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Unit 2 Colour,Vocabulary Grammar,Period 4 Vocabulary,strong/powerful energetic/lively,happy/joyful happiness/joy,sad/unhappy sadness/unhappiness,be contented/satisfied withrequire,relaxed,keep calm,Complete Part A and B on Page 26,Exercise,I. 用合适的单词填空1. Dont be by bad examples.2. Hes a man of , his change often.3. Does he that he is completely wrong?4. Its much harder than we think, So we extra help.5. The of Chinese people is industry (勤劳), kindness and bravery.6. When her mother died, she was full of .7. We to see you soon.8. I I were a bird.9. He is a man with many good . 10. The old man lost all in his legs because of his illness.,II. 翻译:,1. 1. 他对他的妻子很满意。 2. 她带着满意的笑容看着我。 3. 气候对农作物有影响。 4. 不要受坏榜样的影响。 5. 许多小树由于受气候的影响枯死了。 6. 他意识到自己做错了吗? 7. 他不了解那是多么重要。 8. 这台机器需要细心的照顾吗? 9. 他要求我独自完成这项工作。 10. 教室需要打扫一下。 11. 因为丢了我的小狗,我很不高兴。 12. 你来看望我,我很高兴。,Unit 2 Colour Period 5 Grammar (1),Xinjiekou,Shanxi Road,book store,shopping center,shoes,clothes,Complete Part A on Page 27,Amy: Hi,Millie.Shall we go to Wangfujing tomorrow? Millie: Hi,Amy.I _(could,would) rather go shopping in Moonlight Shopping Mall _ (than,to) Wangfujing.What do you think? Amy: Moonlight Shopping Mall is too far away. Id rather _ (shopping,go shopping) in Sunshine Town than _ (to shop,shop) in Moonlight Town. Millie: OK,well meet at Sunshine Town Underground Station.Where do you want to go for lunch? Do you want to have some noodles? Amy: Id rather _ (having have) Western food _ (to eat,than) Chinese food.Lets have pizza. Millie: OK,lets have pizza then.See you tomorrow,bye! Amy: Bye.,Amy: Hi,Millie.Shall we go to Wangfujing tomorrow? Millie: Hi,Amy.I _would_(could,would) rather go shopping in Moonlight Shopping Mall _than_ (than,to) Wangfujing.What do you think? Amy: Moonlight Shopping Mall is too far away. Id rather _go shopping_ (shopping,go shopping) in Sunshine Town than _shop_ (to shop,shop) in Moonlight Town. Millie: OK,well meet at Sunshine Town Underground Station.Where do you want to go for lunch? Do you want to have some noodles? Amy: Id rather _have_ (having have) Western food _than_ (to eat,than) Chinese food.Lets have pizza. Millie: OK,lets have pizza then.See you tomorrow,bye! Amy: Bye.,leather shoes,sports shoes,red dress,black dress,white skirt,white trousers,jeans,jean skirt,Complete Part B on Page 28,1. I prefer the black dress to the red dress. 2. I prefer white clothes to colorful clothes. 3. I prefer sports bag to school bag. 4. I prefer yellow T-shirt to green T-shirt. 5. I prefer staying at home to going shopping. 6. I prefer sleeping to going out.,Make more sentences according to the pictures,use would rather than or preferto,drink water,drink milk,take the raincoat,take an umbrella,study,do housework,chocolate,biscuit,read English,read Chinese,Compare:,would rather than (do sth.) prefer to (doing sth./sth.),你也可以单独使用它们:,would rather do prefer to do,翻译: 1。我宁愿要红的而不要黑的。 2。我宁愿步行去那儿,也不愿坐车去。 3。我更喜欢英语而你更喜欢语文。 4。猫和狗你更喜欢哪个? 5。我喜欢城市而不喜欢农村。 6。星期天我喜欢逛街而不喜欢学习。 7。Jim喜欢打篮球而不喜欢踢足球。 8。我宁愿明天来而不是今天来。 9。我宁愿不打牌。(would rather not) 10。我喜欢自己做这件事。(prefer to do) 11。当她还是个孩子时,她宁愿待在家里,也不愿出去。(preferred),你还可以使用:,prefer to rather than (do sth.),完成下列句子 1. Kate宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山。Kate would rather_ than_.Kate prefers _ to _.Kate prefers to _ rather than _. 2. 许多人宁愿买新车,也不愿去修它。Many people_ a new car rather than _.Many people _ buying a new car to _. 3.我宁愿做点什么,也不愿闲着。I prefer doing something _.I would rather _ than _. 4.他宁愿夏天去,也不愿冬天去。He_ rather than in winter.He _than in winter.,Period 6 Grammar(2),Someone/somebody anyone/anybody no one/nobody,Complete Part C on Page 30,Something/anything/nothing/none,Complete Part D on Page 31,Exercise:,I.用something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody, everything, everybody, everyone, someone, anyone, none, no one, no等填空,有时可能有多个答案。1.There in this bag. Its empty.2.There is waiting outside to see you .She didnt tell me her name.3.I didnt invite all of them ,but has come.4.I wanted some more coffee but there was left. 5. of the people were afraid of danger. 6. There isnt watching TV at the moment. 7. “Shall I make you to eat?”“Yes, please .Im really hungry . Ive had hardly all day.” 8. Its a secret. knows about it 9. Will you ask carry this bag for me ,please?10.“Is there wrong here?” “No, is wrong.”,.翻译句子 1. 我发现教室里空无一人 2. 我有一些重要的事告诉你们 3. 你的手表有些毛病吗?没有,一点毛病没有 4. 今天的报纸上有些有趣的东西吗? 5. 一切准备就绪,我们开会吧! 6. 有人在校门口等你 7. 如果没有面包,我们就吃点别的东西 8. 有总比没有好 9. 我认为任何人都可以学会溜冰 10. 有什么不寻常的事情发生了吗,
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