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英语高考单项选择 快速解题还原10法,高考一些单项选择题的测试点本来十分简单,但命题者有意把题干复杂化,改写为一个少见或陌生的结构。对于这类题,应试者可以反其道而行之,把题干还原为自己熟悉的结构,这样,题目就 会变得简单,答案就会一目了然,具体来说,可采用以下几种方法: 一、将倒装句改成陈述句。由于倒装句的使用,句子的结构变得陌生,对于这类题,可将题干还原成一个陈述句。如; 1.Whom would you rather have _with you ? A.to go B. go C. gone D. going 分析:本题题干改成陈述句,则应是: I would rather have Xiaohua go with me. Would you rather have whom_with you ?这样我们一眼就可以看出答案为。 测试的知识点是使役动词have的宾语补足语用动词原形表示将要发生的动作。,B,2.Never _time come back again. A.will lose B. will lost C. will losing D. will to lose 分析;本题的答案选。如果将这个句子改为陈述句后 我们便可以很容易地看出其结构为: Lost time will never come back again.由于命题时将句子 改写成倒装句,题目便具有很大的迷惑性。 二、将陈述句改为倒装句。我们首次接触时是一个倒装句,而命题者恰恰是有意地使用陈述句来命题。如: 1.We had _left home than it began to rain. A.no sooner B.hardly C.almost D.nearly 分析:No sooner.than是一个大家十分熟悉的句型。 在考察知识点时,命题者却使用了一个陈述句。如果把题干改成:_ had we left home than it began to rain.这道题的答案也就变得十分清楚了,B,A,2.We had _arrived at the train station when the train began to move. A.no sooner B.hardly C.almost D.nearly 分析:如果把本题改为倒装句,句子的结构就变得很熟悉了本题考察的是句型 :hardly.when(一就).答案应为. 三、去掉从句或插入语。命题者有意地在一个句子中间插入一个从句或插入语,造成主谓隔离。如果将题干中的从句或插入语去掉,题干就会变得很简单。如: 1.The person we spoke to _no answer at first. A.make B.making C. makes D.made 分析;可以看出we spoke to是一个定语从句。将其去掉后,我们就会发现这个句子少了一个谓语动词。故本题选用答案。 2.Who do you think _us a talk this afternoon? A.to give B.gave C.will give D.giving 分析;you think是一个插入语。如果把它去掉,那么答案也就变得十分清楚了。,B,D,C,3、The days we looked forward to _at last.,A.comes B.to come C.came D.coming 分析;本题很容易被误认为介词to的后面要接动名词(即动词-ing的形式)。实际上 we looked forward to是一个定语从句。介词to有其相应的宾语。如果将这个从句去掉, 就可以看出本题缺少一个谓语。答案应选。 四、改被动句为主动句。由于被动句的使用,句子的结构相对于主动句来说就没有那么清楚。我们如果将其改为主动句,这类题就会变得清楚的多。 1.Time should be made good use of _our lessons well. A.learning B.learned C.to learn D.learns 分析:将题干改写为主动句,则为 We should make good use of time _our lesson well,可以发现介词of 有其相应的宾语, 其后不能在用动名词做宾语。应选不定式做目的状语。答案是。,C,C,2.The little boy was caught _in the shop. A.to steal B.stealing C.steal D.stole 分析;改为主动句,则为: The salesman caught the boy _in the shop. 很容易看出考查的知识点是catch sb doing sth.故应选 五、改省略句为一个完整的句子。省略句使考生不易看清句子的结构。对于这类试题,可恢复被省略的成分,使句子的结构变得明朗,进而选择合适的答案。 1.How long has this bookshop been in business? _1982. A.After B.In C.Since D.From 分析:将答语部分改为一个完整的句子; This bookshop has been in business_1982. 在所给的选项中只有since能同现在完成时连用。故答案为,B,C,2.What made her mother so angry? _the exam. A.Because she did nt pass B.Her not passing C.She did nt pass D.Because her not passing 分析;将答语部分补全应为:_the exam made her mother so angry.可以看出少了一个主语。而能用作主语的是答案.