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颈动脉成形术支架概述,首都医科大学宣武医院朱凤水,前 言,卒中是目前三大死亡原因之一。 5-12%初发卒中由可行血管重建的颈动脉闭塞性疾病所致。 颈动脉支架术是CEA合理的替代手段,特别是对于CEA高危病人。 EPD对减少CAS期间卒中危险是重要的。,前 言,颈动脉狭窄治疗方式的发展颈动脉狭窄和CAS相关试验的发展CAS器械的发展,颈动脉狭窄治疗方式的发展,介入治疗追述,经皮腔内动脉成形术(PTA) 颈动脉血管成形支架置入术(CAS),经皮腔内动脉成形术(PTA),PTA最早于1977年被提议用于治疗颈动脉疾病。 并在1980年由MULLAN实施了第1例颈动脉PTA。单纯球囊扩张后可发生内膜撕裂、斑块移位和栓子脱落以及血管壁弹性回缩,引起动脉夹层,甚至闭塞。脑栓塞以及再狭窄成为影响其疗效的主要因素。据报道,单纯球囊扩张术导致颈动脉夹层、闭塞的发生率分别为8%和5%,术后6个月再狭窄率可达16%9。,颈动脉血管成形支架置入术(CAS),1980-1982年国外处于锁骨下和椎基底动脉的造影阶段1981年加拿大医生Bachman 通过介入治疗subclavian steal syndrome,颈动脉血管成形支架置入术(CAS),1989年首次在颈动脉中使用球囊扩张支架,但此类支架容易受外力压迫,术后30天,超过10%的患者发生了主要不良事件。,术中脑保护的应用,CAS术中脑保护技术远端球囊阻断,抽吸,冲洗技术。动脉滤器-保护伞,远端球囊阻断,抽吸,冲洗技术,temporary occlusion of the distal internal carotid or the vertebral artery 1984年世界上第一例保护装置术式由Jacques Thron在俄国Montreal 完成 1984年Jiri Vitek 神经放射医生使用球囊完成五名动脉的脑保护。,颈动脉狭窄和CAS相关试验的发展,主要的治疗目的:预防中风! 主要的治疗手段: 药物治疗颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA) 有症状性: NASCET, ECST, VA Trial 无症状性: ACAS, ACST颈动脉支架术(CAS) 高风险性外科患者行颈动脉支架术的对比SAPPHIRE, ARCHeR, SECuRITY, CABERNET and CREATE 市场后期监督试验EXACT, CAPTURE, CASES 拓展CAS适应证的大规模试验有症状:CREST(NIH), EVA-3S,SPACE无症状:CREST(NIH), ACT1,使用AVD颈动脉支架和保护伞,CEA和CAS的发展,National Center for Health Statistics,放射介入科,神经外科,心内科,血管外科,CAS: 多学科发展的局面,神经内科,EVA-3S,试验在法国实施 入选527名狭窄超过70%症状性患者 主要终点30天卒中或死亡率CAS9.6%,CEA3.9%,质 疑,试验包括1183名狭窄超过50%症状性患者。位于德国,奥地利,瑞士的35个研究中心参与。30天同侧卒中或死亡率CAS术后9.6%,CEA术后 6.3%,CREST,试验由国立神经病学及卒中研究所(NINDS)发起,随机选入1400名症状性患者和1100名无症状性患者。 症状性患者:血管造影发现颈动脉狭窄超过50%或颈动脉超声发现狭窄超过70% 无症状性患者:血管造影发现颈动脉狭窄超过60%或颈动脉超声发现狭窄超过70% 主要终点是30天心肌梗塞,卒中或死亡,以及1-4年同侧卒中,CEA-CAS,Source: William W Gray. Reading the Tea Leaves: Possible Outcomes from the CREST Trial and Effects on the Field. TCT, San Francisco, CA; 2009. Lal BK, Brott TG. The Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stenting Trial completes randomization: Lessons learned and anticipated results. J Vasc Surg 2009; 50:1224-1231.,CREST: Study Overview Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stenting Trial,First Lead-in patient,1 year follow-up completed,Apr 2008,Dec 2000,Jul 2008,Oct 2009,2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010,Feb 2010,Lead-in Phase completed N=1,564,Randomization Phase completed,NIH Analysis,117 CREST sites in U.S. and Canada, 2522 patients,Source: Lal BK, Brott TG. The Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stenting Trial completes randomization: Lessons learned and anticipated results. J Vasc Surg 2009; 50:1224-1231.,CREST is the largest RCT comparing CAS vs CEA,Largest, most rigorous, prospective randomized trial and shows the two therapies are safe and effective CREST is the standard by which these therapies should be measured,Patient Characteristics,47% Asymptomatic and 53% Symptomatic,Source: CREST Presentation at International Stroke Conference on February 26, 2010,Primary Endpoint : Both stenting and surgery are equally safe and effective,Any death, stroke or MI within the perioperative period plus ipsilateral stroke out to 4 years.,Source: CREST Presentation at International Stroke Conference on February 26, 2010,“ The CREST trial results show that we now have two safe and effective methods to treat carotid artery disease directly, the tried and true CEA, and the new kid on the block, CAS.”- Thomas G. Brott, M.D., National Principal Investigator for CREST, Professor of Neurology and Director for Research at the Mayo Clinic,颈动脉支架注册研究汇总,注册研究 N 支架 EPD 结 果ARCHeR 581 Acculink Accunet 30days I/stroke/D8.3%,1yrsstroke/D9.6% BEACH 480 Wallstent FilterWire 30days I/stroke/D5.8%,1yrs stroke/D9.1% CABERNET 454 NexStent FilterWire 30days I/stroke/D3.8%,1yrs stroke/D4.5% VCAPTURE 2500 RX Acculink Accunet 30days I/stroke/D5.7%, CaRESS 143 Wallstent Guardwire plus 30days I/stroke/D2.1%, CREATE P 419 protg spider OTW 30days I/stroke/D6.2%, CREATE S 125 Acculink spiderRX 30days I/stroke/D5.6%, CREST 749 RX Acculink RX Accunet 30days I/stroke/D4.4%, MAVErIC I 99 Exponet Guardwire 30days I/stroke/D5.1%, MAVErIC II 399 Exponet Guardwire 30days I/stroke/D5.3%, MO.MA 157 不限 MO.MA 30days I/stroke/D5.7%, PRIAMUS 416 不限 MO.MA 30days I/stroke/D4.6%, SECuRITY 398 Xact Emboshield 30days I/stroke/D8.5%,CAS 器 械 的 发 展 Stent &EPD,FDA在2004年8月批准了首批用于高危病人的CAS器材(Acculink/Accunet) CMS(美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心)在2005年3月批准可有限赔付CAS,颈动脉支架一览,支架类型 公司 名称 锥形支架近/远端 直形支架直径mm 长度mm 直径mm 长度mm 不锈钢 Boston Wallstent 无 6x22,8(x21,29,36),10x(24,31,37)开环 Abbott Acculink 10/7,8/6 5-10 镍钛 30,40 20,30,40 合金 Cordis Precise 无 510,20,30,40ev3 Protg 无 6-10, 20,30,40闭环 Abbott Xact 10/8,9/7,8/6 7-10, 20,30 镍钛 30, 40 合金,
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