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状语从句状语从句在句中作状语,修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等。状语从句放在主句之前时,常用逗号分开;放在主句之后,一般不用逗号。状语从句按其意义和作用可分为时间、原因、地点、条件、让步、目的、结果、方式、比较等 9 种。1.时间状语从句时间状语从句表示主句动作发生的时间,主要由 when,while,as ; before, after; till (until); once, by the time, as soon as, no sooner . than 和 hardly . when 及名词词组 the moment 等引导。1) when“在的时候”; while “在期间”; as “正当的时候” when 意为“在的时候” ,强调“特定时间” 。 When spring came, he felt like a trip. When he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring.说明:连词 when 在状语从句中还有如下几种含义: 表示突然发生的事,含义为“(正在时)忽然”。 I was just coming along to see you when I ran into Wilson.I had been working a couple of months when I had a letter from Jane.表示过早发生某事,意为“(还没)就” 。此含义有时可用 before 代替。I hadnt been reading for half an hour when I heard steps outside.我刚读了不到半个小时就听到外面有脚步声。I had been there little more than a week when I set to work in earnest.表示“在的情况下” ,常可译为“虽然” , “既然” , “如果” 。 She refuses help when (although) she has many friends.Why do you walk when (since) you have a car?How can I help them to understand when (if) they wont listen to me.后接虚拟结构,含义为“本可以,应该” 。 He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time.They were playing when they could have been working.while 意为“在期间” ,从句用持续性动词,表时间的一段,而不是一点。 While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring. We must strike while the iron is hot.说明:连词 while 在状语从句中还有如下几种含义:意为“然而,但是” ,表示前后对照,说明两种情况相反 Tom is very outgoing, while Jane is shy and quiet.Some people waste food while others havent enough.意为“虽然,尽管” (多放句首) ,从句和主句主语多为同一人或物。While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.While forbidden fruit is said to taste sweeter, it usually spoils faster.虽然有人说禁果的味道更甜,但它腐烂得也更快。意为“只要” 。参看 while 引导条件状语从句。as 意为“正当” ,强调同一时间里两个相继发生或变化的情况,或两个动作一前一后,有时有“随着”的含义。 As he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring. (强调同一时间)As I was going out, it began to rain.(强调两个动作先后发生) As spring warms the good earth, all flowers begin to bloom. (as 有“随着”的含义)2) before “在之前” ,after “在之后”强调事件的先后关系 before 表示两件事的先后关系。主句为肯定句,before 引导的从句动作后发生;主句为否定句,before 引导的从句动作先发生。 I started my meal before he arrived. (从句动作后发生) He didnt arrive before I returned. (从句动作先发生)说明:在不同的结构中,连词 before 在状语从句中有如下几种含义。意为“(之后)才” ,此结构主句常用肯定式,强调主句内容持续的色彩。 It will be ten years before we meet again. 要 10 年后我们才能再见面。It was evening before we reached that little town.傍晚时分我们才到达那个小镇。意为“(不久)就” ,用“.not long before”这一结构,强调时间的短暂It wont be long before you regret.不久你就会后悔的。It wasnt long before he told me about this affair.不久他就把这事告诉我了。意为“不等/没有就” 。从句常用肯定形式。 (有时从句用过去完成时,但仍表示主句的动作先发生。 )She offered me a cup of tea before I sat down.没等我坐下她就给我端上一杯茶。I left university before Id taken the final exams.我没有参加期末考就退学了。意为“刚没多久就” , “刚不到(多少时向)就” 。主句常用否定的过去完成式,表示过早发生某事。句中的 before 有时可用 when 代替。I hadnt waited long before he came.我刚等候不久他就来了。They had not been married a month before/when they quarreled.他们刚结婚不到一个月就吵架了。after 引导状语从句,用于表示主句和从句两个动作的先后关系:I found the letter long after he had gone away.After we had finished tea we all sat on the grass.为表示两个动作紧接着发生,从句可用过去时代替过去完成时:After she finished her work, she hurried to the nursery to pick up her child.I told them the news after you left,3) till/until,since, once, by the timetill 与 until 常可换用。但 until 可用于句首,till 不能用于句首。 till/until 意为“直到” ,用于主句为肯定句的表持续的谓语动词,如 live,last, stand, stay, wait, work 等时,表示主句的动作延续到从句所表达的动作发生为止,意为“一直到时” 。He worked until it was dark.他一直工作到天黑。She stood there until he had passed out of sight.她站在那儿直到 再也看不见他。In British law the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty.在英国的法律中,被告的罪状在被证实之前 他被推定是无罪的。说明:若主句为肯定句的非持续动词,只用 before,表示时间上“先于” 。He applied three times before he was finally admitted to the university.He made a mistake, but he corrected the situation before it got worse. till/until 用于主句为否定句的表非持续的谓语动词,如 begin,become, get up, reach, start等时,until 表达的一般是“主句动作的起点” 意为“直到才” , “在之前(不) ” 。He did not get up till his mother came in.直到母亲进来时他才起床。No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.人要是不再发问,就会变得愚蠢。Do not start until I give the word. 接到我的命令前不要动身。说明: 主句为否定的非持续动词,until 与 before 均可使用,但含义略有区别:He didnt arrive until I returned.他直到我回来才到达。He didnt arrive before I returned.在我回来之前他尚未到达。It was not untilthat是“not until”的强调形式,不用倒装。It was not until he saw his mother that he realized how old she had become.直到看见母亲,他才意识到母亲已经变老了。It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs.直到读了你的信,我才明白事实的真相。 since 意为“自从以来” ,用于表示时间,要注意以下几点: since 从句后常用一般过去时,通常为非持续性动词,表示主句(现在完成时或现在完成进行时)动作的起始点:Electricity has been widely used since it was discovered.I have been looking forward to meeting you ever since Martin told me.当主句用 it 表示“自从以来已经有多少时间”时,谓语动词常用一般现在时,有时也可用将来时。since 从句用过去时。 It is three years since we entered the university.Next Tuesday it will be six years since I came to Shanghai.若主句用现在完成时,since 从句中的动词为持续性动词或状态动词的一般过去时,则表示since 从句动作的完成或结束。 He has had several jobs since he was a student at Beijing University. 自从北京大学毕业后,他已经干了好几种工作了。The house has been i
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