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1.1.tackling climate will cost consumers the earth. 1.C.the cost of a green revolution rises. 2.B appropriate 3.A cutting 4.B past 5.D rising 6.B no 7C the electrification2.2.shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. K revealing A illustrates J increasingly O recording D particular C publicly M means E decide L unlikely H caution3.3.pregnancy mothers are getting a new tool to help keep 1.A take 2.C people 3.A in the 4.D to reduce 5.D pay4.4.as a group of young African immigrants struggles to adapt to 1.D become 2.A their annual creative 3.D its a cooperative 4.C remarkable 5.D introduce5.5.it can be tempting to make a hasty decisionBBCAC ADADD CBACA DDBAC6.6.all in all, it was probably a mistake to 1.A more money buys more 2.C show richness 3.B more options 4.C people may 5.B it relieves 6.A are taken 7.D making7.7.when louise brown was born on 25 july 1978, B technology J healthy L extra M majority A weigh F naturally G expressed H procedure E unclear I unique8.8.we may all like to consider ourselves free spirits. 1.C act without 2. A which cellphone tower 3.D our human 4.C go to 5.B the predictability9.9.hows this for unintended consequences? 1.A they got a 16 increase 2.D women who 3.D have 4.B had lower 5.D divorce10. 10.unlike downturns past. BBABD ACBCC DDACB CDCBC11. 11.we never forget our best teachers 1.B low salary 2.A a good teacher 3.C their 4.A the lack 5.C she agrees 6.D it has turned 7.C unfairness12.a paper, anatomy of a large social search engine, A working C aims K relevance N challenge O rely D responses E fundamentally J significant L instant I competent13.of all the lessons taught by the financial crisis, C enable 2.B is expected to be ineffective 3.D has been more 4. A carry 5.C unwise14 .british psychologists have found evidence of a link 1.A use 2.D respondents 3.C excessive use of internet usually 4.B are intended 5.D is15.a report last week showed that almost half of all men failed to take up BDDCA ABDCD BDAAB BCADD16.when I was growing up 1.B they decided 2.A signs 3.A parents tend 4.D having kids 5.C half 6.B enjoyable 7.C changes18.could the reason for the worlds economic O current F likely K found G equivalent I high B started N studied C however A found H style19.heres some good mews for parents of tweens and teens 1.D parents 2.A they cut 3.B avoid ruling 4.A to achieve 5.C who have20.in a survey conducted by research firm harris interactive 1.C travel with family and friends during 2.D by keeping your 3.A is usually free 4.B hotels 5.D avoid21.employers and career experts see a growing CADAB CBBCA BBADA CCADA 22.its my familys tradition to exchange gifts 1.B they made 2.B they had 3.A to see 4.D have 5.D is not acceptable 6.A they feel 7.C uncomfortable23.would you be happier if you spent more time F subject D shallow A proposed O key M meaning I connect N fantastic K fundamental G otherwise H planned 24.hollywood has a message for scientists 1.B they are scientifically 2.A get 3.D practically 4. A extend 5.C short 24.there was a time, not that long ago, 1.A find 2.C given 3.B their marriage rate was lower 4.D peoples outlook 5.A favorable25.higher education has a responsibility to provide a workforce ADCCD ABBCA ADDBC DABDA26.im not convinced its as bad as the experts make out 1.C psychological 2.D emphasizing 3.C no 4. B humans desire 50.C flyers 6.A encourages 7. C seeking27.next time you enter a username and password D stable F verify N patterns O separate A stressed C provoke E verify B alone K detected I differently28.its hot now in Afghanistan 1.C many 2.D reducing 3.D its insecure 4. D she expected 5.A they help farmers29.forget brother 1.B in 2.A parents help 3.C parents still 4.D they are 5.A parents should help30.eleven days after her son benjamins birth by c-section ADDBB ABCBC DCCAB ACDCB31.on almost any night of the week 1.B old 2.C become 3.B suburbanization 4.C it 5.D prosperity 6.C get a 7.B more32.barack and michelle obama understand the heavy burden of student loan debt C rising D jump E pressure M easier O reasonably G poverty N working F initiative B state I balance 33.if youre like most people 1.D they are not 2.D it keeps 3.B they get 4. A rely less on slogans 5. C the most impressive34.women still have an uneasy relationship with power and the traits necessary 1.B lacking in womanliness 2.C she wasnt stressed 3.A she was the interviewer 4.B when she was in 5.D our 35 BDBAC DCCAC BCDAB DABCA36.for a few yeas now, 1.A persuade 2.C engage 3.D are 4.B their parents help 5.A it is considered 6.B their parents dont 7.C the common37.skip that third helping of roast beef D explored H consumes G considerable M reduction J achieve B even N boost C trends A developing38.earlier this yeas I me
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