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新一代人工智能发展规划新一代人工智能发展规划Development Planning for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence人工智能的迅速发展将深刻改变人类社会生活、改变世界。为抢抓人工智 能发展的重大战略机遇,构筑我国人工智能发展的先发优势,加快建设创新型 国家和世界科技强国,按照党中央、国务院部署要求,制定本规划。The rapid development of artificial intelligence will change the human social life and the world in profound ways. This Planning is hereby established as a requirement for deployment by the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council, in order to grasp the significant opportunity in strategy for the development of artificial intelligence, build its first mover advantages in China, and accelerate the construction of the innovative country and a world technology superpower.一、战略态势一、战略态势 I. Strategic position 人工智能发展进入新阶段。经过 60 多年的演进,特别是在移动互联网、大 数据、超级计算、传感网、脑科学等新理论新技术以及经济社会发展强烈需求 的共同驱动下,人工智能加速发展,呈现出深度学习、跨界融合、人机协同、 群智开放、自主操控等新特征。大数据驱动知识学习、跨媒体协同处理、人机 协同增强智能、群体集成智能、自主智能系统成为人工智能的发展重点,受脑 科学研究成果启发的类脑智能蓄势待发,芯片化硬件化平台化趋势更加明显, 人工智能发展进入新阶段。当前,新一代人工智能相关学科发展、理论建模、 技术创新、软硬件升级等整体推进,正在引发链式突破,推动经济社会各领域 从数字化、网络化向智能化加速跃升。 The development of artificial intelligence has stepped into a new stage. With an evolution spanning over 60 years, jointly driven by the mobile Internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, brain science - new theories and technology and the strong demands for economic and social development, artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, and is characterized by deep learning, cross-border fusion, human- machine collaboration, crowd intelligence, autonomic intelligence and the like. Big- data-driven knowledge learning, cross-media collaboration processing, human- machine hybrid-augmented intelligence, crowd integration intelligence and autonomous intelligence systems have been the focus of development for artificial intelligence. The brain-like intelligence is ready, the chip-type hardware and software platform trend is becoming more distinct and artificial intelligence development has stepped onto a new stage. Currently, disciplinary development, theoretical modeling, technological innovation and software therefore, China has to broaden its horizon to include the whole world to systematically arrange and initiatively plan for artificial intelligence development at a national strategic level, and firmly grasp the strategic initiative of international competition at the artificial intelligence development stage. This will create new competitive advantages, expand new development space and effectively safeguard national security. 人工智能成为经济发展的新引擎。人工智能作为新一轮产业变革的核心驱 动力,将进一步释放历次科技革命和产业变革积蓄的巨大能量,并创造新的强 大引擎,重构生产、分配、交换、消费等经济活动各环节,形成从宏观到微观 各领域的智能化新需求,催生新技术、新产品、新产业、新业态、新模式,引 发经济结构重大变革,深刻改变人类生产生活方式和思维模式,实现社会生产 力的整体跃升。我国经济发展进入新常态,深化供给侧结构性改革任务非常艰 巨,必须加快人工智能深度应用,培育壮大人工智能产业,为我国经济发展注 入新动能。 Artificial intelligence has become a new engine of economic development. Artificial intelligence, as the core drive of a new round of industrial transformation, will further release huge power accumulated through previous scientific and technological revolutions and industrial transformations, create a new powerful engine, reconstruct all links of production, distribution, exchange, consumption and such economic activities, form new demands for intelligentization from macroscopic to microscopic fields, force the emergence of new technology, new products, new industries, new business models and new patterns, lead to significant economic structure transformation and profoundly change the lifestyle and thinking mode of human beings in achieving the overall leap in the social productive forces. The economic development of China has entered a state of New Normal and it is a very challenging task to deepen the supple-side structural reform; hence, it is necessary to accelerate the in-depth application of artificial intelligence, cultivate and strengthen the artificial intelligence industry to inject new fuel for the economic development of China. 人工智能带来社会建设的新机遇。我国正处于全面建成小康社会的决胜阶 段,人口老龄化、资源环境约束等挑战依然严峻,人工智能在教育、医疗、养 老、环境保护、城市运行、司法服务等领域广泛应用,将极大提高公共服务精 准化水平,全面提升人民生活品质。人工智能技术可准确感知、预测、预警基 础设施和社会安全运行的重大态势,及时把握群体认知及心理变化,主动决策 反应,将显著提高社会治理的能力和水平,对有效维护社会稳定具有不可替代 的作用。 Artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities to social construction. China is in the decisive stage of building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way, and the aging population and environmental and resource restrictions are still faced with many challenges; hence, the wide application of artificial intelligence in education, medical treatment, pension services, environmental protection, urban operation, justice services and related fields will greatly improve the precision level of public service and comprehensively improve life quality. Artificial intelligence technology is capable of accurately perceiving, predicting and pre-warning the significant situation of infrastructure and social safety management, promptly holding the collective cognition and psychological changes, and actively making decisions and responses, and thus it will si
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