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Character:Swallow(小燕子)-S,Ziwei(紫薇)-Z,Yongqi(五阿哥)-Y,Mr.AI(皇上)-A,Erkang(尔康)-K,Lingfei(令妃)-L,Empress(皇后)-E,Rongmeme(容嬷嬷)-R,Fulun(福伦)-FActAct 1 1小燕子被射,初遇皇上Location:野外Character:小燕子,皇上,永琪,尔康,福伦也可以在紫薇骑马摔倒,小燕子扶起她S:Are you okay ? Z : im fine,but im not very good at this.S : say ,where are you from?Z :my name is Xiaziwei,I come from daminghu,i come here to find my father,he is Emperor. But I was injured and could not do it myself.S:Ziwei,Trust me , Ill help u to find your father!Climb the mountainA: Yongqi ,what a beautiful cityIts time for you to show off your shooting skills.Y: Yes,Dad这个时候,永琪射箭,小燕子中箭。S:ahY:Im really sorry , are you okay?S : Im fine , please take it to Emperor.动手拿东西K:Take care,what are you going to do,protect Emperor. 踢掉小燕子手上的东西Y:Huang papa,what do you think of this girl ?A : pick her up,Let me see,再拿起来小燕子的东西,大惊。吼道:take her to Palace,You ought to keep her alive!众人:喳ActAct 2 2小燕子醒来,误认皇上Location:皇宫的床附近Character:皇上,小燕子,令妃皇上拿着小燕子留下来的画作A:Yes,this picture was written by Yuhe.小燕子迷迷糊糊的醒来A:You wake up,so tell me little about yourself . Whats your name ?S:Swallow!A:oh,Where are you from originally, Swallow?S:Im from Jinan,from near Daminghu .A:Did you grow up there?S:Yes,I did,but I moved here 8 months ago when I was 16 years old.A:So,how are things going with your mom?S:You didnt know,She passed away.A:passed away? At one time there was a piece of sincere love placed before me which I didnt cherish, I was so repentant just as I lost it . Ill treat you,my daughter!L : Its seems like she is disfigured.A : Thats easy,Ill take you to korea to tidy up your appearance.ActAct 3 3小燕子从韩国整容归来,令妃陪小燕子熟悉皇宫,小燕子请紫薇入宫Location:皇宫桌子旁Character:令妃,小燕子,丫鬟,皇上一桌子的菜L:This sounds good-snails with garlic!Have you ever eaten snails?S : No ,I havent.L:Theyre delicious ! We had them everytime,like to try some?S:No,thanks. They sound strange.指着另一道菜 Whats this?L:Fried Brains.S:Fried Brains?Now that really sounds strange!尝一下菜,yuke,I dont like any of these!Um,I think Im going to order sth else,if you dont mind.L:Sure,oh,good!Here comes 明月彩霞 now.Tell them what you wanna eat.S:Bring me a nice , juicy hamburger . medium rare . With french fries and a lager soda皇上驾到A:What do you miss the most from home?I order them to make it for you.S:Oh,thats easy: Ziweis soup!She makes great soup.I really miss Ziweis soup L:What are some of the difficulties of being an immigrant in 皇宫?S:Oh,Thats not an easy question to answer.They are so many things,really.I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I dont have any friends here.So,huangpapa,please allow Ziwei to live with me!L:I think she is right.She is a little stupid ,it was in a dangerous environment.A:Um,Thats okay.ActAct 4 4 皇宫放假,大家商量去哪里玩,皇后想让皇上回自己的老家新加坡,但紫薇提议说去纽约,皇上同意去纽约,皇后怀恨在心。Location:议事厅Character:所有人A:Im so excited,we have two weeks off ! What are you going to do?L:Im not sure. I guess Ill just stay home.Maybe take care of my babies.E:Im going to go down to my hometown Singapore to stay with my uncle.When I was a kid we used to spend two weeks there every summer.R:Yeah , we always had a great time.Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach,I had a great shell collectionZ:Sounds interesting!But I remember the traffic in Singapore is bad.E:No,quite a number of things have.on their windshield.R:Another thing S has done is to . Not everyone can get one. A:Fulun,What do you think?You have great experience.F:Empress is right.The most important thing S has done is to build . and bus system . you can set your mind at rest.S:No,huangpapa,Thats boring.I wanna backpack around Newyork .what do you think?Y:Backpack around Newyork?Thats sounds dangerous!You shouldnt go by yourself.You ought to go with someone.S:Yes,Ive thought of that. I will go with Ziwei.She read many books about Newyork.Z:Yes,trust me . I would make our visit to Newyork city safe and pleasant.New york is a much . 30 years.K:But I think the bigget mistake . Time.Theres so much . a plan.Y:Yes , Its best to start planning . so on.F:Thats right,you can use my blog . you need . you come here.Z: Thank youIll let you know if I do.Emperor,why dont you come with us.We have plenty of room.S:Thats right, we can go together .A:Okay,Its a deal!E:No,No,Emperor.please go to my hometown to visit my grandparents hourse ,you know .country. do you remember Black?My granddad taught me how to ride.A:Just go with your rongmeme!E:e,抓紧衣服,很气愤ActAct 5 5容嬷嬷为难紫薇,用针扎,皇上对皇后发脾气Location:书房斋,小燕子不在Character:紫薇 容嬷嬷 皇后 小燕子和皇上及众人后面来R:Please pick up your thingsZ:yesE :whats this?.E:Turn down the Tv.Z:But its . R:How dare you can shut at Empress!我扎我扎我扎扎扎S:huangpapa,Help,help Ziwei,pleaseA:whats wrong?S:come with me.A:骂皇后,I decided we need a break from each other for a while!甩袖而去容嬷嬷劝架ActAct 6 6在纽约玩Location:Character:除了皇后、容嬷嬷、令妃F : Newyork sure has changed!Y:What was this place like before , Mr.Fu?F:Well,. lived here then.K:These days,. Fast.F:Yeah,I bet theyll . apartments.Y : Hey,that doesnt sounds
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