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Lesson1Lesson1 1 1、privateprivate praivit a. praivit a.私人的私人的 2 2、conversationconversation k k nvnv seisein n.n n.谈话谈话 3 3、theatretheatrei i t t n. n.剧场剧场,戏院戏院 4 4、seatseat si:t n. si:t n.座位座位 5 5、playplay plei n. plei n.戏戏 6 6、loudlyloudly laudli ad. laudli ad.大声地大声地 7 7、angryangry gri a.gri a.生气的生气的 8 8、angrilyangrily grili ad.grili ad.生气地生气地 9 9、attentionattention tentenn n.n n.注意注意 1010、bearbear be be v. v.容忍容忍 1111、businessbusiness biznis n. biznis n.事事 1 12 2、rudelyrudely ru:dli ad. ru:dli ad.无礼地无礼地,粗鲁地粗鲁地 1.1.一次私人谈话一次私人谈话 a private conversation a private conversation 2.private2.private 对应词对应词- public public 3.3.在公共场所在公共场所 in public = in the public place in public = in the public place 4.4.若可能的话若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗。 If If (itits s )possible possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in please take care not to speak loudly in public public 。 5.5.和某人做对话和某人做对话 have a conversation have a conversation 6.6.去戏院去戏院 go to the theater go to the theater 7. 7.和某人生气和某人生气 be angry with sb be angry with sb 8.8.由于某人而生气由于某人而生气 be angry at sthbe angry at sth 9.9.生气做生气做某事某事 be angry to do sth be angry to do sth 10.10.注意注意 pay attention to pay attention to 没注意没注意 pay no attention pay no attention 11.11.更多地注意更多地注意 pay more attention pay more attention 几乎不几乎不注意注意 pay little attention pay little attention 注意些注意些 pay some attention pay some attention 注意许多注意许多 pay much attentionpay much attention 12.12.为为付钱付钱 pay for pay for 13.13.公事公事 on business on business 14.14.此事与你无关此事与你无关 It Its none of your business s none of your business 。 15.15.插话插话 cut in cut in 16.16.用手指着别人是不礼貌的用手指着别人是不礼貌的。ItIts rude to point the others with finger s rude to point the others with finger 。 17.17.无理的无理的(adjadj)r rude ude 无理地无理地(advadv)rudelyrudely 礼貌的礼貌的(adjadj)polite polite 礼貌地礼貌地(advadv)politelypolitely 不礼貌的不礼貌的(adjadj)impolite impolite 不礼貌地不礼貌地(advadv)impolitelyimpolitely P Polite olite 形容词比较级形容词比较级more polite more polite 最高级最高级 most polite most polite 18.18.听某人说话听某人说话 hear sb hear sb 19.19.有关有关 turnturn 的词组的词组 打开打开 turn on turn on 关上关上 tu turn offrn off 调大调大 turn up turn up 调小调小 turn down turn down 变成变成 turn into turn into 翻转翻转 turn over turn over 结果是结果是 turn out to be turn out to be 轮流做某事轮流做某事 take turns to do sth take turns to do sth 2020你说的话结果是对的你说的话结果是对的。 What you said turns out to be right What you said turns out to be right 。 2121在公路两旁有许多树在公路两旁有许多树。 There are many trees on boThere are many trees on both sides of the road th sides of the road 。 22.22.向某人抱怨某事向某人抱怨某事 complain about/of sth to sb complain about/of sth to sb 23.23.我没有什么抱怨的我没有什么抱怨的。 I have nothing to complain of . I have nothing to complain of . 24.24.最后最后 in the end = at last = finally in the end = at last = finally 25.25.截止到截止到时末时末 by the end of by the end of Lesson2 Lesson2 1 1、untiluntil ntil, ntil, ntil prep.ntil prep.直到直到 2 2、outsideoutside autsaid ad. autsaid ad.外面外面 3 3、ringring ri v.( ri v.( 铃铃、电话等电话等) )响响 4 4、auntaunt :nt n.:nt n.姑姑,姨姨,婶婶,舅妈舅妈 5 5、repeatrepeat ripi:t ripi:t v.v.重复重复 1.1. 直到直到才才 not notuntiluntil 特点特点:A.A.主过从过主过从过 B. B. 主将主祈主情从现主将主祈主情从现 直到直到 SallySally 给我打电话给我打电话,我才会去那儿我才会去那儿。 I won I wont go there until Sally calls me t go there until Sally calls me 。 2.2. 地面被雪覆盖地面被雪覆盖。The ground is covered by snow The ground is covered by snow 。 3.3. 在外面在外面 be outside be outside 4.4. 给给打电话打电话 ring sb up = call sb up = phone sb ring sb up = call sb up = phone sb 5.5. 铃响了铃响了。The bellThe bell ran ran 6.6. 在午饭时间在午饭时间 at lunch time at lunch time 7.7. 与与 l lookook 有关的词组有关的词组 向外看向外看 look out of look out of 照顾照顾 look after look after 看起来像看起来像 look like look like 环顾四周环顾四周 look around look around 查字典查字典 look up look upin the dictionary in the dictionary 旁观旁观 look on look on 检查检查 look over look over 追溯到追溯到 look back to look back to 看看 look after look after 寻找寻找 look for look for 看起来一样看起来一样 lo look the same ok the same 向上看向上看 look up look up 浏览浏览 look through look through 调查调查 look into look into 小心小心 look out look out 新形象新形象 n
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