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根治学生假期综合症主持稿根治学生假期综合症主持稿篇一:学生如何摆脱假期综合症学生如何摆脱假期综合症 开学综合征:对回学校上课产生恐惧、抗拒或者由此引发身体的不适。 安排时间温故而知新 第一,利用最后一周时间,完成寒假作业,并复习上学期的知识要点。很多中小学生常常到开学最后一两天才想起要做作业,临时抱佛脚地做功课,不仅身心俱疲,也使寒假作业的质量严重滑坡。因此专家认为学生应该在最后一周每天合理安排时间,把没有做完的功课完成。同时由于休息了一个寒假,可能对上学期知识有所遗忘,因此不妨安排一定时间,回顾上个学期的知识要点,如:英语单词,数学、物理的公式、法则、定律等?在新学期里才能“温故而知新” 。假期的最后一周,尽量避免参加长途旅游和参与刺激的活动;严加控制玩游戏机、上网的时间,让心情慢慢平静下来。 按时作息调整好生物钟 第二,在寒假中特别是临近开学的一周,家长要引导孩子开始适应上学的生物钟,尽可能的按时起床、睡觉和用餐,并配合一定的户外活动。学生应当明确寒假过后的主要任务还是学习。虽然假期里可能许多心愿没有达成,但仍要“朝前看” ,不要再陷入回忆,许多未完成的事可以等待下一个假期。同时寒假期间有可能通宵玩耍或很晚睡觉,这时很有必要调整好自己的生物钟,尽量按上课期间正常作息。家长也应帮助、督促孩子按上学的作息时间来安排最后一周的生活。对学生在假期未能达成的愿望,只要是合理的、可能的,就跟孩子订好计划,尽量在下一个假期里实现,作为激励孩子在新学期学业进步的一种手段和方法。 提前制订新学期学习计划 第三,确立新学期的学习目标,制订学习计划。进入新学期,学生应该有新的计划和打算,可以在开学前好好计划一下。例如下学期要提高哪几门课的成绩,在学校超越的目标是什么,新学期是不是要学一门新特长等等,计划的内容应让孩子经过努力可以达到的,期望值不宜太高,让孩子还没执行就自动放弃。另一方面要预习新学期的功课,如:语文通读课文,英语预习单词,数理化预习前几章,划出难点等,有的放矢地为新学期做好准备。制订学习计划、树立目标可以帮助孩子树立自信心,消除假期后的失落感。 家长要引导孩子转换角色 第四,身教重于言教,家长应注重寓教于乐的引导。作为家长也应引导孩子转入新的角色,家长要让孩子知道上课并不枯燥,引导他们体验进取的乐趣,体会学习的成功感。尤其值得注意的是:家长本身的言行对孩子的影响,例如:要孩子按时睡觉休息,但家长却约上几个好友,在家里通宵打麻将。那孩子能休息得好吗?家长应该在这段时间内,和孩子一起把生活作息恢复到平时的状态,并尽量创造乐于学习的家庭氛围。 补充必要文具调动上学积极性 第五,调动孩子积极的心态。家长要以积极、乐观的态度,激励、引导、暗示孩子,家长可以与孩子一起讨论,回想上学期的收获,确立新学期的计划,与孩子聊聊学校里面的同学、老师,帮助孩子放松紧张心情,说一些欣赏和鼓励的话语,从正面的角度给孩子以信心。同时给孩子补充一些必要的文具,让孩子感到上学的幸福感,期待着开学。 另外,家长应和孩子一起探究对开学恐惧、抗拒的真正原因,表达对孩子真诚的关心和呵护,如果孩子的“开学综合征” ,到了威胁健康的程度,可以请心理医生帮助疏导。总之,孩子的“开学综合征” ,是正常现象,就像成人放长假后不愿上班一样,只要家长有策略地做好引导,孩子会很快适应新学期的生活。 “开学综合征” ,虽不是生理疾病,但对学生心理会有不良影响。家长应在开学前一周开始帮助孩子“热身” ,以便孩子们尽快“收心” ,开学初期,老师也应注意帮助孩子矫正“野”性的延续,以正面引导、鼓励为主,尽量减轻学生在学习上的压力,让学生逐步适应新学期的紧张学习。 篇二:假期综合症 口语话题The holiday blues Post-holiday syndrome ?sindr? umQ 1. Some people find themselves having difficulty to adapt to work after the long holiday. Do you have the same problem? What is your symptom? Q 2. How to deal with? Lack of concentration 注意力不集中 sleepy all day long 瞌睡 a feeling of emptiness 空虚 anxiety 焦虑procrastination pro,kr?st?ne?n in end stage 拖延症晚期tiredness 累 short tempered 脾气暴躁 Q 2. How to deal with? 1. exercise and stick to a normal schedule over the holidays 假期中间保持良好的作息时间表2. reset our body clock to fit in more usefully with our everyday life 重新设定生物钟 3. engage in good pre-planning 提前计划 4. confide in someone 找个朋友倾诉 5. catch up with and hangout with friends 和朋友逛逛 6. get to the gym 去健身房锻炼 7. get rid off social media 摆脱社交网络 Q 3. How to reset body clock? 1. Determine a regular wake up time. 2. Expose yourself to light and activity Invitations 提出 Would you like to join us? Do you have time? What about going to a party? I was wondering whether you would like to go on a picnic with us this Sunday. I want to invite you to my birthday party this Friday. Care to dance? Lets go to get coffee. 接受: You bet. Thats settled then. Great! Id love that. That sounds great. It would be nice. What a splendid idea. Ill be there. Determine a regular wake up time. Even if you did not get a good nights sleep, drag yourself out of bed at a predetermined time each day. When evening arrives, allow yourself to go to bed earlier.- Expose yourself to light and activity . Remember the first clock? Researchers have pinpointed this neurological clock located in the brain as a nucleus of nerve cells close to where the optic nerves come together. The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year, yet for many, they trigger deep feelings of sadness and anxiety. “Theres so much emphasis on family and celebration, but its hard if youre dealing with difficult memories or reminders that youre not close to your family,“ says Sharon Melnick, author of “Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident and Productive When the Pressures On.“ “It can feel like theres a big gap between what other people are experiencing and what youre experiencing.“ Add the financial pressure of gift-giving, cold weather and lack of sunlight, and those are prime conditions for a world-class funk. But unlike seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is estimated to affect up to 20% of Americans, its unknown how many people suffer from the holiday blahs. DailyBurn: 7 disastrous holiday desserts (and healthier swaps!) “Its important not to classify all winter doldrums as SAD,“ explains Sarah Eckfeldt, a psychotherapist in New York City. “Many people experience a drop in mood in anticipation of the holidays because they might be sad over a recent breakup or spending the first holiday after the death of a loved one and could benefit from talking to a therapist.“ The good news: Seasonal doldrums tend to fade once the festivities are over (and if they dont, consider seeking professional help). In the meantime, here are some tips to help you improve your mood over the next two weeks: DailyBurn: 19 ways to trick yourself into becoming a morning person 1. Seek social support Meghan Day was seized with sadness earlier this month after decorating her Christmas tree alone. The activity was intended to make her feel better about creating her own holiday traditions; she had separated from her husband a year earlier. 篇三
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