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grammar: 情态动词,任务 总结出情态动词的用法 5分钟后展示你的成果,Language points: 1. Must I keep to the path? No, you dont have to.我必须按照路线走吗?不,你没有必要。 2. You mustnt walk along the edge. 你不准走边上,可能会掉下去伤到自己。 3.I looked it up in the dictionary.The word must be right.我查过字典,这个单词一定是对的。 4. In a forest, you have to think about personal safety.在森林里你不得不考虑自己的安全。 5. May I have a rest now?我现在可以休息下吗? 6.Wheres Tom? Im not sure. He may sleep in his bedroom.Tom在哪?我不知道,也许在他的卧室。 7. I can keep myself safe?我能保证自己安全。 8. Tony lost the match. Can it be ture? Tony 输了比赛。这会是真的吗?,总结must,may,can的用法 must表命令 必须,不准 must表猜测 肯定,一定 must与have to的区别 must表主观上的必须have to表客观上的必须 may表许可 可以 may表猜测 也许,可能 can表能力 会,能 can表可能或请求,情态动词总结 must:必须 mustnt:不准 may:可以 might:可以 have to:不得不 dont have to:没必要 need:需要 neednt:没必要 will:会 would:想要 can:能,会 could:能,会 should:应该 shouldnt:不应该,任务 口头练习使用情态动词 7分钟完成,Some library rules:,You shouldnt _.You mustnt _.You mustnt _.,eat or drink,speak,listen to music,school rules:,You shouldnt _.You shouldnt _.3. You mustnt _.,sleep in class,fight,read novels in class,Language point: 1. May I go home? 我可以回家了吗?No, you mustnt. 是,你回家。/ 不, 不允许。2. Must I go to the hospital? 我必须去医院吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须去。 No, you neednt./ you dont have to. No, its not necessary. 不,没必要。,一、选用适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空:,1.Dont you see the sign? Silence. You _ talk. 2.It is noisy. I _hear you. 3.You _use the computer if you like. 4.Lucys parents are proud of her. She _speak four languages.,mustnt,cant,may,can,一、选用适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空:,5.You _pay him for the newspaper. 6.I _ go now.Thank you for your dinner. 7.Its raining heavily outside. He _stay home watching TV.,should,must,has to,书本p 113 exercise 4,can, cant, must, mustnt, should,You _ join the club without a test. You _ wear the right clothes. You _ wear a belt, jewellery or a watch. You _ tie back long hair. You _ try new skills without the instructors advice. You _ take rests if you want to. Beginners _ start gymnastics without doing an Introduction course first.,can,must,mustnt,should,mustnt,can,cant,任务 学考精练P64巩固练习情态动词专项 5分钟完成,学考精炼:p 64 ABACC CBBAC 1. A neednt 没必要 2. B 3. A must 必须 4. C must 表推测,一定,肯定 5. C 6. C must 表推测,一定,肯定 7. B dont have to = neednt 没必要 8. B 9. A can 能够 10. C must 必须,任务 口语练习 5分钟完成,She will be late for school,They dont know the way,Can you give me some suggestions?,She can/may .,take a taxi,They can take a taxi. They can ask the policeman.,She is ill,He is too fat.,She must see a doctor. She have to take some medicine. She should have a rest.,He must lose weight. He should do some sports. He can eat more vegetable and less meat. He has to do weight training.,Do you want to do sth? Would you like to do sth? How about doing sth? What about doing sth? Lets do sth. Why not do sth? Shall we do sth? Why dont you do sth? Yes, please/Id like to. No, thank you.,任务 堂清,我这节课学到了多少? 10分钟,must mustnt may might have to dont have to need neednt will would can could should shouldnt,必须 不准 可以 可以 不得不 没必要 需要 没必要 会 想要 能,会 能,会 应该 不应该,1. Must I keep to the path? No, you dont have to. 我必须按照路线走吗?不,你没有必要。 2.I looked it up in the dictionary. The word must be right. 我查过字典,这个单词一定是对的。 3. In a forest, you have to think about personal safety. 在森林里你不得不考虑自己的安全。 4.Wheres Tom? Im not sure. He may sleep in his bedroom. Tom在哪?我不知道,也许在他的卧室。 5.Tony lost the match. Can it be ture? Tony 输了比赛。这会是真的吗?,堂清内容,中考链接: 1. Is Susan going to her hometown by train? I guess she _. I know she likes driving her new car. A. mustnt B. cant C. may not (佛山中考题) 2. These newspapers are free. You _ keep one if you like(2008 佛山) A. may B. should C. must 3. She _ go to the supermarket far from her home nowhere else is good enough for her. (2010 佛山) A. must B. has to C. can,Language points: 1. You must keep to the path. 必须 2. You mustnt walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. 禁止 3. We should start walking. 应该 4. You have to think about personal safety. 不得不 5. We can take a look across the countryside.可以 6. I may need a rest very soon. 也许,书本p 112 Exercise 2 1. At my school, we can wear whatever we want to. 2. Daming may need something to eat soon. 3. Can you sing well, or play a musical instrument? 4. He is very good at music. He might become famous one day. 5. We have to go on the geography trip.,6. Theyve walked a long way, so they may be tired. 7. I mustnt forget that my exam starts at 9 am on Monday. 8. Some people may not want to go camping. 9. I have to go to the dentist this afternoon so I will miss the maths lesson. 10. Dolly may be chosen to sing in the school concert.,情态动词:can, could 能够, should 应该, have to 不得不,may, might可能, must 必须, need 需要; will, would 决心,愿望 “命令、禁止、不得不”常用“must, mustnt ,have to” “没必要做某事”常用“neednt, dont have to”或It isnt necessary to do sth.,
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