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权利平等,机会均等,共享进步权利平等,机会均等,共享进步联合国秘书长联合国秘书长 2010 年国际妇女节电视致辞年国际妇女节电视致辞2010 年年 3 月月 8 日日 The fight for womens rights is central to the UNs global mission. 为妇女权利的斗争是联合国的全球使命的中心。Fifteen years ago, in Beijing, Governments committed themselves to equality, development and peace for all women, in all countries. The Beijing Declaration was a landmark on the road to womens empowerment. It has guided policy making. It has inspired women and girls to strive for equality and opportunity, and reminded everyone that this is their right. 15 年前在北京,各国政府承诺为造福世界各地所有妇女而推进平等、发展与和 平。 北京宣言是赋予妇女权利进程中的一个里程碑。它为制定政策提供了指 南,它鼓舞着妇女和女童争取平等和机会,并提醒大家,这是她们的权利。We have seen progress. Girls are now more likely to receive an education. Women are now more likely to run businesses or participate in government. But much work remains. Death in childbirth is still too common. Too few women have access to family planning. Violence against women remains a cause of global shame, and sexual violence in war is endemic. I have just appointed a special representative to mobilize international action to address these crimes. At the United Nations itself, we have more women in senior posts than at any time in history. 我们已经看到进展,现在,多数女孩可以接受教育,更多的妇女更有可能经营 生意或担任公职。尽管如此,仍有大量工作要做。孕妇死亡率仍然高居不下, 令人无法接受;可获得计划生育服务的妇女仍然寥寥无几;暴力侵害妇女行为 仍遍及全球,令人蒙羞。尤其是,冲突期间的性暴力行为非常普遍。我刚刚任 命一位特别代表,负责动员国际社会打击这些犯罪行为。在联合国担任高级岗 位的女性达到历史最高水平。Securing womens rights is central to all our hopes for peace, security and sustainable development. As we look back on 15 years of achievement, let us look forward to a world of equality and progress for all. 保障妇女的权利是至关重要的,是所有促进和平,安全和可持续发展的希望。 让我们认真审视过去 15 年所取得的成就,让我们期待一个人人权利平等、机会 均等并共享进步的美好未来!
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