful,you can make fewer mistakes. 如果你更细心,你就会犯更少的错误。 Once losing this chance,you cant easily find another. 一旦失去这次机会,你就很难再有机会了。 Turning to the left,you will see the bridge. 向左拐,你就能看到桥。,1,2,4)动词-ing形式在句中作让步状语。 Weighing almost one hundred jin,the stone was moved by him alone. 虽然那块石头差不多有一百斤,但他一个人就把它挪动了。 Being clever enough,you should ask me for more advice. 即使你足够聪明,也应该征求我的建议。 5)动词-ing形式在句中作结果状语 The fire lasted nearly a month,leaving nothing valuable. 大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。 Football is played in more than 80 countries,making it a popular sport. 80多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。 He ran all the way,reaching school out of breath. 他跑了一路,到达学校时气喘吁吁。,1,2,6)动词-ing形式在句中作方式或伴随状语 I stood by the door,not daring to say a word. 我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。 The children ran out of the room,laughing and talking merrily. 那些孩子跑出房间,愉快地笑着、说着。 They would be able to reply to our signals by using similar methods. 他们将能用同样的方法回答我们的信号。 He sat in the armchair,reading a newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅里看报纸。 Please answer the question using another way. 请用另一种方式回答这个问题。,1,2,注意:动词-ing形式的否定式通常是在前面加否定词not。 Not seeing anyone at home,I decided to come again. 看见没有人在家,我决定再来一趟。,1,2,
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