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冠词,冠词的分类,冠词,不定冠词,定冠词 the,a an,A little boy wrote_ ”u” and _ “n” on the wall. A. a,a B. an,an C. a, an D an,a,_ English name _ telephone _ desk _ old box _ hour,_ black pen _ old hotel _ big apple _ blue ink _ wonderful music,an,a,a,an,an,C,a,an,a,/,/,冠词a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,冠词an用在以元音音素发音开头的名词前。,一.表示一类或一类中的一个,用来概括人或事物的整体。,He is a policeman. A tiger is an animal. Doctor Green is an English doctor.,不定冠词的用法,三.表示数量“一”,但语气没有one强烈。 I have an egg and a pear. I only have one yuan.,四. 相当于“每一”的意思。 They have five Chinese classes in a week.,二.介绍第一次提到的某人或某样东西,Look, there is a new bag on the chair. A man is standing under the tree.,五. 一些固定用法中,不定冠词必不可少,玩的开心 祝你今天开心 看一看 做游戏 一片 一双,Have a good time Have a good time Have a look Play a game A piece of A pair of,定冠词the的用法,一. 来表示特指的人或物。 The white cat is very beautiful. The tall man is in a black hat.,二. 表示前面谈到过的人或事物。 That is a Chinese man. The man looks young. My mom made a dish. The dish is yummy.,三. 双方都知道的人或事物。 Look at the picture,please. Close the window, please.,四. 世界上独一无二的事物前用the. The earth the moon The sun the sky The east the west The north the south,五. 专有名词前(江河湖海、地方等) the Great Wall the United States the Yellow River the Tianshan Mountain,六. 乐器前要加the. Play the vilion Play the piano Play the accordion,七. 在序数词前要加the. the 1st of Class Four the third boy,八. 形容词最高级前加the. The tallest boy The most beautiful girl The best movie,are very happy.,十. 一些固定搭配中要用the. In the tree on the tree In the morning in the afternoon Go to the cinema go to the zoo In the hat look the same,The Browns,九.和姓氏的复数连用时表示全家人。,不能使用冠词的情况,一. 复数名词或不可数名词前,且不特指时不用冠词。 二.名词前有限定词(my your some any this that)时不用冠词。 三. 表示三餐前不加冠词。 四. 表示称呼前不加冠词。 Mr.Green 五. 体育运动、棋类前不加冠词。,六. 表示节日、星期、月份、季节的词前不加冠词。,七. 一些固定搭配中不用冠词。 At school At home Go to class Go to bed,在一些短语中,有没有定冠词在意义上有很大差别:,At table at the table Go to school go to the school Go to bed go to the bed In front of in the front of In hospital in the hospital,Exercise(1),1. There are sixty minutes in _ hour. A.an B.the C.a D./ 2. Which is bigger,_ elephant or _ horse? A.a,the B.an,a C. the,a D.an,the 3._ monkey can climb _ trees. A./,the B.A,/ C.The,a D. /,/ 4.After _ quick breakfast,I hurried to _ school. A./,/ B. the. The C. the,/ D. a,/,Exercise(2),( )1. There is _ apple on the desk.A. a B .the C. an D./( )2. The girl under _ tree is my sister.A. a B .the C .an D./( )3.Mary is from _ USA. A. a B. the C. an D./( )4.Mr Black will go back to England_.a .by air b .by a plane c. by trains d. at a train,( )5.Yesterday i went to work on foot.a. /, / b ./, the c .the, / d. the, the( )6.There is “h” in the word “hour”,but “h”doesnt make a sound.a. a, a b. a, the c. the, ,an d .an. the( )7.Im going to see my mother. she is ill _.a. in hospital b. in the hospital c. in a hospital d. at a hospital,( )8. We have three meals day. We have breakfast at 6:30 in morning every day.a. the, the b. the, / c. a, / d .a, the( )9.Tina,could you please play piano for me while Im singing?with pleasure.a .a b. an c. the d. /( )10. I want to try again. please give me third chance again. a .a b. the c. an d. / ( )11. whats the matter with you?I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.a. a; / b. a; the c. a; a d. the; the( )12. sun is shining brightly. a. A b. An c. The d. /,
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