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HELLO EVERYONE!,Its a cloudy day.,Today is May 22nd.,An animal with tail. Have sharp claws. It can climb the trees. Be fond of sleep. Have unusual ability to collect the light. (有异乎寻常收集光线的能力) Like eat fish,cat,Guess,The pet cat,Cute 可爱,Lazy 懒惰,Wayward 任性,Clean 爱干净,Elegant 优雅,Mysterious 神秘,猫是一种小型食肉类哺乳动物,它宝贵的地方在于可以陪伴人类。它至少伴随人类9500年了。猫被训练去服从一些简单的命令,猫可以发出多种多样的声音,包括:喵喵声、呜呜声、嘶嘶声、咆哮声、吱吱声、(网页)点击声、呼噜声等,The cat is a small carnivorous mammal that is often valued by humans for its companionship .It has been associated with humans at least for 9,500 years. The cat can be trained to obey simple commands. Cats use a variety of vocalizations, including miaow(喵喵),purring(呜呜), hissing(嘶嘶), growling(咆哮), squeaking(吱吱),clicking(点击), and grunting(呼噜声).,Big cats,Lion,Tiger,cheetah,Cougar,美洲狮,A cat may look at a king.A copy catCat and dog lifeCat around Let the cat out of bagLike a cat on hot bricks,idioms,小人物也有权利。,抄袭他人的人,争吵不休的生活,寻欢作乐,泄漏秘密,局促不安“热锅里的蚂蚁”,Make a cat laugh See how the cat jumpsTheres more ways than one to kill a cat.Turn cat in the pan,非常好笑,观望形式,再做决策,有的是办法,叛变,变节,When the cat is away, the mice will play.,猫儿不在,老鼠玩的自在。 (即:老虎不在家,猴子称大王),Cats are territorial animals, rather than a social animal.Wild cats are born, with or without the master, and its character stands on its own.Little kitten is born head of the small lion pride.,My feeling about cats.,My feeling about cats.,I do not like the others, said the cat down。In fact, the cat is very loyal, it is only to determine the most suitable candidates, it is too aware of their needs.,Please say to your cat:,Never abandoned!,请对猫说,永不遗弃,OK Thank you for your attention !,
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