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1、In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be efficient o nly if it has been - without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner. A, conventionalized B, realized C, transmitted D, manipulated E, aggrandized magic: n.魔术,法术,巫术 integrity: n.1.正真,廉正,诚实,诚恳 2.完整,完全 3.完善,健全 primeval: a.原始的,早期的,远古的 efficient: a.1.效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的 2.直接产生效果的,有效的,生效的 conventionalize: a.使符合习俗,使惯例化,按传统手法表现 aggrandize: v.扩大权势,提高地位,增进,扩充 在某些文化中,巫术的本质在于其传统的完整性:只有当它被完好无损地从远古时期传递到当今术士 的手中,它方能显得卓有成效。 2、Although skeptics say financial problems will probably - our establishing a b ase on the Moon. Supporters of the project remain -, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints. A, beset disillusioned B, hasten hopeful C, postpone pessimistic D, prevent enthusiastic E, allow unconvinced sceptic: n.怀疑(论)者,哲不可知论者 pragmatic: a.1.讲究实际的,实干的,重实效的 2.实用主义的 3.国事的,国务的 constraint:n.1.约束,限制 2.强迫,强制 3.克制,抑制,拘束 beset: v.1.困扰,使苦恼 2.包围,围攻 disillusion: v.使幻灭 postpone: v.1.延迟,延缓,使延期 2.把放在后面 pessimistic: a.悲观(主义)的 尽管怀疑论者声称,经济问题将有可能阻碍我们在月球上建立一个基础,但这一计划的支持者却热情 不减,宣称人类的求知欲理应克服这些实际障碍。 3、Before the Second World War, academics still questioned whether the body of literatur e produced in the United States truly - a - literature, or whether such literatu re was only a provincial branch of English literature. A, symbolized local B, constituted national C, defined historical D, outlined good E, captured meaningful academic: n.1.大学生,大学教师 2.学者,学会会员 provincial: a.1.狭隘的,地方性的 2.外省的,外地的 symbolize: v.象征,标志 第二次世界大战之前,学者们依然感到疑惑,即在美国创作的全部文学作品是否真正能构成一种民族 文学,抑或这种文学只能算作英国文学的一个地方性分支。 4、Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this domin ance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as - fact, a bit of arcane knowled ge noted only by bibliographers. A, a controversial B, a statistical C, an analytical D, an explicit E, an unimpeachable dominance: n.优势,支配(或统治)地位,最高权力 arcane: a.神秘的,晦涩难解的,秘密的 bibliographer: n.1.书目编制者 2.目录学家,书志学家 explicit: a.1.详述,明确的,明析的 2.直言的,坦率的 3.显然可见的,容易观察到的 unimpeachable: a.无瑕疵的,无缺点的,完全可靠的 在十八世纪,女性创作的小说数量相当程度上超过男性创作小说,但女性文学创作的这种主导地位直 到最近仅仅被视作一个统计学事实,一点小小的秘密知识,只为文献目录学家所注意。 1、What is most important to the monkeys in the sanctuary is that they are a group; this i s so because primates are inveterately - and build their lives around each other. A, independent B, stable C, curious D, social E, proprietary sanctuary: n.禁猎区,鸟兽保护区 primate: n.灵长目动物 inveterate: a.根深蒂固的,积习难改的,顽固不化的 social: a.群集的,群居的 proprietary: a.1.所有人的,业主的 2.财产的,年有财产的,所有权的 3.私营的,专卖的,专利 的 对于禁猎区内的猴子而言,最重要的一点是它们是一个群体;这之所以如此,是因为灵长目动物具有 一种根深蒂固的群居习性,均围绕着对方而营造其生活。 2、Often the difficulties of growing up in the public eye cause child prodigies to - - the world of achievement before reaching adulthood: happily, they sometimes later return t o competition and succeed brilliantly. A, ridicule B, conquer C, retire from D, antagonize E, examine prodigy: a.1.奇迹,奇事 2.奇才,天才 child prodigy: n.神童 ridicule: v.嘲笑,嘲弄,戏弄 antagonize: 引起敌意(或反感),与抗衡,竭力反对 在公众的心目中成长起来,这方面的种种困难通常致使神童们在到达成年人阶段之前便退离成就的世 界;值得庆幸的是,有时他们会在后来回到竞争中来,并取得辉煌的成功。 3、In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses, but, in fact, the - of errors is more likely to be - than i s the establishment of probable truth. A, formulation permitted B, correction ignored C, detection useful D, accumulation agreeable E, refinement conditional discredit: v.1.败坏名声,诽谤 2.使不可置信,证实是假,对怀疑,驳倒 hypothesis: n.假说(设),前提 formulation: n.1.公式化(的表述) 2.系统(或确切)的阐述 3.规划,构想 agreeable: a.1.令人愉快的,惬意的 2.(欣然)同意的,愿意的 3.适合的,一致的 refinement: n.1.高雅,有教养 2.精炼,精制 在科学研究中,报告确凿的证据要比报告被推翻的假设来得远为令人满意,但是,事实上,发现错误 要比建立可能的真理或许更为有用。 1、Paradoxically, Englands colonization of North America was - by its success: the inc reasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country. A, demonstrated B, determined C, altered D, undermined E, distinguished paradoxically: adv.1.似非而是地,佯谬地 2.自相矛盾地 3.悖理地,反常地 colonization: n.殖民统治 prosperity: n.兴旺,繁荣昌盛 loyalty: n.忠诚 demonstrate: v.1.论证,证明 2.说明,教 3.显示,表露 alter: v.改变,改动,使变样 矛盾的是,英国在北美的殖民统治反而由于它的成功而遭到削弱:诸殖民地的日益繁荣减少了它们对 其宗主国的依赖,因而亦减少了它们对它的忠诚。 2、Although Harry, Stack Sullivan is one of the most influential social scientists of th is century, his ideas are now so - in our society that they seem almost -. A, novel antiquated B, revolutionary fundamental C, commonplace banal D, disputed esoteric E, obscure familiar 【翻译】虽然哈利斯塔克沙利文是本世纪最具影响的社会科学家之一但是现在看来,他的思想在 我们的社会中显得如此普通平凡,以致于几近平庸。 3、Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather t han the-performance in the -style we had anticipated. A, talented tenuous B, prosaic classic C, artistic mechanical D, inspired innovative E, literal enlightened perfunctory: a.敷衍了事的,马虎的,得过且过的 derivative: a.1.派生的,衍生的 2.缺乏独创性的,模仿他人的 tenuous: a.1.细的,薄的 2.稀薄的,脆弱的 prosaic: a.1.散文的 2.平凡的,乏味的 inspired: a.受神灵启示的,在灵感支配下的 literal
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