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1高二英语期末复习新题型练习高二英语期末复习新题型练习 2015 年 1 月 21 日I.单词拼写(根据汉语提示或首字母) 1Clean water is a kind of _(珍贵的)resource. 2Police _(射中)the murderer and he died. 3I couldnt express my _(感激)with my words. 4He fell down and became _(失去知觉)for hours. 5A bomb exploded in the village,causing _(恐慌)among people. 6Basic human rights are now _(保障)in our country. 7He was a bit _(担心)about the safety of his daughter. 8The thief _(颤抖)with terror when questioned about the case. 9There is a _(多种多样)of flowers in the garden. 10She wiped the _(汗水)from her face. 11The government has an interest in importing scientific _(设备) 12The parks of this city are famous for their _(喷泉) 13Your answer is _(完全地)wrong. 14Their boats pulled up_(沿着边)the dock. 15Mr.Li was _(任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school. 16He _(挥手)happily to his companions and went away. 17We should encourage the students to develop their _(潜在的)abilities. 18She gave me a _(图表)of railway network. 19Enough lava had _(爆发)from the volcano to bury the entire village. 20We need to _ (评估)how well the policy is working. 21Let me see all the official _ (文件) concerning the sale of the land. 22The old man sold that large house and moved into a small_ (平房) 23The area is flooded, as frequently happens during the_ (台风) 24The child was frightened to death by the violent _ (雷暴) 25The first _ (射击) missed my head by just a few inches. 26A bomb exploded in the village, causing_ (恐慌) among people. 27No one knows when the volcanoes will _ (喷发) 28The _ (飓风) blew with such force that trees were uprooted. 29Its a pleasure to work_ (与一起) such men. 30We must fit the expedition out with the best _ (设备) 31We must _ (约定) a day to meet again. 32I cant _(评价) his ability without seeing his work. 33I look upon this as an _ (完全的) necessity. 34Tomorrow will be quite _ (合适的) 35This new invention has enormous sales _ (潜能) 36That animal is_(实际上) a dog, not a wolf. 37. The story _ (使兴奋) the little boy very much. 38. On hot days we often go _ (洗澡) in the river.39. I cant _ (评价) his ability without seeing his work. 40. I got into a _ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked. 41. He studied the German market to find the _ (可能性) there for investment. 42. It was a cold, wet day and the children were b_.43. Its many years since Mount Vesuvius last e_.244. He drew f_ animals with two heads and large wings.45. Im a_ to get home to open my presents. 46. .They had to c_ tomorrows football match because of the bad weather. 47. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _(分部) all over the world. 48. Its reported that some government leaders_(滥用) their authority to get illegal profits for themselves. 49. It s not _(合适的) for our students to litter everywhere. 50. It was _ (典型的) of him to arrive so early. 51. After a long journey, they _(终于) arrived at their destination. 52. Anita Brookner began her career as a _ (小说家) some two decades later than Iris Murdoch. 53. The main thing is to _ (照料) to the injured. 54. Alexs real problem is that he _(缺少) confidence. 55. Checkpoints between the two zones were _ (临时地) closed. 56. We should not _(污染)our rivers with waste. 57. There is to be a total _ (禁止)on smoking in the office. 58 When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a _(彩虹). 第 2 节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。1 How to teach kids responsibility Wed all like our kids to develop into responsible people. How can we help to ensure that our kids learn the lessons of responsibility? Here are some ideas: Start them with tasks when theyre young.71 They can do a lot more than you think if youre patient and creative. Encourage them to begin at an early age, and this helps them build confidence and enthusiasm for later tasks in their life. Dont use rewards with your kids. If you want your kids to develop a natural sense of responsibility, they need to learn what they do affects others not just themselves. 72 Use natural consequences when they make mistakes. If they keep losing their baseball glove somewhere, let them deal with the consequences. Maybe they have to ask to borrow one for the game. 73 If you rescue them every time they make a mistake, theyll never learn responsibility.74 This is where theyll learn it from. Take care of your stuff. Try to be on time. Theyre watching you very closely. Give them an all
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