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Lesson 21 What Is Your Club Type?,New Words,type n.类型;种类 following adj. 接着的;下述的 which adj.&pron. 哪一个 circle v.&n. 圈出;圆 add v.增加;添加 score n. 得分 relax v.放松;休息,Vocabulary,free adj. 空闲的;自由的 mind n. 头脑;思想 active adj. 积极的;活跃的 quietly adv. 安静地;平静地 must v.aux. 必须;应当 without prep.没有;不用 bored adj. 无聊的;无趣的 example n. 例如;范例,Vocabulary,Listening,1. Listen to the statements and number the pictures.,Listen and answer,What club is right for you? Read the following questions. Which answer describes you best? Circle it. Then add up your score and find out your club type!,Do you get enough exercise?a. Always! I love playing sports.b. Not really. I like to listen to music and relax.c. Not really. I usually draw and paint in my free time.d. Never. I like to read books and exercise my mind.,2. What is your favourite school subject?a. P.E I like to be active.b. Music. I like to play an instrument.c. Art. I love to draw and paint.d. English and Chinese. I enjoy reading and writing.,3. What do you do on a cold and snowy day?a. I cant sit quietly. I must do something active inside.b. I stay in my room and listen to music or play an instrument.c. I paint or draw a picture.d. I read a book or write a story.,4. You are going on a trip. But you can only take one thing with you. What do you take?a. Running shoes. I cant go anywhere without them.b. A music player. I cant live without music.c. Some paper and a pencil. I can draw a picture on the way.d. A good book. I will be bored without a book.,Not look at your answers! 3 or more “a” Sports 3 or more “b” Music 3 or more “c” Art 3 or more “d” Reading Or maybe you are in the middle! For example: 2 “a”+ 2 “b” Sports and Music,Sometimes, very old people cant take care of themselves. So they go to an Old Age Home. They can get help there and meet new friends.,Learning Tip,Read the lesson and find out your club type. Then write about it.,2,My club type is _. I like _ _ _ _,Work in groups. Whats your club type? Interview your classmates and fill in the form.,3,Example:,Name: Jack What is your club type? Music. What do you like to do? I like to play the guitar. Are you in a club now? Yes. / No. If “No”, do you want to join a club? Yes. What club do you want to join? I want to join a music club. If “Yes”, what club are you in? _,Language points,1. What do you do on a cold and snowy day?,【解析】 表示“在样的日子/上午/下午/晚上”时,介词用on。,e.g.,We had a club meeting on sunny morning. 我们在一个晴朗的上午召开了俱乐部会议。,2. I cant go anywhere without them.,【解析】 without prep. “没有;不用”, 后面接名词、动名词或人称代词的宾格形式。常位于句尾,位于句首时,常用逗号与主句隔开。,e.g.,Danny hurried off without having breakfast. 丹尼没有吃早饭就匆匆地走了。,Without your help,I couldnt finish my project. 没有你们的帮助我是完不成我的项目的。,Exercises!,1. He drew two _ (圆) on the paper. 2. I will be _ (空闲的) this weekend. 3. Nothing can live _ (没有) air or water. 4. The teacher gave us two _ (范例) in class. 5. All of them were _ (积极的) when cleaning the classroom.,I. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。,circles,free,without,examples,active,1. _ is your favourite subject?English, of course. 2. _ did you go to Tokyo?By ship. 3. _ are you in this club?For half a year. 4. _ are you going to spend your holiday?In Qingdao. 5. _ blouse do you like better, the red one or the purple one?The purple one.,II. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。,What,How,How long,Where,Which,Homework,Choose a club type and make an advertisement for it.,Example:,Art ClubDo you like to draw or paint? Join the Art Club!Drawing and painting are fun for everyone.Join us after school and have a great time!,
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