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Mix ing Colours,Put some red paint in a bowl. Add(添加) some yellow paint. Mix(混合)these colours.I can see_.,orange.,Put some _ paint in a bowl. Add(添加) some _ paint. Mix these colours.I can see_.,Put some _ paint in a bowl. Add some _ paint. Mix these colours.I can see_.,What can you see in the picture? I can see,beach bi:t,beach bi:t,There is a/an _ on the beach.,There are some _(s) on the beach.,The stars are shining.,The sun is shining.,shine ain,shining aini,What can you collect? I can collect,collect klekt,收集,What are they collecting? They are collecting,What is he doing?,1,2,3,4,He is sailing his boat.,sail seil,The sun is shining. collecting shells sailing his boat on the beach playing football,Homework,
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