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Memo,Brief introduction备忘录是一种非正式的公文函件,通常用于在公司内部快速、有效地传递关于人事任免、会议通知、公司政策等方面的信息,是公司内部最普通的书面交流形式。备忘录一般由日期、收件人、发件人、事由和正文组成,有时也会包括一般书信里常见的称呼语、结尾敬语和签名,但多数情况下省略不用。备忘录一般简洁短小,结构清晰、阅读方便、传递迅速。,备忘录的主要内容及书写格式如下: 最上端中央写上 “Memo”或 “Memorandum”; Date:日期;有时无此项,日期直接写在右上角或左边开头; To:收件人姓名、职务等,可以免写称谓; From:发件人姓名、职务等,免称谓; Subject/ Re.:事由/主题,简要概括征文内容,使收件人一目了然;body:在以上书端内容下空一两行写正文(body),语言简要明了,表达清楚;正文部分可免去称呼和客套语. Reference Initials:有时在正文下空一行处需写上经手人姓名或姓名首字母;该部分可省略. 有些备忘录如需留副本,可加上cc.( carbon copy,副本)。,例子1,作为总经理办公室的秘书,你现在要发一份memo, 告知全体员工公司于早上的会议中批准了建立员工休闲娱乐中心的提议。公司乐于为全体员工提供健身娱乐的设施设备。 该娱乐中心将于明日开始筹建并在50天内完工。每个部门派一名代表提交你们对娱乐中心的设备以及开展活动的建议。,Sample 1 Memo To: All staff From: Echo Liang, General Manager Office Date: Nov 6th, 2013 Subject: Construction of Recreation CenterThe board of directors has approved the idea for a new Recreation Center at its meeting this morning. We are very happy to provide facilities that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees.The construction of the Recreation Center will begin tomorrow and shall be completed within 50 days. Each department will appoint an employee representative to collect your suggestions about activities and equipment for the Recreation Center.,例子2,现在有两名同事从总部调来分公司。请你出一份告示给分公司的负责人Frank Johnson。 调往分公司的其中一名同事叫Caroline Harrison ,在SET 分公司的销售部门任职四年。另外一名同事叫Donald Bush ,来自研发部门,在本公司任职两年。 这两名员工将于11月10日到你分公司,请协助安排办公室。如有需要,请与总公司联系。,Sample 2 MemorandumTo: Frank Johnson From: Echo Liang Date: Nov 6th, 2013 Subject: Personnel TransferHere are the two people transferring from our headquarters to your branch company on Nov 6th:1. Caroline Harrison from the Sales Department. She is in her fourth year with SET Branch Company.2. Donald Bush from the R&D Department. He is in his second year with our headquarters.They will be arriving on Nov 10th. please make arrangement for these two newcomers to have their own office. Let me know if you need more details.,作为总经理的秘书,你需要处理以下事务: 荣欣( Rongxin)进出口公司经理王刚上午9点打来电话,说对方至今未收到我方的货物。若我方尚未发货,必须立即与他本人联系,否则将取消订货合同。,Memorandum To: General Manager From: Echo Liang, Manager of Sales Department Date: Sept.3 Re.: Delivery of GoodsMr. Wang Gang called at 9 a.m. He says they havent received our goods so far. We should contact him immediately if we havent delivered the goods yet. Otherwise they would have to cancel the order.,作为总经理秘书,你需要处理以下事宜: 新城公司经理王明先生上午10时来拜访总经理。他希望与总经理讨论在本市设立一家食品厂的事宜。总经理正在开会,无法接见。王先生将于本周一离开。请总经理今天下午打电话给他。,Memo Date: Sept.3 To: General Manager From: Wang Ming, Manager of Xincheng Company Subject: New Food FactoryMr. Wang Ming came here to visit general manager at 10 a.m. He hoped to talk with General Manager over the matter concerning opening a food factory in our city. Mr. Wang is to leave next Monday. He asked General Manager to call him this afternoon.,Assignment,你是人事经理,为了保证公司的正常上班时间,你现在出示一份memo。 内容: 为了保证考勤制度的实施,每个员工上下班必须打卡。上班时在考勤卡的绿色栏打卡,下班时则打在蓝色栏里。 第一次违反规定的员工将会收到警告信,而第二次则会受到相应处分。,
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