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Lesson 60 Fix and mend,Learning aims : 1.Master the new words: mend ,must ,touch ,repair 2. Understand the words tear ,cassette,deck, buzz, exactly ,power 3. Learn the song,When something breaks ,you need to repair it .Look ,the man is repairing the power line .A power line carries electricity.,Do you know ?,fix,mend,repair 都是修理的意思,fix 指修理手表、自行车等。是非正式用语,mend 着重“修补”衣服、鞋伞、道路等,而repair用于修理结构较为复杂的,损伤较大的东西,如机器、汽车等。,Exercise:Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms .,1.Each group _(need) boys and girls . 2.M y bike is _(break) . 3.My shoes _(have) a hole . 4.There _(be) a pair of shoes . 5.A power line _(carry) electricity. 6.I know _ (exact) what _(do) 7.My backpack _ (not fit) . 8.They need _(go) and try .,needs,broken,have,is,carries,exactly,to do,doesnt fit,to go,Lets learn a song !,Group A the boys sing the orange words .,Group B the girls sing the purple words .,Can you learn from something these pictures ? They are all from garbage !,You can use your garbage ,too.,Save our world ! Thank you !,
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