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,Unit13 The Water Planet,Hongqiao middle school Chen Suirui,Period 1. Reading Period 2. Speaking Period 3. Language Study Period 4. Listening Period 5. Integrating Skills,Period 1 READING,Why is it blue?,Water Planet,1.What else have you learned about water and the water planet?,3.Do you know any properties of water?,2.What would happen if there were no water on our planet?,Activity 1. Structure of the passage,1 minute to skim the passage and fill in the chart below. You do not need to read the whole text.,The properties of water,chemical structure,salinity,density,heat capacity,ocean motion,two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; the water molecule is polar,break down nutrients quickly; a liquid at room temperature; a relatively high freezing point,the relationship between mass and volume; pure water 1 000 kg/m3;one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogrammes,help small creatures float; the oceans never freeze totally,the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance one degree centigrade;relatively high,keep the ocean at a steady temperature; keep the temperature of the earth steady,The following experiments will illustrate some of the key properties of water. Examine them carefully, explain what happens and why, using the information from the reading material.,Activity 2.,Experiment 1: Pour water and vegetable oil into a glass. What happens? Why?,Experiment 2: Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. Put an ice cube in each glass. What happens? Why?,Experiment 3: Put a piece of chalk in water for 24 hours. What happens? Why?,Experiment 1: Pour water and vegetable oil into a glass. What happens? Why?,Experiment 2: Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. Put an ice cube in each glass. What happens? Why?,Experiment 3: Put a piece of chalk in water for 24 hours. What happens? Why?,They are floating on the surface of Dead Sea. Can you explain how they can do this?,Why must we learn about the properties of water?,We must protect water and use it wisely!,Period 2 SPEAKING,How is water used in different ways?,Electricity Agriculture Home use Industry Transport Entertainment ,How is the water being used in ? Why do we use water in this way? Is it a good way to use water? Who benefits from using water in this way? What are the disadvantages if doing so? Can you think of a better way to solve the problem? What will we do if ?,Questions for you to ask and answer:,Useful expressions: The water being used to/for We should/could What will we do if ? If we , we can It would be better to Can you think of a better way to ,We should do all we can to protect water from being polluted!,.,Water-saving methods at home Discuss with your partners to work out some useful and practical ways to save water at home?,Design a poster to show people the importance of using and protecting our water!,Do not let your tear be the last drop of water in the world!,Period 3 WORD STUDY,Modal Verbs: Possibility: can/could,may/might Ability: can/could,be able to Requests: can/could,will/would,would like Necessity: must,have to,have got to,need Certainty: must,will,should Permission: can/could,may/might Suggestions: could may/might,shall Advice: should,ought to,had better,Period 4 LISTENING,Coleridge, Samuel Taylor(1772-1834), English poet,critic and philosopher who was a leader of romantic movement.,Who tells the story in the poem? 2.What does one of the sailors do? 3.What do you think will happen next? 4.Why are the sailors frightened?,Listen to the story and answer the questions.,Part 1,Listen to the story and answer the questions.,Part 2,1. What happens to the sailors? 2. What happens to the mariner? Why? 3. Why is the person telling the story? 4. Tell the story to your classmates.,There are many poems about the ocean and the life of sailors and fishermen. Work with your partner and see whether you can find another poem or story like this. If not, can you come up with a good, scary story like the one about the mariner?,Period 5 INTEGRATING SKILLS,READING: NATURES NURSERY: ESTUARIES,Activity 1. Finding Topic Sentences,Topic Sentence of Paragraph 1 Sentence:,As the oceans are the source of life on earth, the estuaries are our planets nurseries.,Topic Sentence of Paragraph 2 Sentence:,Estuaries are great places for natures young ones.,Topic Sentence of Paragraph 3 Sentence:,Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources, thus cleaning our water.,Topic Sentence of Paragraph 4 Sentence:,Estuaries provide both recreation and education for human beings.,Activity 2. Structure of the passage,1,2,4,3,1,2,4,3,1,2,3,4,Activity 3. Answering the questions,1.Why are estuaries such good places for natures young ones? 2.What does density mean in this passage? 3.How do estuaries affect the water that passes through them? 4.Why are estuaries more sensitive to pollution than other areas? 5.Why are estuaries important to human beings?,
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