这个选项是一个动名词的复合结构.,B,3,Who was the book _? A. write B. wrote C. written D. written by,The book was written by_.,D,4.We listen to her sing in the room every day She is listened _ in the room every day. A.sing B. to sing C.singing D.to to sing,D,六、疑问句还原成陈述句 例:(海淀试题) -Who are you going to have _this letter for you? -My secretary. A. type B. typed C. been typed D. been typing 解析:本题解题误区可能是学生们对完成时的构成记忆太清晰而选B。这是一个特殊疑问句,它的语序为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,特殊疑问词在句中充当成分作用。我们把它还原成陈述句,这样就可以看出其主语是you,那么who只可以充当have 的宾语,从而构成have +O+O.C的基本句型。宾语与宾语补足语在此题中的关系是主动关系,表示“让某人做某事”,其宾补是不带to的动词不定式。所以选 。 I am going to have my secretary type his letter for me.,A,在英语中,一般疑问句是倒装语序,它要借助助动词提到主语之前,特殊疑问句还要把特殊疑问词提到句首,这时句中各词之间的关系就很难把握,还原之后则一目了然。 1. Who did the teacher _the article for the wall newspaper? A. write B. have write C. has written D. have written 这是一个疑问句, 现把它改成陈述句, 即:The teacher had who write the article for the wall newspaper. 故答案应是项。,B,2. Who would you like to have _the car? A. repair B. repaired C. to repair D. repairing 还原后应是这样一个句子:You would like to have who (m) repair the car. 答案是项。 3. Is this shop _sells childrens clothing? A. which B. the one that C. the one D. the one where. 此句的正常句子为:This shop is the one that sells childrens clothing.答案为项。 4.Is this the radio you want _?-Yes, it is. A. to have repaired B. to have repair C. to have it repaired D. to have repaired it 跟上句相似,还原后的句子为This is the radio you want to have repaired. 答案为,A,B,A,七、感叹句还原成陈述句 _from Beijing to London! A. How long way it is B. what a long way is it C. how long way is it D. what a long way it is 解析: 本题通过感叹号及题设可以看出这是对感叹号句的语序及构成的考查, 其语序是陈述句的语序, 所以不能选B.C.。把它还原成陈述句, 即Its a long way from .to .故选. 评注: 感叹句的构成是为了加强语气而借助于感叹词并提到句首,所以只有把感叹词去掉还原成陈述句,才能知其原貌而做出选择,注意what 与how 之间的转换关系,一般来说, what 用来修饰名词(词组),how 而用来修饰形容词或副词。但当形容词能从名词词组中提取出来时也可以用how 。 比如:What a long way it is! 变为How long away it is !,D,八、定语从句的关系词还原 1. I will never forget the great difficulty he has taken _the house. A. to paint B. painting C. painted D. being painted 这个句子是定语从句,先行词是the great difficulty , 关系词已经省略,说明它充当宾语成分,等同于先行词, 定语从句部分还原后应为I will never forget that he has taken the great difficulty painting the house 。 故答案应是项。 2. This is the plan you will see _soon. A. carried out B. carried on C. carrying out D. carry out 此句仍然是定语从句还原, 即:you will see the plan carried out soon 答案为项.,B,A,九、固定词组搭配还原 1They look forward with hope _a chance to receive further education. A. for getting B. of getting C. to getting D. to get 如果能找到本句的固定词组,look forward to doing 的话, 我们就很容易得出答案为 项。 They look forward to getting a chance to receive further education with hope . 2. The second is connected with the use the body _food. A. makes of B. makes up of C. makes from D. makes into 本句的固定词组是make use of ,当中使用了定语从句和被动关系,这就增加了此句句子结构的难度。 答案为项。 The second is connected with the body makes use of food.,
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