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Customer (客户):Model (型号):Part Name (产品名称):Part No (产品编号):Material (产品材料): BASF Luran S778T(ASA)Mold Type (2/3板模): 2Plate Gate Type (入水方式): 2 drops hot tip + Hot manifoldCavity No.(出模数): 1+1Design (编 制):Original Date (制定日期):Version(版本) : A1,1.Gating Point,A A,0.5mm,热咀进胶点,2 Hot Tip,3mm,Coreside of injection point add plastic of 0.5mm,2a. Parting line,2b. Slider parting line,2c. Lifter parting line,2d. Inserts parting line,Inserts,Insert PL. Areas to be place insert indicated by square boxes,3. Cavity side structure. Inserts,Inserts(8X),4. Coreside structure. Inserts,Inserts(6X),5.Tool Structure. Sliders,Slide 1,Slide 3,Slide 2,Slide moving direction,Slide1,Slide 2,Slide 3,6. Tool structure -Lifters,Lifter 1,Lifter direction,Lifter 2,Lifter 3,Lifter 1,Lifter 2,Lifter 3,7. Ejector pins,8a. Issues,Insert would be thin steel here. Suggest to reduce plastic on parts to avoid this.,New drawing,Old drawing,8b. Issues,Inserts will be thin steel here. Suggest to reduce plastic on parts to avoid this.,修改后,修改前,
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