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Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Learning about languageDiscovering useful words and expressions,1 Complete each of the sentences with one of the wordsin brackets in its proper form.,1. Sara _ ( acknowledged, acknowledgement ) her mistake and apologized immediately. 2. The report _ (contradict / contradiction) what we saw in our physics lesson yesterday.,acknowledged,contradicts,3. The _ (recommend / recommendation) I would make is that you apply for a passport and then arrange to get your visa to England as soon as possible. 4. I am too _ (occupy / occupation) with my own essay for this seminar to help you with yours.,recommendation,occupied,5. This new videophone will meet almost all our _ (require / requirement). 6. The chemist _ (analyse / analysis) the coffee and found it contained poison.,requirements,analysed,7. Watching Rugby matches gave me much _ (comfort / comfortable) after I broke my leg and missed playing the game for four months. 8. After four years of study, you will gain _ (qualified / qualification) in marketing and have a bachelors degree.,comfort,qualification,9. Ive got lots of _ (prepare / preparation) to do for the dinner party tonight. 10. Xie Lei found she could _ (adjust / adjustment) to the routine of life in England because her host family were so helpful.,adjust,preparation,2 Complete this passage with the words and phrases below in their proper forms.,cafeteria, motherland, adjust to, idiom, tutor, requirement, draft, substitute, routine, academic, lecture, recommend, queue, occupy, fit in, autonomous,I have studied for six months at a British university,and feel thatI have _ well _ the life away from my _. I live in student accommodation. After eating breakfast at the_ I go by minibus to the university _ halls or the library. My tutor _ that I only work for six hours each day and behave as a/an _ learner. He thinks I should _ some optional activities such as clubs forextra _ work on my essays. I am not sure whether I will be able to meet the _ of my course,adjusted,motherland,cafeteria,lecture,recommends,autonomous,substitute,academic,requirements,to,or not, as it takes so long for me to do my work. Take revising_ of my essays as an example, it _ too much of mytime. However, my _ tells me that if I join in more socialactivities I will improve my understanding of English _. So I spend some time in a club in the afternoon. In the evening, I usually _ for my meal at the cafeteria and then go home. Day in and day out I follow almost the same _. I _ quite well.,routine,drafts,occupies,tutor,idioms,queue,fit in,Answer key for Exercise 3 on Page 40:,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,
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