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1 北文何老师1. This person can help you if you dont feel well. D_ _ _ _ _2. You have to look in the mirror to see this part of your body. F_ _ _ 3. If you have long hair, you need to use this every day. B_ _ _ _ 4. If you eat this fruit once a day you will stay healthy. A_ _ _ _ 5. People use this to wash themselves. S_ _ _6. People are taken to hospital in this when they are ill. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. You can watch programme on this. T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. This is a comfortable seat for two or more people. S_ _ _9. If you want to know the time, you need to look at this. W_ _ _ _ 10. This usually has green leaves and you can grow it inside a house. P_ _ _ _ 11. People turn this on when it is dark. L_ _ _ _12. If you have a drink or snack, you can put it down on this. T_ _ _ _13. Students are taught in the classrooms here. C_ _ _ _ _ _14. If you have a special card, you can take books home from here. L_ _ _ _ _ _15. You can order a meal in this place. R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16. This is a large building and things like cars are made here. F_ _ _ _ _ _17. You can look at interesting old things in this building. M_ _ _ _ _ 18. This store sells everything you need for cooking and cleaning. S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19. These fall from trees in the autumn when the weather gets colder. L_ _ _ _ _20. This grows on the ground and horses and sheep eat it. G_ _ _ _21. You usually see lots of tall trees in this place. F_ _ _ _ _22. You need to stand on a hill on a windy day to fly this. K_ _ _ 2 北文何老师23. People come here to go fishing. R_ _ _ _24. This is very high and it can take a long time to walk to the top. M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25. When your friends go on holiday, they send you this. P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26. If you dont understand a word, you can look in this. D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _27. You can buy this every week and read about many interesting subjects in it. M_ _ _ _ _ _ _28. If you write about your daily life in this, you may not want anyone to read it. D_ _ _ _29. You write this for your mother when you answer the phone for her. M_ _ _ _ _ _ 30. People buy this every morning to read about what has happened in the world.N_ _ _ _ _ _ _31. If you do not wear a coat outside in the snow, you feel like this. C_ _ _ 32. People feel like this when they get good news. H_ _ _ _ 33. If you have worked hard all day, you feel like this. T_ _ _ _ 34. When you have finished playing football, you want a shower because you feel like this. D_ _ _ _ 35. If people go without a meal all day, they begin to feel like this. H_ _ _ _ _ 36. You feel like this if it is hot or there is nothing to drink. T_ _ _ _ _ _37. You will need to buy this to travel on a bus or an airplane. T_ _ _ _ _38. You may need to show this when you travel to a foreign country. P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. The pictures you take with this will help you remember your holiday. C_ _ _ _ _40. You can sit on this on the beach or use it to dry yourself. T_ _ _ _ 41. Make sure this is big enough to hold all your clothes for your holiday. S_ _ _ _ _ _ _3 北文何老师42. Its good to read this on the beach or in an aeroplane. M_ _ _ _ _ _ _43. You need this to cut up meat. K_ _ _ _44. Soup is usually put in this. B_ _ _ 45. A carrot or an onion is an example of this. V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _46. If you eat in a restaurant, this person brings your food to you. W_ _ _ _ _47. You can drink the juice of this yellow fruit, but it isnt sweet. L_ _ _ _48. To make chips, you cut up potatoes, put them in oil and do this. F_ _ 49. If you enjoy taking pictures, youll need one of these. C_ _ _ _ _50. If you enjoy camping, youll need this to sleep in. T_ _ _ 51. People learn to play music on this. G_ _ _ _ _ 52. If you like reading stories about pop stars, you may need to buy these every week. M_ _ _ _ _ _ _53. People who like walking in the forest need these to keep their feet dry. B_ _ _ _ 54. If you enjoy watching films at home, you may need to rent this. V_ _ _ _ 55. You may write your appointments in this. D_ _ _ _ 56. This place has many books for you to read, but you cannot keep them. L_ _ _ _ _ _57. You read this to find out what is happening in the world. N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _58. You may need to write this if you answer the phone for another person. M_ _ _ _ _ _59. The teacher writes on this and everyone in the class can see it. B_ _ _ _60. If you go on holiday, you may write this and send it to a friend. P_ _ _ _ _ _ _61. This is where a company makes the things that it sells. F_ _ _ _ _ _ 62. People can study different things here. C_ _ _ _ _ _4 北文何老师63. You can look at very old things here. M_ _ _ _ _64. You may need to buy a ticket before you go on the platform here. S_ _ _ _ _ _ 65. In this place, a waiter will bring you your meal. R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 66. You can go here to watch a big match. S_ _ _ _ _ _67. You go to see this person if you are ill. D_ _ _ _ _68. This person lives in the countryside where he grows food and keeps animals
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