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Wu Chunrong Foreign Language Department R-107 dxxzdhsina.com 5505883;64605,Advanced English,Germany,U.S.S.R.,Book One Lesson FiveHitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.Rby Winston S. Churchill Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.,Non-aggression Pact,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.,In March 1939, Britain and France started talks with the Soviet Union on possible cooperation against Fascist Germany.At that time Britain under Chamberlain and France under Daladier were pursuing a policy of appeasement. After three months fruitless negotiation, the talks were broken off.,Then in order to protect itself, the Soviet Union signed the non-aggression pact with Hitlers Germany on August 23, 1939. On Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. On Sept. 17, Soviet troops also crossed the border and moved into Poland, taking 77,000 sm of territory.,The Russo-Finnish war began on Nov. 1, 1939 and ended in March 1940. The Finns sued for peace and ceded an area of over16,000 sm to the Soviet Union. In June 1940, Soviet troops occupied the three Baltic states (拉脱维亚,爱沙尼亚,立陶宛,芬兰)and part of Rumania.,Before the fall of Poland, British intelligence officers managed to get hold of a German coding machine and a group of code-breaking experts, called the Bletchly Park group, soon discovered how the machine worked. With the help of this machine, the British were able to decipher all German coded messages.,So on June 6, the British had already learnt that Hitler was to attack Russia and so passed on a warning to the Soviet Union, which was unheeded. On June 20, two days before the invasion, Churchill worked on a speech to be broadcast to the world when the invading forces rolled into Russia. The speech was carefully composed, full of grave themes and weighty arguments. Churchill polished the text on June 22, 1941 in his Elizabethan manor at Chequers.,Union Flag,Union Jack,British Meteor Flag,Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,British politician and prime minister of the United Kingdom,Full name:Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill(1874-1965) His names testify to the richness of his historic inheritance: Winston, after the Royalist family with whom the Churchill married before the English Civil War; Leonard, after his remarkable grandfather, Leonard Jerome of New York;Spencer, the married name of a daughter of the 1st duke of Marlborough, from whom the family descended; Churchill, the family name of the 1st duke, which his descendents resumed after the Battle of Waterloo.,quick facts,Birth November 30, 1874 Death January 24, 1965 Place of Birth Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England Political Party Conservative Official Title Prime minister Term 1940-1945 Prime minister of the United Kingdom 1951-1955 Prime minister of the United Kingdom Known for Leading the United Kingdom and the Allies to victory in World War II. Award 1953 Nobel Prize in literature,Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965),Winston Churchill was born on Nov. 30,1874. He was the eldest son in the family.He went to Harrow in 1888 and then to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. He was neither successful nor happy at school. (Other famous public schools in England are Eton, Winchester, Charterhouse, Rugby etc.),Facts about Churchill,In school Churchill was at the bottom of his class. Nothing showed that he would become “the largest human being of our time” Physically he was not a big man - at 5-foot-8 he was shorter than Harry Truman.,1895: He was commissioned in the Fourth Hussars. He soon obtained a leave, and worked during the Cuban war as a reporter for the London Daily Graphic. 1896 - 1897: Churchill served as a soldier and journalist in India. 1900: After a brief but eventful career in the army, he became a Conservative Member of Parliament.,1904: He switched from conservatives to Liberal Party1910-11: Home secretary 1911-1915: Lord of the admiralty 1940-1945: Prime Minister and Minister of Defense 1951:Prime Minister (1955 resign) 1953: Queen Elizabeth II conferred on Churchill the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter 1955-1964: a Member of Parliament 1963: the honorary citizenship of the United States conferred by President Kennedy 1965:He suffered cerebral thrombosis,Lord Randolph Churchill,Blenheim Palace,MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT,Winston Churchill in 1904,Following his graduation from the Royal Military College he was commissioned in the Forth Hussars.As a war correspondent he was captured.After his escape he became a National Hero.Ten month later he was elected as a member of the Conservative Party. In 1904 he joined the Liberal Party where he became the president of the Board of Trade.,WORLD WAR I,His career was almost destroyed as a result of the unsuccessful Gallipoli campaign during the First World War.,For ten years during the depression Churchill was denied cabinet office.,Gallipoli Campaign,WORLD WAR II,World War II broke out in September 1939 when Germany marched into Poland.Britain and France responded to the invasion of Poland by declaring war on Germany.,
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