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合同范本国际销售代理协议书International Agential proposal Agreement甲方:XXXX地 址 乙方:XXXX地 址 经双方平等、自愿协商,达成本销售代理协议,共同遵守。Based on equality and mutual negotiations, both partners agree on this sales agential agreement. 第一条 代理内容1. The Contents of Agency 同意将下列产品瑞典 CINIA TECH 1-2 CINIA TECH CINIA TECH CINIA TECH & TRADING AB shall only provide the necessary after-sales service to the agent, in principle CINIA TECH & TRADING does not contact the customer directly. Under the circumstance of 1-2, the after-sales service is mainly provided by CINIA TECH & TRADING with assistance of the agent. 2-2-4.CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司应对代理人的客户资料及其他代理人明确 提示为保密资料的信息给予保密。2-2-5. CINIA TECH & TRADING ABshould keep all defined information of the agent and customer confidential. 2-2-5.在由代理人与用户直接签订销售合同(1-1)的情况下,对于代理人与其 用户之间的纠纷、争议、损失、侵权、违约责任等,均由代理人与客户自行解 决,CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司不介入代理人与用户的纠纷、争议等,也 不对用户的任何损失负责。在由 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司、代理人共同 签订的销售合同(1-2)的情况下,对于 CINIA TECH & TRADING、代理人与 其用户之间的纠纷、争议、损失、侵权、违约责任等,按照 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司与代理人在签订具体合同之前的约定双方职责执行。2-2-5.Under the circumstance of 1-1 that the agent signs the contract directly with the customer, any disputes, argument, loss, tort and breach of contract shall be solved between the agent and the customer without CINIA TECH & TRADINGs involvement and responsibility toward to the dispute. Under the circumstance of 1-2 that CINIA TECH & TRADINGand the agent sign the contract with the customer simultaneously, any disputes, argument, loss, tort and breach of contract shall be solved based on the stipulated mutual responsibilities before the concrete contract. 2-2-6.在任何情况下,如 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司认为履行其责任会违反 中国法律或任何适用的 CINIA TECH & TRADIN 公司政策,CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司有权停止履行。2-2-6. Under any circumstances, when CINIA TECH & TRADING regards that its 合同范本implementation of responsibility and duty would breach Chinese law or SSVs policy and regulation, CINIA TECH & TRADING has the right to terminate the implementation.第三条 代理业务的职责范围3. The business scope of agential contract.代理人是 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司中国市场的代理之一,应收集信息, 尽力促进产品的销售。代理人应精通所推销产品的技术性能。代理所得佣金应 包括为促进销售所需费用。The Agent is one of SSVs agents in the China market. The agent shall collect marketing information, and make effort to promote the sales of product. The agent should grasp the technique function of the products. The agential commission includes the marketing expenses.第四条 广告和展览会为促进产品在该地区的销售,代理人应刊登一切必要的广告并支付广告费用。 凡参加展销会需经双方事先商议后办理。4. Advertisement and ExhibitionFor promoting the product sale in the agreed region, the agent should bear the whole expense of advertisements. Both partners shall negotiate the cost matter of attending an exhibition. 第五条 代理人的财务责任5-1 代理人应采取适当方式了解当地客户的支付能力。在代理人与用户直接签 订销售合同情况(1-1)下,由代理人收回应付款。在由 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司、代理人与用户共同签订的销售合同情况(1-2)下,代理人协 助 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司收回应付货款.5. The finance duty of the agent5-1 The agent should adopt an appropriate way of understanding the customers payment ability. In the case of delayed payment, the following applies:Under the circumstance of 1-1, the agent has the duty to get the payment back. Under the circumstance of 1-2, the agent assists CINIA TECH & TRADING to get the payment back.5-2 未经同意,代理人无权也无义务以 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的名义 与用户签定销售合同,接受付款。合同范本5-2. Without approval of CINIA TECH & TRADING, the agent has neither right nor duty to on behalf of CINIA TECH & TRADINGsign sales contract with the customer, or receive payment.第六条 用户意见代理人有权接受用户对产品的意见和申诉,及时通知 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司并关注 CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH 公司的切身利益。6. The customer opinionThe agent has the right to receive the customers opinion and complaints, and notifies to CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH in time accordingly in terms of protecting SSVs benefits. 第七条 提供信息代理人应尽力向 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司提供商品的市场和竞争等方面 的信息,每_1_个月需向 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司寄送工作报告。7. Information provisionThe agent shall make an effort toward CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH in terms of providing information of the market and competition. The agent shall submit a formal report every month to CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH AB. 第八条 正当竞争8-1 代理人不应与 SSV 公司或帮助他人与 SSV 公司竞争,也不应从与 SSV 公司 竞争的任何企业中获利。同时,代理人不应代理或销售与代理产品相同的产品。8. Perfect Competition8-1 The agents shouldnt compete with CINIA TECH & TRADINGor help others to compete with CINIA TECH & TRADING. The agents should not obtain any benefit from another company, which is competing with CINIA TECH & TRADING. At the same time, the agent shouldnt act for or sell the same kind of product, which is similar to SSVs product. 8-2 此合约一经生效,代理人应将与其他企业签订的有约束性的协议告知 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司。不论是作为代理的或经销的,此后再签定产品的 任何协议均应告之 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司,代理人在进行其他活动时,决 不能忽视其对 SSV 公司承担的义务而影响任务的完成。合同范本8-2 As soon as this agreement is valid, the agent shall notify all stipulated contracts of whatever agential or marketing products with other companies to SSV. All other contracts to be signed henceforth shall also be notified to SSV. The agent shall not ignore the duty and responsibilities to CINIA TECH & TRADIN
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