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法国人和英国人It is obvious that there is a great deal of difference between being international and being cosmopolitan. All good men are international. Nearly all bad men are cosmopolitan. If we are to be international we must be national. And it is largely because those who call themselves the friends of peace have not dwelt sufficiently on this distinction that they do not impress the bulk of any of the nations to which they belong. International peace means a peace between nations,not a peace after the destruction of nations, like the Buddhist peace after the destruction of personality. The golden age of the good European is like the heaven of the Christian: it is a place where people will love each other; not like the heaven of the Hindu, a place where they will be each other. And in the case of national character this can be seen in a curious way. It will generally be found, I think, that the more a man really appreciates and admires the soul of another people the less he will attempt to imitate it; he will be conscious that there is something in it too deep and too unmanageable to imitate.The Englishman who has a fancy for France will try to be French; the Englishman who admires France will remain obstinately English. This is to be particularly noticed in the case of our relations with the French, because it is one of the outstanding peculiarities of the French that their vices are all on the surface, and their extraordinary virtues concealed. 3 One might almost say that their vices are the flower of their virtues.在国际化和见多识广中存在着非常大的差异,这是显而易见的。所有的好人都是国际化的,所有的坏人都是见多识广的。我们如果想变得国际化,首先必须具备民族性。很大程度上正是由于那些自称热爱和平的人并未真正理解这种区别,因此他们的努力甚至不为自己国家的大多数人所接受。 国际间的和平意味着民族间的和平,并非破坏一个民族以后的和平,就像破坏个人特性的佛教那样。欧洲最好的时代是像基督教的天堂那般,在那里人们相亲相爱;而非像印度教那样,人们在那里成为彼此。关于民族特性这一点,可以被看作是一种稀奇的方式。我认为总体来说,是一个人不仅仅于欣赏和景仰另一个民族的气质和精神,但也不至于去模仿;他会意识到其他民族文化是很难模仿的,因为有极深极难掌握的东西在其中。对法国着迷的英国人会尝试着变成法国人;而敬仰着法国的英国人却始终坚定地有着英国的痕迹。我们英国同法国的关系需要被多加关注,因为法国人其中一个杰出的特点就是所有的邪恶都在表面上,而且他们特别的美德被封存了。你几乎可以说他们的“恶”其实是他们的“善之花”。Thus their obscenity is the expression of their passionate love of dragging all things into the light. The avarice of their peasants means the independence of their peasants. What the English call their rudeness in the streets is a phase of their social equality. The worried look of their women is connected with the responsibility of their women; and a certain unconscious brutality of hurry and gesture in the men is related to their inexhaustible and extraordinary military courage. Of all countries, therefore, France is the worst country for a superficial fool to admire. Let a fool hate France: if the fool loves it he will soon be a knave.He will certainly admire it, not only for the things that are not creditable, but actually for the things that are not there. He will admire the grace and indolence of the most industrious people in the world. He will admire the romance and fantasy of the most determinedly respectable and common-place people in the world. This mistake the Englishman will make if he admires France too hastily; but the mistake that he makes about France will be slight compared with the mistake that he makes about himself. An Englishman who professes really to like French realistic novels, really to be at home in a French modern theatre,really to experience no shock on first seeing the savage French caricatures, is making a mistake very dangerous for his own sincerity. He is admiring something he does not understand. He is reaping where he has not sown, and taking up where he has not laid down; he is trying to taste the fruit when he has never toiled over the tree. He is trying to pluck the exquisite fruit of French cynicism, when he has never tilled the rude but rich soil of French virtue. 因而法国式的下流其实是他们热衷将事情公之于众的一种表达方式。法国农民的贪婪其实意味着他 们的独立。当英国人在街头看到的粗鲁实际上是社会平等的阶段。法国妇女面带恶容与她们的责任有关系,而他们男人不经意间流露的匆忙和姿态的残酷与他们不知疲倦和和非凡的军事勇气有关。因此从所有国家看来,对于那些嘴肤浅的傻瓜来说法国是最不值得崇拜的国家。让我们调侃一下法国:如果一个傻瓜爱上法国那么不久之后他会变成恶棍。他会真真切切地爱上法国,不仅仅因为那些根本不值得的事物,甚至是一些不存在的东西。他们会崇拜世界上最勤奋的人的优雅和慵懒,也会敬仰世界上最值得令人尊敬或者是普通人的浪漫和迷人。英国人会急匆匆地崇拜法国,这是他们会犯的错误;但是他在法国犯的错几乎没有办法和自己身上犯的错误做对比。一个自称真正喜欢法国现实主义小说的英国人,真正喜欢呆在法国现代戏剧里,第一次看到野蛮的法国漫画就不会感到震惊,他犯了一个错误,这对他自己的真诚来说是非常危险的。犯下的严重错误有损于他的真诚。他崇拜着他不理解的东西,他收获着他并未播种的东西,占领着他从未拥有过的东西,品尝着他从未悉心照料的果实。他是在试着采摘法国式玩世不恭的果实,然而却从未耕种过法国式美德未开化但肥沃的土壤。 3 The thing can only be made clear to Englishmen by turning it round. Suppose a Frenchman came out of democratic France to live in England, where the shadow of the great houses still falls everywhere, and where even freedom was, in its origin, aristocratic. If the Frenchman saw our aristocracy and liked it, if he saw our snobbishness and liked it, if he set himself to imitate it, we all know what we should feel. We all know that we should feel that that particular Frenchman was a repulsive little gnat. He would be imitating English aristocracy; he would be imitating the English vice. But he would not even understand the vice he plagiarized: especially he would not understand
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