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1,网络媒体对传播学理论的影响,北京大学新闻与传播学院 王秀丽 xiuli.wangpku.edu.cn,2,传播学理论,人际传播理论 组织传播理论 组织内部传播:信息传递 组织外部传播:公关、广告 组织传播理论:古典主义、人际关系、人力资源 大众传播理论,3,大众传播学理论,media effect media sociology,Individual . . . Social system,Mass media,Individual society,4,Factors influencing media content,Shoemaker & Reese (1996) Individual level Media routine Organization Ownership Extra-media organization Government agencies Public relations Social system,5,把关人理论(gatekeeping),Kurt Lewin (1947), sociologist/psychologist David Manning White , 1950 Apply gatekeeping to journalism Shoemaker, 1991 book “Gatekeeping” Shoemaker & Vios, 2008 book “Gatekeeping theory” The process by which countless occurrences and ideas are reduced to the few messages we are offered in our news media.,6,大众传媒的“把关标准”,适时性(timeliness) 影响力(impact) 重要性(prominence and importance) 地域或文化的接近性(geographic or cultural proximity) 异常性(the unusual nature of the event) 连续性(continuity) 意料中的意外(the sudden interest people have in an ongoing situation) 政治制度(political institution) 社会文化价值(socio-cultural values) Deviance & Social significance (Shoemaker & Cohen, 2006),7,Gatekeeping on the internet?,8,媒介效果研究理论(media effect),Uses and Gratifications(使用与满足) Agenda setting (议程设置) Spiral of silence (沉默的螺旋) Media dependency (媒介依赖理论) Cultivation (教化/涵养/培养理论) Knowledge gap to Digital divide (从知沟理论到数字鸿沟) Diffusion of Innovation (创新的扩散),9,Uses and Gratifications(使用与满足),Communication behavior is goal-directed, purposive & motivated. People select & use media to satisfy needs & desires. Media compete with other sources of satisfaction. Compare with traditional media, new medias advantages in satisfying audiences gratifications,10,Agenda setting (议程设置),McCombs & Shaw (1972) There is a strong correlation between the amount of coverage certain issues receive and the importance attributed to these issues by mass audiences. Media agenda public agendaWho sets the agenda on the internet?,11,Spiral of silence (沉默的螺旋),Noelle-Neumann, 1974 people constantly survey the opinion environment around them, and would go with the majority or viewpoints that is in favor, and will be unwilling to express unpopular opinions or keep the viewpoints to themselves. Gradually, the minority voices will disappear. Mass media plays a large part in determining what the dominant opinion is “沉默的螺旋”是否依旧在互联网上旋转?,12,13,Media dependency (媒介依赖理论),Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur, 1976 the more dependent an individual is on the media for having his or her needs fulfilled, the more important the media will be to that person. 媒介依赖与互联网上瘾(Internet addiction)?,14,Cultivation (教化/涵养/培养理论),George Gerbner, 1970s Television “cultivates” or creates a worldview that, although possibly inaccurate, becomes the reality because people believe it to be so. Medias role in society From violence index to cultural indicators project Mean world syndromes How virtual reality cultivates internet users actual reality?,15,Knowledge gap to digital divide,Knowledge gap: Tichenor, Donohue & Olien, 1970 each new medium increases the gap between the information rich and information poor, because of differences in access to the medium, and control over its use, among other factors. Social economic status Digital divide, mid-1990s the gap between those people with effective access to digital and information technology and those without.,16,Diffusion of innovation,1962, Everett Rogers From agriculture to other fields,
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