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Unit 2,My (我的),schoolbag,Unit 2 My Schoolbag (Part B Lets Learn & Lets chant),Its yellow.,Whats colour is it?,Whats in it?,an English book,a math book,a Chinese book,a story book,four maths books,five Chinese books,2 story-books,2 English books,This is Zhang Peng s schoolbag. Guess, whats in it?,a key,three keys,a toy,two toys,a candy,some candies,a notebook,picture book,What is missing?,I point and you name.,games,listen and number.,listening,guessing game,A: Whats in my schoolbag? B: A key, two toys.,pair work,A: whats in your schoolbag? B: A key, two toys.,listening,listen to the tape and finish “look and cricle “,listen to the tape and finish “what in my schoolbag?“,make a research.,
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